Scaring SCOTUS. The LGBT Machine Burns the Midnight Oil, With Help From The GOP?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
What R. Maddow said on her June 2, 2015 show: Tuesday June 2 - msnbc - Rachel Maddow show -

"...tonight in the state of North Carolina, Republicans in the state
legislature there are about to pass an anti-gay marriage law
that does not
just remind people of the Loving versus Virginia case, it doesn`t just
invoke Richard and Mildred Loving as an analogy, as a reminder of when
Southern states would not marry mixed race couples, either -- what North
Carolina is about to do would not just remind about banning interracial
marriage, it would actually allow for that again
This North Carolina bill also passed the legislature, was actually
vetoed by the state`s governor, but the Republican-led legislature in North
Carolina is in the process of overriding that veto and putting this thing
into law anyway
. The Senate has overridden the veto. The House looks like
it`s about to override the veto, and that will make it law.
This bill was written as an anti-gay bill. Federal courts have ruled
that same-sex marriage is legal in North Carolina. The state has to
recognize the marriages of same-sex couples


What better way to nudge the SCOTUS right exactly at this juncture? The only thing perhaps more rattling would be an orchestrated political hit on the head of the Family Research Council, complete with faux-outrage for pedophiles. This from the group that carries Harvey Milk stamps around in their wallets and purses. Maddow seems to be suggesting that if gay marriage isn't mandated across the 50 states, that next will be bans on interracial marriage.

North Carolina has some interesting politics. That's all I'll say about that. It's just so very convenient that on the eve of a pivotal decision that the GOP there would be so cooperative to spur outrage in a deliberating SCOTUS "bans on gay marriage = bans on the races marrying!" (see! Race and behaviors ARE the same thing!). Not.

Maddow is wrong about gay marriage being legal in N. Carolina. It isn't. Lower federal appeals judges are not allowed to overturn Windsor 2013's Findings. Windsor 2013 awarded money to E. Windsor based on its deterimination that states are dominant to the fed on the question of gay marriage.

So, it has always been illegal in N. Carolina.

This attempt to weave racial tensions into the gay agenda isn't the first time. We've seen a disturbing trend in MSNBC along these lines in the recent past. It's just odd that the GOP in N. Carolina seems willing to act their part in the faux-outrage campaign..
Madcow is about as intellectually inspiring as a goldfish. The mouth keeps flapping, but nothing of value comes out.

I really don't give a shit if pillow biters get "married".

What does piss me off is how the PC Thugs have destroyed businesses and beaten back any opposition through fear of economic retaliation and undeserved character assasination. They couldn't justify gay marriage on an intellectual level.

It's because of this that I hope the SCOTUS rules against them. Had it no been for their thuggish behavior I wouldn't concern myself at all.

I really don't give a shit if pillow biters get "married".

What does piss me off is how the PC Thugs have destroyed businesses and beaten back any opposition through fear of economic retaliation and undeserved character assasination. They couldn't justify gay marriage on an intellectual level.

It's because of this that I hope the SCOTUS rules against them. Had it no been for their thuggish behavior I wouldn't concern myself at all.

Well you don't understand how their machine steamrollers through the law then. You go recognizing a cult of behaviors whose own members really don't understand their own behaviors as "a static class deserving protection" then you understand how businesses and individual Christians can have their characters assasinated and be fined and later likely jailed for opposing the cult's momentum.

They are experts at shoehorning the legal system. That if nothing else should be obvious to everyone in this debate. And any attempt to delve deeply into their glaring inconsistencies and shifting identification (lipstick lesbians being attracted to masculine traits) is met with a swift DON'T GO THERE! and even more vigorous tightening on the clamp on the conversation.

In fact, their legal momentum reminds me in no little way of the Scientologists method of getting dirt on politicians and the bold use of blackmail to gain what they want. Small wonder then that one of the founding members of the LGBT movement back in the 1960s & 70s had deep roots in the Scientology movement and was palling around with L. Ron Hubbard.

Harvey Milk himself even was an apologist for The Reverend Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre. Do you like a little Koolaide in your Milk?
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Sil's can pretend all she wishes that gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina until the cows come home. Meanwhile gays are getting married in the Tar Heel State. Sil's interpretation of Windsor's findings derives almost entirely from her own imagination.
Sil's can pretend all she wishes that gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina until the cows come home. Meanwhile gays are getting married in the Tar Heel State. Sil's interpretation of Windsor's findings derives almost entirely from her own imagination.
I can tell people I'm married to my car. That doesn't make it legal.
Sil's can pretend all she wishes that gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina until the cows come home. Meanwhile gays are getting married in the Tar Heel State. Sil's interpretation of Windsor's findings derives almost entirely from her own imagination.
I can tell people I'm married to my car. That doesn't make it legal.
Of course you can....but if you ever want to make it legal, let us know when you can get your car to sign a legal contract.
The far right bed wetting reactionaries are mad about "economic retaliation and character assassination" after they have used it for decades as political weapons?
Sil has crossed the line into conspiracy.

The GOP RW legislation, accordingly, is now part of an LGBT orchestrated event to . . . do what? Encourage Marriage Equality by passing laws to stop Marriage Equality?

Put this in the Conspiracy Forum, please.
Check this out --
Joyce Carol OatesVerified account‏@JoyceCarolOates
Joyce Carol Oates retweeted Chris Tilly

So barbaric that this should still be allowed... No conservation laws in effect wherever this is?

Here's the tweet she's referencing --

Chris Tilly‏@TillyTweets
This guy thinks it's cool to kill defenceless animals then take a selfie. Jerk.

They removed your sense of humor, didn't they?

Stupidity such as yours is only funny for a short period of time.

After that it becomes extremely tedious.

And we gave you the vote....... :banghead:
Check this out --
Joyce Carol OatesVerified account‏@JoyceCarolOates
Joyce Carol Oates retweeted Chris Tilly

So barbaric that this should still be allowed... No conservation laws in effect wherever this is?

Here's the tweet she's referencing --

Chris Tilly‏@TillyTweets
This guy thinks it's cool to kill defenceless animals then take a selfie. Jerk.

A perfect illustration of "Weapons Grade Stupid". I figured Spielburg would get a pass from the moonbats no matter what he did.

Even if he killed the last triceratops.
Edgetho and Pete show, by their bed wetting postings, the wisdom of giving women the vote.

America have many more thoughtful women than the neanderthal men of the far right.

Sil, how did you come up with this OP? It is truly amazing.

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