Scalia says revolt may be necessary

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

King was referring to the danger of the American far right and libertarians.

King and Malcolm X refused to serve on the Democrat Plantation. They were reactionaries so LBJ had them both assassinated

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

LBJ also had both Kennedys assasinated and faked the moon landing
Well, that's certainly a stepdown from your claim that the US has some of the lowest taxes in the world. Then add state and local, which few other countries have and a progressive tax structure.

It does include state and local

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.
No, from your link:

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.

I trust you understand what "understate" means. The US does not have exceptionally high taxes, but it is certainly not among the lowest. State and local taxes are non-existent in most countries, but amount to about 20% of total taxation in the US.

We are not among the lowest when compared to countries like Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia

But if you compare us to Germany, France, UK and Canada we are exceptionally low. Does Scalia expect armed revolutions in those countries because of their tax rates?
Scalia Suggests Students 'Revolt' If Taxes Get Too High

Scalia is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. Just how far are justices allowed to wander before they are declared incompetent and senile?

This, like so many other things Scalia has done, takes the cake.

Scalia is emboldened. He says something truly outrageous, nobody says a damn thing, so he takes another step. And another. And another. We are becoming inured to his insanity.

Now wait just a damn minute, how can you say that you talking about Scalia?

Carry on.

It does include state and local

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.
No, from your link:

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.

I trust you understand what "understate" means. The US does not have exceptionally high taxes, but it is certainly not among the lowest. State and local taxes are non-existent in most countries, but amount to about 20% of total taxation in the US.

We are not among the lowest when compared to countries like Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia

But if you compare us to Germany, France, UK and Canada we are exceptionally low. Does Scalia expect armed revolutions in those countries because of their tax rates?

Scalia shouldn't be sitting on the Supreme Court and advocating for Revolt.

If he wants to engage in that sort of nonsense he should quit the court and join FOX.

Actually, if there was ever anything to impeach a judge about? This should be it.
Revolutions are revolting.

Everybody's gonna lose if one starts.

You think the government is repressive now?

Wait until the government has a real threat and see how bad it becomes


Wait until the revolutionaries win and see what government repression looks like from their "interum" revolutionary government

Either way, a revolution is a truly bad idea.
It does include state and local

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.
No, from your link:

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.

I trust you understand what "understate" means. The US does not have exceptionally high taxes, but it is certainly not among the lowest. State and local taxes are non-existent in most countries, but amount to about 20% of total taxation in the US.

We are not among the lowest when compared to countries like Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia

But if you compare us to Germany, France, UK and Canada we are exceptionally low. Does Scalia expect armed revolutions in those countries because of their tax rates?
We have lower, but not exceptionally low taxes even compared to those European countries and we are certainly not a tax haven. In fact, our progressive tax structure is one of the primary reasons those tax havens exist.
If the people in this country had to make the payments for all their taxes themselves, the revolution would start in under a year.

BTW, I advocate for people to make their own payments.
Scalia Suggests Students 'Revolt' If Taxes Get Too High

Scalia is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. Just how far are justices allowed to wander before they are declared incompetent and senile?

As usual you misread something to make it suit your insipid agenda. What Scalia was suggesting was that revolution is the end game for someone who thinks the government is being wrong/unfair. He said it is always an option, you know, because this country was FOUNDED on a revolution.

Yeah, that is what he said, as the partisan drool dripped from his lips.
You people talk about Hitler and Government overreach and then you swoon over Putin....:cuckoo:

You are very confused.
Scalia Suggests Students 'Revolt' If Taxes Get Too High

Scalia is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. Just how far are justices allowed to wander before they are declared incompetent and senile?

As usual you misread something to make it suit your insipid agenda. What Scalia was suggesting was that revolution is the end game for someone who thinks the government is being wrong/unfair. He said it is always an option, you know, because this country was FOUNDED on a revolution.

Yeah, that is what he said, as the partisan drool dripped from his lips.

I am unaware of any revolution in history because tax rates are too high

I have, however, seen many, many revolutions because of an unbalanced distribution of wealth

Why isn't Scalia warning us of that?
Scalia Suggests Students 'Revolt' If Taxes Get Too High

Scalia is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. Just how far are justices allowed to wander before they are declared incompetent and senile?

This, like so many other things Scalia has done, takes the cake.

Scalia is emboldened. He says something truly outrageous, nobody says a damn thing, so he takes another step. And another. And another. We are becoming inured to his insanity.

Thus my initial point. When does a judges comments and stances become so outrageous that it is obvious he is a victim of senility, senility, or some other brain disorder? It is then that someone should come forward and suggest strongly to the judge that he should voluntarily step down.

His outrageous comments and assertion are coming more frequently. He has now crossed over and is brazenly showing that he is the most partisan justice ever to serve on the bench. He and Thomas will never approach any case with an open mind.
If it were possible to deliver an electronic "dope slap," this is a prime occasion for it. I wish I had a nickel for every empty-headed jackass who made disparaging remarks about the intelligence and capabilities of Justices Scalia and Thomas. They NEVER mention a position actually taken by them or an argument they have made and try to rebut it. In variably, they mention an out-of-context, sophomoric misunderstanding of some partial quote. Why be substantive and coherent when you can simply ridicule someone who is infinitely more intelligent than yourself?

