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Schiff: I took Trump's comment as a threat!!!

Iā€™m curious.. if Trump said ā€œSchiff! Iā€™m going to make you pay for what youā€™ve done!!!ā€ Would you consider that a threat?

No, I would not. Why?
Just gauging what you consider a threat.
If Trump made the comment face to face with Schiff, then its no big deal. Notwithstanding Trump would be too yellow-bellied to ever say that face to face to Schiff, what Trump did was tweet his threat to his unhinged mob. We know Trump loves to act like a mob boss. Iā€™d be worried too if I were Schiff. Anyone with half a brain would be.

If Trump made that comment to Schiff Face, then his followers would not hear it. Schiff Face would likely lie even more about it.

Given the fact the MSM does 95% negative reporting on Trump, his only other outlet is Twitter. As far as yellow bellied, I'm sure 6'3" Trump is too scared of 90 lbs Adam Schiff.
Trump is well known to avoid any personal confrontation at all costs. That is why he has his surrogates do the firing. He is and always has been afraid of direct confrontation. So, yes Trump would be too yellow-bellied to confront Schiff.

You and I may not take Trumpā€™s threats seriously and act out on them, but there are some who may. Words have consequences. Why you canā€™t see or acknowledge that is beyond me.

If Pencilneck is one of them then he is in the wrong job. The media canā€™t always protect him from mean words these days.
The question is, will it ever stop? These Democrats look straight into the camera, lie to the pubic, and then wonder how they are losing power.
no ..they will never stop .

Until they are eliminated. And not just from public office...we have tried that over and over again since Ronald Reagan. They are like a virus that hides in unclean cracks that comes roaring back when you think you are cured. They have to eliminated from the deep state...the media, the civil service, tenured professorships, Hollywood, corporate boards, Wall Street....all the unaccountable-to-anyone protected jobs that rely on using your own money to destroy you.
The question is, will it ever stop? These Democrats look straight into the camera, lie to the pubic, and then wonder how they are losing power.
Well, my question is, why the fuck The Union hasn't stepped up?
We are enablers

I'm wondering why, those of us still with any sense,
have relinquished our collective power to corruption and crazy

I'm talking about priorities first, then passions and ideologies

Frankly, we have become the real problem
The union as a whole first, and the majority second

People want to do away with the EC
Well, I think people, collectively, should have a voice
at some point, in who is allowed to remain in office

If voters in individual states keep re electing the same idiots
voters across the country should be able to intervene

Pelosi should not still be in office
She should have to answer for the problems
in the district she has been representing for some 28 years

That is a travesty

On what fucking planet is it acceptable
to shit, piss and shoot up drugs, wherever
to steal what you want as long as it's under $1,000
and for thousands of people to set up tents
stretching for miles, in the richest city in the entire U.S.?

This fucking planet

Pelosi is outraged about the condition of detention centers
and has a problem with Trump enforcing/changing immigration laws

On what fucking planet is it acceptable
for mainstream news outlets to stick to a narrative
They should ALL stick to the facts

Through my own hours and hours of research
I want to know why nothing I've uncovered has been reported

I have a real problem KNOWING that people
are being manipulated, kept in the dark and deceived

I have a bigger problem with those who remain inactive
LMAO Just the thought of Trump kicking Shifforbrains ass is funny. Trump has much better things to do then waste his time with that waste of space.
Why the hell is POTUS posting shit like that? I have to laugh how Trumpers jump to their deal leaderā€™s defense when Trump posts this juvenile shit. Given how thin skinned and divorced from reality Trumpers are I am sure more than a few took it like Schiff. Be that as it may, it shows how pathetically low the bar is for the presidency. You guys should be ashamed.
i have to laugh as something so "juvenile" gets to you like it does.

how thin skinned must YOU be to let someone so..."shallow" control your every emotion like he does?
No, I would not. Why?
Just gauging what you consider a threat.

It's really not about what I consider a threat. We have had leftist politicians saying they want to punch the President in the face. That's a threat. We've had leftist loons performing plays where they execute Trump. That's a threat. But saying "He didn't pay for this yet" is not a threat.

This is a threat.

It is about what YOU consider a threat. Itā€™s your OP and you made it seem like Schiff thought Trump was going to beat him up. You smartly backed away from that... but now your claiming that it wasnā€™t a treat. So asking what you consider a threat is very relevant.

I already mentioned Maxine Waters so youā€™re a step behind with that. They are either all counter punching and acting appropriately or they are all acting like children inflaming the emotions of trolls. I think itā€™s the later.

