scalice did not speak at racist you trust lib media?

What medicine would that be....calling the democrats the party of racists....because that is the truth...not a this story may be....

Are there lots of Democrats in the KKK nowadays? Can you name some?

No they belong to la know, spanish for "the race,' can't imagine that's racist....can you...or they belong to the NAACP...another racist group....or the congressional black caucus...or the have al "tawana braley" sharpton over to the White House 80 some odd times, or attended a racist, Anti American black church for 20 years.....the white racists in the party know better now....they have to hide their racism in the programs they create to keep minorities under control and voting for them.....since lynchings, jim crow, and literacy tests didn't do the job...but imagine...they had a known kkk member as part of their leadership until very recently....and not one of you libs yes...the democrat party is the party of all racism....they want all Americans under their control and they will fight each other after they succeed....

Your short answer should have been 'no' and 'I can't'
Quick, someone find a way to erase the evidence.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip, acknowledged Monday that he spoke at a gathering hosted by white-supremacist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002, thrusting a racial controversy into House Republican ranks days before the party assumes control of both congressional chambers.

House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white supremacists in 2002 - The Washington Post

No. 3 Republican Admits Talking to White Supremacist Conference - The Daily Beast

It's hilarious to watch the NaziCon spin cycle in action.

It isn't the conservative media...the story is in the main stream now......but they will only post articles today...when people aren't looking....except for you guys who will perpetuate another democrat lie....
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip, acknowledged Monday that he spoke at a gathering hosted by white-supremacist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002, thrusting a racial controversy into House Republican ranks days before the party assumes control of both congressional chambers.

House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white supremacists in 2002 - The Washington Post

No. 3 Republican Admits Talking to White Supremacist Conference - The Daily Beast

It's hilarious to watch the NaziCon spin cycle in action.

Did he promote their agenda? Did he sign up? Is there a relevant point to take away from this besides projected bigotry of the worst order?
Except for the people who were there and touting his speech.

"Scalise was reportedly armed with a microphone at the Landmark Best Western in Metairie and talking about tax policy to an international convention… of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. According to a commenter who used the name “Alsace Hebert,”

Steve Scalise was a highlight of the convention. Quoting (from a 2002 post on Stormfront):

  • "EURO’s recent national convention held in the greater New Orleans area was a convergence of ideas represented by Americans from diverse geographical regions like California, Texas, New Jersey and the Carolina’s. This indicates that concerns held are pervasive in every sovereign state and Republic alike, within an increasingly diminishing view of where America stands on individual liberty for whites.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Was Reportedly an Honored Guest at 2002 International White Supremacist Convention
Sovereign Staters were there too?!!! :ack-1:
Scalise has admitted to having many of the same views as Grand Wizard David Duke.

I thought he "apologized" or said he "regretted" doing it or something. No?

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip, acknowledged Monday that he spoke at a gathering hosted by white-supremacist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002, thrusting a racial controversy into House Republican ranks days before the party assumes control of both congressional chambers.

House Majority Whip Scalise confirms he spoke to white supremacists in 2002 - The Washington Post

No. 3 Republican Admits Talking to White Supremacist Conference - The Daily Beast

It's hilarious to watch the NaziCon spin cycle in action.

Did he promote their agenda? Did he sign up? Is there a relevant point to take away from this besides projected bigotry of the worst order?

Turns out he didn't even speak at their meeting....he spoke at a morning event of a community group...the racists didn't meet until the afternoon.....the democrats are lying again......he reacted because he didn't realize the two groups were actually not associated and he tried to get out in front of the allegation.....and now no matter what the truth is the democrats and their minions in the media will keep the lie, and forget the truth....just like Ferguson, and obamacare...and all the other democrat lies....
There now be more evidence that the idiot, establishment republican did not speak at a racist event.....he is still an idiot, but perhaps not as stupid as believed to be.....

So turns out maybe Steve Scalise didn 8217 t speak at a white supremacist event after all Hot Air
bummed that tomorrow is a holiday. I’m curious to see how the goalposts shift again.

According to [Duke associate Kenny] Knight, the EURO conference was slated to start in the early afternoon, roughly around 1 p.m. But his reservation at the hotel gave him access to the conference space for a few hours before the event’s official kickoff. At the time, Knight headed the Jefferson Heights Civic Association, which was largely comprised of elderly people who lived in his and Scalise’s neighborhood.

Knight said he set up a morning event for his own civic association in the hotel space before the EURO conference started. Though that event was in the conference’s hospitality room, it wasn’t at all related to the EURO event, he said…

Knight estimates that about two-thirds to three-quarters of the people in the hospitality room at the civic association meeting were local residents who weren’t there to attend the EURO event, and about one-third to one-quarter were EURO convention attendees who arrived early and filtered into the hospitality room to drink coffee and kill time.

“I don’t think Steve was aware that there was a small contingent of people who came and sat in the audience prior to the EURO meeting,” Knight said."