Discussions about tax rates from country to country are almost always slanted to accomplish the persuasive objectives of the author. Every country taxes things differently. In the U.S., we are taxed, generally, by FIVE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT (Fed, State, County, Municipality, and School District), and not only are our incomes taxed, but our real and personal property, and the goods & services we purchase. Christ, DEATH is a taxable event!

Further, the social-democracies of Western Europe (with which we are often compared) provide a much-enhanced social safety net that includes taxpayer funded education through college and trade school, daycare, health care, retirement care, generous, permanent unemployment compensation, and so on. It's not for nothing that they pay $8 per gallon for gas. OF COURSE their income tax rates are going to be higher than ours. How could it NOT be?

And what is the "American" rate of income taxation when New York and California have state income taxes that can exceed 10% of gross, while Texas and Florida don't even have a state income tax? Are payroll taxes (social security, medicare) included as federal income taxes? That's what they are, you know. There is no "trust fund."

I have to finish by saying that the statement above that, the U.S. has some of the lowest tax rates in the world, is one of the dumbest statements I've ever read.

Yes, Nancy, 47% of employed Americans pay an effective federal tax rate of zero (or less, if you count the EITC), which by definition is the lowest tax rate in the world. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

If it were possible to deliver an electronic "dope slap," this is a prime occasion for it. I wish I had a nickel for every empty-headed jackass who made disparaging remarks about the intelligence and capabilities of Justices Scalia and Thomas. They NEVER mention a position actually taken by them or an argument they have made and try to rebut it. In variably, they mention an out-of-context, sophomoric misunderstanding of some partial quote. Why be substantive and coherent when you can simply ridicule someone who is infinitely more intelligent than yourself?

Discussions about tax rates from country to country are almost always slanted to accomplish the persuasive objectives of the author. Every country taxes things differently. In the U.S., we are taxed, generally, by FIVE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT (Fed, State, County, Municipality, and School District), and not only are our incomes taxed, but our real and personal property, and the goods & services we purchase. Christ, DEATH is a taxable event!

Further, the social-democracies of Western Europe (with which we are often compared) provide a much-enhanced social safety net that includes taxpayer funded education through college and trade school, daycare, health care, retirement care, generous, permanent unemployment compensation, and so on. It's not for nothing that they pay $8 per gallon for gas. OF COURSE their income tax rates are going to be higher than ours. How could it NOT be?

And what is the "American" rate of income taxation when New York and California have state income taxes that can exceed 10% of gross, while Texas and Florida don't even have a state income tax? Are payroll taxes (social security, medicare) included as federal income taxes? That's what they are, you know. There is no "trust fund."

I have to finish by saying that the statement above that, the U.S. has some of the lowest tax rates in the world, is one of the dumbest statements I've ever read.

Yes, Nancy, 47% of employed Americans pay an effective federal tax rate of zero (or less, if you count the EITC), which by definition is the lowest tax rate in the world. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.


Bullshit Nancy

Every American pays taxes. Sales tax, payroll tax, gas tax. Regardless, among industrialized countries, we have among the lowest tax rates in the world
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

King was referring to the danger of the American far right and libertarians.

King and Malcolm X refused to serve on the Democrat Plantation. They were reactionaries so LBJ had them both assassinated

If you believe that, your head is a scary place.
The US has some of the lowest individual tax rates in the world

are you including state/local/property/fees etc. etc. etc. that we all pay and do not notice?

How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries? - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

The graph at the top of this article comes from a KPMG report excavated by Henry Blodget. It shows personal tax rates on $100,000 around the world. The U.S. comes in at 55th out of 114.

It should be lower. More taxes does not equal a better life, contrary to your progressive Utopian fantasy land.
As usual you misread something to make it suit your insipid agenda. What Scalia was suggesting was that revolution is the end game for someone who thinks the government is being wrong/unfair. He said it is always an option, you know, because this country was FOUNDED on a revolution.

Yeah, that is what he said, as the partisan drool dripped from his lips.

I am unaware of any revolution in history because tax rates are too high

I have, however, seen many, many revolutions because of an unbalanced distribution of wealth

Why isn't Scalia warning us of that?

The American revolution was about taxes being imposed without adequate representation. Considering they wanted them to be zero unless authorized by the colonial governments, that counts as "too high"

Part of the cause of the american civil was over excessive tarriffs, which are taxes.

I suggest you open a history book before you post.
are you including state/local/property/fees etc. etc. etc. that we all pay and do not notice?

How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries? - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

The graph at the top of this article comes from a KPMG report excavated by Henry Blodget. It shows personal tax rates on $100,000 around the world. The U.S. comes in at 55th out of 114.

It should be lower. More taxes does not equal a better life, contrary to your progressive Utopian fantasy land.

Move that goal post!

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