A threat means to announce an act of harm. What other acts of harm do you suppose Schiff had in mind? He impeached Trump. Trump can't impeach him back. And pay close attention to what Trump said. He said "what you did to the American people" not him personally.

Schiff is once again making something that was never there. It was not a threat. It's a political opportunity to twist Trump's words and make those words into a threat.

I already told you what other acts of harm... political acts and legal acts. Come on Ray, pay attention

slade -

once again you take what someone said and ONLY allow YOUR interpretations of it. anyone else just can't see it, a "Trumper", and the like.

it gets old as shit and has become the very reason no one is paying attention to the rabid left anymore. you may be one of the more well spoken ones over there, but you are still rabid left. to me anyway. why?

i'll go over it again.

you take what trump says and ONLY allow interpretations that fit your mold. you dismiss any other possibility of what he said and funnel EVERYTHING to again - your interpretation. it's what the left does. hell, it's their life it seems.

trump made fun of a handicapped reporter? not really, no. mocked him sure. but in the same manner he's been shown to mock others as well. flailing arms and stuttering he'd done many times before. documented. videos of him doing the very same gestures to others exist. yet, he's still mocking the reporter because that gives some "validity" to him mocking the handicapped.

the left loves to use "the weak" as a reason why people can't do things but they do them so much worse when it suits their goals.

making fun of barron trump, for example. the religious kid CNN slammed when the indian got in his face banging a drum and mocking the kid. the left has zero issue slamming anyone and everyone who doesn't line up to their way of thinking.

then they come out and say GRETA IS JUST A KID - LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!

the hypocrisy hurts my soul at times, slade. its just blatantly dishonest to the core and should be called out every time as bullshit. yet the left seems oblivious to their hate. or worse, they feel THEIR hate is ok cause - well cause it's theirs. no other reason i can find to justify it.

schiff and the left - if all this *is* a political game (and it sure seems that way to me) SHOULD PAY.

those who spyed on congress SHOULD PAY.
those who spyed on reporters SHOULD PAY.
those who make up lies about SCOTUS nominees cause they didn't like them or their politics SHOULD PAY.
those who made up RUSSIA narratives proped up by emotional imbalances (or please tell me any real evidence mueller found) SHOULD PAY.

we can't keep going like we are with hate leading the way. and those who shout the loudest about HATE CRIMES are the ones who in my mind commit them the most.

yes what trump said could be interpreted as digging for dirt.
yes what trump said could be interpreted as looking for justice on someones crimes.

you *always* dismiss any viewpoint that doesn't fit your own EVEN THOUGH the viewpoints are nothing more than opinions and loose interpretations. but every single time your interpretation is the worst case scenario for trump. by sheer bell curve odds this is impossible. completely and totally impossible.

yet here we are. orange man bad. doesn't matter why. doesn't matter what he says or do; you'll dog on it for any reason you can muster and then stand by your own emotional reasons to say it's truth. not just, how you feel.

to risk your ire i'll bring it up again. hillary did a lot of crap that you dismiss as "well i can see where she would want to protect her data, destroy personal mails and i have no reason to believe they were NOT personal mails....the fbi said so...." yet if that same FBI says something FOR trump suddenly they suck as a reference point.

not out to discuss that again with you; i know it's pointless. you'll say STOP THIS IT'S STUPID and then jihad on trump for something just as, if not more, stupid.

schiff should pay. so should pelosi and all the rest who attack trump like they have and knowingly lie, cheat and steal to shift the blame for those actions to others vs themselves. THEY MADE ME DO IT is what it comes down to. no parent lets their kids get away with it but these "parents" sure use that tactic.

a feigned moral superiority doesn't give the left the right to break the very laws the claim others are doing, yet never prove.

it just gives us a country of hate and destruction. but hey - as long as we have RUSSIA to blame, you can keep going with a build in excuse.

schiff needs to be in jail. that's how he should pay and that's what IN MY HUMBLE OPINION trump meant.
That's no threat. Most people believe liars, cheaters and self centered totalitarians deserve punishment. I wonder if his constituents are smart enough to vote him out?
Iā€™m curious.. if Trump said ā€œSchiff! Iā€™m going to make you pay for what youā€™ve done!!!ā€ Would you consider that a threat?

No, I would not. Why?
Just gauging what you consider a threat.

It's really not about what I consider a threat. We have had leftist politicians saying they want to punch the President in the face. That's a threat. We've had leftist loons performing plays where they execute Trump. That's a threat. But saying "He didn't pay for this yet" is not a threat.

This is a threat.

