Scalise: "I'm a David Duke Republican"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Holy shit - Rachel Maddow has uncovered interviews from the late 1990s and early 2000s, where Scalise declares that he's a "David Duke Republican" and that he's "David Duke, without the baggage".

So let's guess how long before he is forced to resign as Majority Whip, or even resigns from Congress.

I say 2 weeks for the first. Not sure what the Republican tolerance for racists is these days, so he may survive as a Member.

I will post the video tomorrow, but you will all be familiar with it by then.
I don't know what a 'David Duke Republican without the baggage' is...but I can recognize an idiot...Scalise would be that.
If blacks are allowed to have the black congressional caucus. Well, your point is laughable.
You are a gimp with special groups that far outweigh any black special group. You are a hypocrite and a gimp that sucks the tax payers of their hard earned money. Fucking special olympics. Fucking national association of gimps that can't walk, run jump or fuck....well your point is laughable.
Gee is there a link here somewhere or do we just take the word of a known liar like Assoholic that another known liar like Rachel Maddow is telling us the truth?
IF what you're saying is true (and that's a big IF), Republicans will shun him, unlike the Democrats who embraced Robert (KKK) Byrd and made him their leader in the Senate.
A racist who is not known nationally as a racist.

Something like the late Senator Robert Byrd...DEMOCRAT...West Virginia? Oh, never mind. Everybody nationally knew that old sonofabitch was a grand kleagel in the KKK.
^^^ the desperation of the wingnuts - Byrd left the KKK 70 years ago.

That's 70
Gee is there a link here somewhere or do we just take the word of a known liar like Assoholic that another known liar like Rachel Maddow is telling us the truth?
Google “David Duke without the baggage", you dumbass motherfucker.

Earnest noted that Scalise had reportedly described himself as “David Duke without the baggage,” and that Republicans had placed a priority on outreach to minority groups.
Where does he say he is a "David Duke Republican"?
OMG! HE said Republicans placed a priority on outreach to minority groups?? ZOMG! He must be a racist like Bull Fucking Connor if he said they wanted to reach out to minority groups! Everyone knows that means he wants all blacks arrested. Isnt that what "outreach" mean?
You are one stupid motherfucker for sure.
IF what you're saying is true (and that's a big IF), Republicans will shun him
Yeah, right!

Republican leaders have thus far stood by the Louisiana lawmaker, with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) saying Scalise retained his “full confidence” despite the “error in judgment.”

“Like many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I know Steve to be a man of high integrity and good character,” Boehner said.

After watch Ferguson, MO and many other places this last few months, I personally don't see a damn thing wrong with Scalise, Robert Byrd, David Duke or anyone else that is full up to the adams apple of those rioting, looting, burning black sumbitches that burn baby burn for NO APPARENT reason.
Gee is there a link here somewhere or do we just take the word of a known liar like Assoholic that another known liar like Rachel Maddow is telling us the truth?
Google “David Duke without the baggage", you dumbass motherfucker.

Earnest noted that Scalise had reportedly described himself as “David Duke without the baggage,” and that Republicans had placed a priority on outreach to minority groups.
Where does he say he is a "David Duke Republican"?
OMG! HE said Republicans placed a priority on outreach to minority groups?? ZOMG! He must be a racist like Bull Fucking Connor if he said they wanted to reach out to minority groups! Everyone knows that means he wants all blacks arrested. Isnt that what "outreach" mean?
You are one stupid motherfucker for sure.
Read it again, dumbass.

Earnest noted that Republicans had placed a priority on outreach to minority groups.

I already shut you up about the “David Duke without the baggage" - want to go for the full humiliation?
After watch Ferguson, MO and many other places this last few months, I personally don't see a damn thing wrong with Scalise, Robert Byrd, David Duke or anyone else that is full up to the adams apple of those rioting, looting, burning black sumbitches that burn baby burn for NO APPARENT reason.
That's the racist spirit!

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