It seems that though this is the pettiest attempt to smear someone yet, Scalise has fallen right into it. So, yeah, he looks stupid. Whether he was there or not. He should have never even answered that question or given it any validity from stormfront and neo-nazis.

And this from a left wing site....but it still won't stop the lying.....

Kenny Knight and Barbara Noble claim Steve Scalise never spoke to EURO Did the House majority whip wrongly confess to speaking to David Duke rsquo s group

Knight invited then–state Rep. Scalise as well as a representative from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office and a person from the American Red Cross to speak to the civic association at the hotel. Knight said he thinks the Red Cross speaker was from a local chapter but didn’t remember specifically. He also said he didn’t remember the names of either of the other speakers. The representative from the sheriff’s department spoke to attendees about a neighborhood watch program, and the person from the Red Cross discussed CPR techniques. Scalise also spoke.

What happened is this.....someone found out that the guy who set up the community even knew duke, and that scalise spoke at the hotel....but didn't actually check the details that showed he didn't speak to the racists....but he reported it that way....scalise knew he spoke a an event at the same place, at an invite from this guy and someone from his staff told him to get out in front of it....not knowing he actually didn't speak at the racist event......

but only democrats get the benefit of the doubt....he's still toast....

And this is how they spin it. Now they are going to make him look stupid for admitting to something he probably didn't do and worse - apologized for it.

This is what the looney left does - they capitalize on a story, will spin one that isnt there and then capitalize, or spin it backwards and capitalize.

And republicans always end up looking stupid. You see?
There now be more evidence that the idiot, establishment republican did not speak at a racist event.....he is still an idiot, but perhaps not as stupid as believed to be.....

So turns out maybe Steve Scalise didn 8217 t speak at a white supremacist event after all Hot Air
bummed that tomorrow is a holiday. I’m curious to see how the goalposts shift again.

According to [Duke associate Kenny] Knight, the EURO conference was slated to start in the early afternoon, roughly around 1 p.m. But his reservation at the hotel gave him access to the conference space for a few hours before the event’s official kickoff. At the time, Knight headed the Jefferson Heights Civic Association, which was largely comprised of elderly people who lived in his and Scalise’s neighborhood.

Knight said he set up a morning event for his own civic association in the hotel space before the EURO conference started. Though that event was in the conference’s hospitality room, it wasn’t at all related to the EURO event, he said…

Knight estimates that about two-thirds to three-quarters of the people in the hospitality room at the civic association meeting were local residents who weren’t there to attend the EURO event, and about one-third to one-quarter were EURO convention attendees who arrived early and filtered into the hospitality room to drink coffee and kill time.

“I don’t think Steve was aware that there was a small contingent of people who came and sat in the audience prior to the EURO meeting,” Knight said."

It seems that though this is the pettiest attempt to smear someone yet, Scalise has fallen right into it. So, yeah, he looks stupid. Whether he was there or not. He should have never even answered that question or given it any validity from stormfront and neo-nazis.

Scalise knows there is more stuff out there.

That's why he owned up to it, rather than be caught lying.
There now be more evidence that the idiot, establishment republican did not speak at a racist event.....he is still an idiot, but perhaps not as stupid as believed to be.....

So turns out maybe Steve Scalise didn 8217 t speak at a white supremacist event after all Hot Air
bummed that tomorrow is a holiday. I’m curious to see how the goalposts shift again.

According to [Duke associate Kenny] Knight, the EURO conference was slated to start in the early afternoon, roughly around 1 p.m. But his reservation at the hotel gave him access to the conference space for a few hours before the event’s official kickoff. At the time, Knight headed the Jefferson Heights Civic Association, which was largely comprised of elderly people who lived in his and Scalise’s neighborhood.

Knight said he set up a morning event for his own civic association in the hotel space before the EURO conference started. Though that event was in the conference’s hospitality room, it wasn’t at all related to the EURO event, he said…

Knight estimates that about two-thirds to three-quarters of the people in the hospitality room at the civic association meeting were local residents who weren’t there to attend the EURO event, and about one-third to one-quarter were EURO convention attendees who arrived early and filtered into the hospitality room to drink coffee and kill time.

“I don’t think Steve was aware that there was a small contingent of people who came and sat in the audience prior to the EURO meeting,” Knight said."

It seems that though this is the pettiest attempt to smear someone yet, Scalise has fallen right into it. So, yeah, he looks stupid. Whether he was there or not. He should have never even answered that question or given it any validity from stormfront and neo-nazis.

Scalise knows there is more stuff out there.

That's why he owned up to it, rather than be caught lying.

Where is this more stuff then? All the effort put forth on this?


Bring it forward or STFU
This is why I show no mercy to democrats or libs on these discussion sites...they are vile...and use anything they can to protect their racist, anti American beliefs.....
Yeah....and michael brown was a gentle giant, and bill clinton never had sex with that woman...not one time, and you can keep your doctor....and the Duke lacrosse team raped that woman,

All lies....and the media wing of the democrat party keeps them alive...for the sake of power....

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