It is about what YOU consider a threat. Itā€™s your OP and you made it seem like Schiff thought Trump was going to beat him up. You smartly backed away from that... but now your claiming that it wasnā€™t a treat. So asking what you consider a threat is very relevant.

I already mentioned Maxine Waters so youā€™re a step behind with that. They are either all counter punching and acting appropriately or they are all acting like children inflaming the emotions of trolls. I think itā€™s the later.

A threat means to announce an act of harm. What other acts of harm do you suppose Schiff had in mind? He impeached Trump. Trump can't impeach him back. And pay close attention to what Trump said. He said "what you did to the American people" not him personally.

Schiff is once again making something that was never there. It was not a threat. It's a political opportunity to twist Trump's words and make those words into a threat.

The question is, will it ever stop? These Democrats look straight into the camera, lie to the pubic, and then wonder how they are losing power.
Well, my question is, why the fuck The Union hasn't stepped up?
We are enablers

I'm wondering why, those of us still with any sense,
have relinquished our collective power to corruption and crazy

I'm talking about priorities first, then passions and ideologies

Frankly, we have become the real problem
The union as a whole first, and the majority second

People want to do away with the EC
Well, I think people, collectively, should have a voice
at some point, in who is allowed to remain in office

If voters in individual states keep re electing the same idiots
voters across the country should be able to intervene

Pelosi should not still be in office
She should have to answer for the problems
in the district she has been representing for some 28 years

That is a travesty

On what fucking planet is it acceptable
to shit, piss and shoot up drugs, wherever
to steal what you want as long as it's under $1,000
and for thousands of people to set up tents
stretching for miles, in the richest city in the entire U.S.?

This fucking planet

Pelosi is outraged about the condition of detention centers
and has a problem with Trump enforcing/changing immigration laws

On what fucking planet is it acceptable
for mainstream news outlets to stick to a narrative
They should ALL stick to the facts

Through my own hours and hours of research
I want to know why nothing I've uncovered has been reported

I have a real problem KNOWING that people
are being manipulated, kept in the dark and deceived

I have a bigger problem with those who remain inactive

LMAO Just the thought of Trump kicking Shifforbrains ass is funny. Trump has much better things to do then waste his time with that waste of space.

Just gauging what you consider a threat.

It's really not about what I consider a threat. We have had leftist politicians saying they want to punch the President in the face. That's a threat. We've had leftist loons performing plays where they execute Trump. That's a threat. But saying "He didn't pay for this yet" is not a threat.

This is a threat.

It is about what YOU consider a threat. Itā€™s your OP and you made it seem like Schiff thought Trump was going to beat him up. You smartly backed away from that... but now your claiming that it wasnā€™t a treat. So asking what you consider a threat is very relevant.

I already mentioned Maxine Waters so youā€™re a step behind with that. They are either all counter punching and acting appropriately or they are all acting like children inflaming the emotions of trolls. I think itā€™s the later.

A threat means to announce an act of harm. What other acts of harm do you suppose Schiff had in mind? He impeached Trump. Trump can't impeach him back. And pay close attention to what Trump said. He said "what you did to the American people" not him personally.

Schiff is once again making something that was never there. It was not a threat. It's a political opportunity to twist Trump's words and make those words into a threat.

I already told you what other acts of harm... political acts and legal acts. Come on Ray, pay attention

slade -

once again you take what someone said and ONLY allow YOUR interpretations of it. anyone else just can't see it, a "Trumper", and the like.

it gets old as shit and has become the very reason no one is paying attention to the rabid left anymore. you may be one of the more well spoken ones over there, but you are still rabid left. to me anyway. why?

i'll go over it again.

you take what trump says and ONLY allow interpretations that fit your mold. you dismiss any other possibility of what he said and funnel EVERYTHING to again - your interpretation. it's what the left does. hell, it's their life it seems.

trump made fun of a handicapped reporter? not really, no. mocked him sure. but in the same manner he's been shown to mock others as well. flailing arms and stuttering he'd done many times before. documented. videos of him doing the very same gestures to others exist. yet, he's still mocking the reporter because that gives some "validity" to him mocking the handicapped.

the left loves to use "the weak" as a reason why people can't do things but they do them so much worse when it suits their goals.

making fun of barron trump, for example. the religious kid CNN slammed when the indian got in his face banging a drum and mocking the kid. the left has zero issue slamming anyone and everyone who doesn't line up to their way of thinking.

then they come out and say GRETA IS JUST A KID - LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!

