Scenes from America

Over 21.5 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense in public. These people are not the ones shooting each other. The criminals who actually are shooting each other have been captured by the police, over and over again, then leftists of the democrat party release them, over and over again.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a democrat party problem.
You always lose your authenticity
Another day dawns in gun soaked America, sad.

Total number of Americans murdered with guns over our entire 246 year history, the majority of the victims criminals, or their friends and family caught in the crossfire of criminal on criminal violence?


Total number of innocent men, women and children rounded up by their European governments in 6 years, and sent to German socialist death camps, or simply murdered in local forests and fields? Between 1939-1945?


Hmmmmm....looking at those numbers, it appears you really need to work a lot harder finding those news stories...cause the governments of Europe are worse murderers than American criminals......even if you throw in accidental gun deaths in the U.S.

You guys banned and confiscated guns....on the premise it would make your people safer......then your governments murdered 15 million of you....

And you think we should give up our guns?

You really need some mental health work..........
Projecting your own needs onto others again. Can't you afford mental health in your country, sad.
Oh, yes they are. Just look through this thread. Time and again, these "law abiding, responsible gun owners" end up using their legal guns to shoot other law abiding people. That's the tragedy of modern America.
Name one.

Be aware that you will be expected to actually prove the "law abiding" status of both the shooter(s) and the one(s) that got shot.

Just one.
Name one.

Be aware that you will be expected to actually prove the "law abiding" status of both the shooter(s) and the one(s) that got shot.

Just one.
The suspect, who also died during an exchange of gunfire at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, was identified by police as Orlando Harris, who graduated from the high school last year.
Harris, who had no criminal history, left a handwritten document in his car speaking about his desire to "conduct this school shooting," St. Louis Police Commissioner Michael Sack said at a news conference Tuesday."

"The two slain victims have been identified by the school district as 15-year-old student Alexzandria Bell and 61-year-old physical education teacher Jean Kuczka." - no indication either of them were criminals.
The suspect, who also died during an exchange of gunfire at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, was identified by police as Orlando Harris, who graduated from the high school last year.
Harris, who had no criminal history, left a handwritten document in his car speaking about his desire to "conduct this school shooting," St. Louis Police Commissioner Michael Sack said at a news conference Tuesday."

"The two slain victims have been identified by the school district as 15-year-old student Alexzandria Bell and 61-year-old physical education teacher Jean Kuczka." - no indication either of them were criminals.
So your suspect is a shining example of "law abiding" to you? You probably actually blame the gun.

Lame. Stop wasting our time.

13 days until the wheels are in motion.
So your suspect is a shining example of "law abiding" to you? You probably actually blame the gun.

Lame. Stop wasting our time.

13 days until the wheels are in motion.
Well, you are the one who asked such a stupid lame question, I merely answered it. You aked "Name one", I did. You never asked me to provide a "shining example" and no I don't blame the gun, just the appalling ease with which anyone in your country can get one.
Well, you are the one who asked such a stupid lame question, I merely answered it. You aked "Name one", I did. You never asked me to provide a "shining example" and no I don't blame the gun, just the appalling ease with which anyone in your country can get one.
Wow! I'm impressed by how profound you thought you sounded saying that.
Another day dawns in gun soaked America, sad.

Again...get back to us when we get to 15 million murdered in 6 know, like you guys did....

Europe, 15 million innocent men, women and children murdered in 6 years.....

U.S. gun murder for the entire 246 year history of the United States, where the majority of the victims are not innocent men, women and children, but are criminals engaged in crime.......2,460,000

Keep posting those the rate the U.S. is going it will take us 1,476 years to catch up to the number of people you guys murdered.....
Oh, yes they are. Just look through this thread. Time and again, these "law abiding, responsible gun owners" end up using their legal guns to shoot other law abiding people. That's the tragedy of modern America.

Accidents happen......

Deer kill over 200 Americans each year....

Ladders kill over 350 people each year.....

Meanwhile, you do not want to admit that Americans use their legal guns to save lives far more often...according to the Centers for Disease Control 1.1 million times a year.........according to the Dept. of Justice 1.5 million times a year....

Again....keep posting those stories....

We had 535 accidental gun deaths in 2020......

So.....keep posting those stories, at 535 a year, you are never going to catch up with the 1.1 million times a year guns are used to save lives from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, mass murder.....and murder by government, you know your specialty in Europe.
And another tragedy that could have been averted...

Yes...a tragedy.... Europeans murdered over 1 million children in just 6 years.......


Accidental child deaths due to guns in 2020.... (<1 to 14)


Gun murder of children in 2020.... (<1 to 14)

394. (including those 14 year olds engaged in gang crime....)

So you guys murdered 1 million children in 6 years......after you banned and confiscated guns....

I don't think you will ever find enough dead American children to meet that record...but keep trying....
Here's one incident I missed,

And here.....a history lesson because when the lesson should be "Never Forget," you guys forgot.........and want to make the same mistakes that allowed this to happen the first time....

Again....when the accidental gun deaths, and gun murder deaths of children reach this number.....a number reached in just 6 years of butchery.......then get back to us...

The Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups either as part of the “racial struggle” or as a measure of preventative security. The Germans and their collaborators killed children for these ideological reasons and in retaliation for real or alleged partisan attacks.

Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about 1.5 million Jewish children and tens of thousands of Romani (Gypsy) children, 5,000–7,000 German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions, as well as many Polish children and children residing in the German-occupied Soviet Union. Jewish and non-Jewish adolescents (13–18 years old) had a greater chance of survival, as they could be used for forced labor.

The fates of Jewish and non-Jewish children can be categorized in the following ways:

  • children killed when they arrived in killing centers
  • children killed immediately after birth or in institutions
  • children born in ghettos and camps who survived because prisoners hid them
  • children, usually over age 12, who were used as forced laborers and as subjects of medical experiments
  • children killed during reprisal operations
  • children killed in mass shootings conducted by the Einsatzgruppen and other forces in the German-occupied Soviet Union

These murders were committed by your governments, after you took away the guns from your citizens.........

So.....we will keep our guns to keep this from happening again....
Another day dawns in gun soaked America, sad.

Dipshit....this one is a gang shooting, by a criminal released over and over again by leftist democrats....that is the problem, not gun ownership...had he been in prison where he belonged, he wouldn't have shot anyone.

The suspect, who also died during an exchange of gunfire at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, was identified by police as Orlando Harris, who graduated from the high school last year.
Harris, who had no criminal history, left a handwritten document in his car speaking about his desire to "conduct this school shooting," St. Louis Police Commissioner Michael Sack said at a news conference Tuesday."

"The two slain victims have been identified by the school district as 15-year-old student Alexzandria Bell and 61-year-old physical education teacher Jean Kuczka." - no indication either of them were criminals.

The happy-fun knife crimes in London. Record breaking fun.

In 2021, London recorded the highest number of teenage homicides caused by knife and gun crimes in modern times. That year, the UK’s capital saw the murders of some 30 male teenagers aged between 14 and 19. This surpassed the record of 29 in 2008[1

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