the hypocrisy hurts my soul at times, slade. its just blatantly dishonest to the core and should be called out every time as bullshit. yet the left seems oblivious to their hate. or worse, they feel THEIR hate is ok cause - well cause it's theirs. no other reason i can find to justify it.

schiff and the left - if all this *is* a political game (and it sure seems that way to me) SHOULD PAY.

those who spyed on congress SHOULD PAY.
those who spyed on reporters SHOULD PAY.
those who make up lies about SCOTUS nominees cause they didn't like them or their politics SHOULD PAY.
those who made up RUSSIA narratives proped up by emotional imbalances (or please tell me any real evidence mueller found) SHOULD PAY.

we can't keep going like we are with hate leading the way. and those who shout the loudest about HATE CRIMES are the ones who in my mind commit them the most.

yes what trump said could be interpreted as digging for dirt.
yes what trump said could be interpreted as looking for justice on someones crimes.

you *always* dismiss any viewpoint that doesn't fit your own EVEN THOUGH the viewpoints are nothing more than opinions and loose interpretations. but every single time your interpretation is the worst case scenario for trump. by sheer bell curve odds this is impossible. completely and totally impossible.

yet here we are. orange man bad. doesn't matter why. doesn't matter what he says or do; you'll dog on it for any reason you can muster and then stand by your own emotional reasons to say it's truth. not just, how you feel.

to risk your ire i'll bring it up again. hillary did a lot of crap that you dismiss as "well i can see where she would want to protect her data, destroy personal mails and i have no reason to believe they were NOT personal mails....the fbi said so...." yet if that same FBI says something FOR trump suddenly they suck as a reference point.

not out to discuss that again with you; i know it's pointless. you'll say STOP THIS IT'S STUPID and then jihad on trump for something just as, if not more, stupid.

schiff should pay. so should pelosi and all the rest who attack trump like they have and knowingly lie, cheat and steal to shift the blame for those actions to others vs themselves. THEY MADE ME DO IT is what it comes down to. no parent lets their kids get away with it but these "parents" sure use that tactic.

a feigned moral superiority doesn't give the left the right to break the very laws the claim others are doing, yet never prove.

it just gives us a country of hate and destruction. but hey - as long as we have RUSSIA to blame, you can keep going with a build in excuse.

schiff needs to be in jail. that's how he should pay and that's what IN MY HUMBLE OPINION trump meant.

Hey, hey, shut up you mouth! Get it straight conservatives--------------->

Someone steal yo wallet, to bad!

Somebody grope yo daughter, tough!

People break into yo country, suck it!

Somebody try to lie to prevent the one person trying to stop it from happening, yo can do nothing, nothing!

Leftists are a protected class, they are an endangered species, they are melting snowflakes under the light of the sun, and any attempt at garnering American voters to throw them out of power, can NOT be tolerated.

Shame on each and every one of you for pointing out their hypocrisy, their lies, mistruths, and how they have falsely attacked you for years. And when we have all had enough, tell them how we Americans are going to PUNISH them at the ballot box, you have just committed a class D felony of threatening in any manner, a bunch of endangered duma**es who are about to get their political lunch handed to them in about 9 months.
Democrats see words differently than anybody else and hear words differently than anybody else. They project everything they read and hear and fabricate lies that their followers believe. Democrats on this forum mimic the lies they're fed.

They are like cats. They aimlessly stare at a wall and hope for the best.
Adam Schiff does have that cat-like stare. :eek2yum:
he has a I'm going to get you while you sleep look. I agree to that. If Ted Bundy were alive today, I bet he'd like that stare.
Then you say the Iā€™m implying physical threat
You know damn well that's what you were implying, weasel. Once you started getting laughed at you tried to say you meant something else. You look like a fool.
I wasnā€™t implying anything. I said what I meant and was pretty clear about it. Keep twisting and spinning though if you need... someday maybe youā€™ll grow up.
That's no threat. Most people believe liars, cheaters and self centered totalitarians deserve punishment. I wonder if his constituents are smart enough to vote him out?

I wouldn't put too much money on that. Look at all these failed cities or cities in despair. They are all run by Democrats. So what do the dopey voters do? They keep voting Democrat.

I live in the greater Cleveland area, so I know first hand. I've watched this city get worse and worse since the Democrats took control of it. Now that they've just about totally ruined it, those same Democrat voters flee to another good Republican place to live, and start to destroy that with their voting as well.
Just gauging what you consider a threat.

It's really not about what I consider a threat. We have had leftist politicians saying they want to punch the President in the face. That's a threat. We've had leftist loons performing plays where they execute Trump. That's a threat. But saying "He didn't pay for this yet" is not a threat.

This is a threat.

It is about what YOU consider a threat. Itā€™s your OP and you made it seem like Schiff thought Trump was going to beat him up. You smartly backed away from that... but now your claiming that it wasnā€™t a treat. So asking what you consider a threat is very relevant.

I already mentioned Maxine Waters so youā€™re a step behind with that. They are either all counter punching and acting appropriately or they are all acting like children inflaming the emotions of trolls. I think itā€™s the later.

A threat means to announce an act of harm. What other acts of harm do you suppose Schiff had in mind? He impeached Trump. Trump can't impeach him back. And pay close attention to what Trump said. He said "what you did to the American people" not him personally.

Schiff is once again making something that was never there. It was not a threat. It's a political opportunity to twist Trump's words and make those words into a threat.

I already told you what other acts of harm... political acts and legal acts. Come on Ray, pay attention

slade -

once again you take what someone said and ONLY allow YOUR interpretations of it. anyone else just can't see it, a "Trumper", and the like.

it gets old as shit and has become the very reason no one is paying attention to the rabid left anymore. you may be one of the more well spoken ones over there, but you are still rabid left. to me anyway. why?

i'll go over it again.

you take what trump says and ONLY allow interpretations that fit your mold. you dismiss any other possibility of what he said and funnel EVERYTHING to again - your interpretation. it's what the left does. hell, it's their life it seems.

trump made fun of a handicapped reporter? not really, no. mocked him sure. but in the same manner he's been shown to mock others as well. flailing arms and stuttering he'd done many times before. documented. videos of him doing the very same gestures to others exist. yet, he's still mocking the reporter because that gives some "validity" to him mocking the handicapped.

the left loves to use "the weak" as a reason why people can't do things but they do them so much worse when it suits their goals.

making fun of barron trump, for example. the religious kid CNN slammed when the indian got in his face banging a drum and mocking the kid. the left has zero issue slamming anyone and everyone who doesn't line up to their way of thinking.

then they come out and say GRETA IS JUST A KID - LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!

the hypocrisy hurts my soul at times, slade. its just blatantly dishonest to the core and should be called out every time as bullshit. yet the left seems oblivious to their hate. or worse, they feel THEIR hate is ok cause - well cause it's theirs. no other reason i can find to justify it.

schiff and the left - if all this *is* a political game (and it sure seems that way to me) SHOULD PAY.

those who spyed on congress SHOULD PAY.
those who spyed on reporters SHOULD PAY.
those who make up lies about SCOTUS nominees cause they didn't like them or their politics SHOULD PAY.
those who made up RUSSIA narratives proped up by emotional imbalances (or please tell me any real evidence mueller found) SHOULD PAY.

we can't keep going like we are with hate leading the way. and those who shout the loudest about HATE CRIMES are the ones who in my mind commit them the most.

yes what trump said could be interpreted as digging for dirt.
yes what trump said could be interpreted as looking for justice on someones crimes.

you *always* dismiss any viewpoint that doesn't fit your own EVEN THOUGH the viewpoints are nothing more than opinions and loose interpretations. but every single time your interpretation is the worst case scenario for trump. by sheer bell curve odds this is impossible. completely and totally impossible.

yet here we are. orange man bad. doesn't matter why. doesn't matter what he says or do; you'll dog on it for any reason you can muster and then stand by your own emotional reasons to say it's truth. not just, how you feel.

to risk your ire i'll bring it up again. hillary did a lot of crap that you dismiss as "well i can see where she would want to protect her data, destroy personal mails and i have no reason to believe they were NOT personal mails....the fbi said so...." yet if that same FBI says something FOR trump suddenly they suck as a reference point.

not out to discuss that again with you; i know it's pointless. you'll say STOP THIS IT'S STUPID and then jihad on trump for something just as, if not more, stupid.

schiff should pay. so should pelosi and all the rest who attack trump like they have and knowingly lie, cheat and steal to shift the blame for those actions to others vs themselves. THEY MADE ME DO IT is what it comes down to. no parent lets their kids get away with it but these "parents" sure use that tactic.

a feigned moral superiority doesn't give the left the right to break the very laws the claim others are doing, yet never prove.

it just gives us a country of hate and destruction. but hey - as long as we have RUSSIA to blame, you can keep going with a build in excuse.

schiff needs to be in jail. that's how he should pay and that's what IN MY HUMBLE OPINION trump meant.
Ice after all that you do realize you and I just made the same point right? I entered this thread asking Ray if he really thought this was a physical threat. I then made the point that both Schiff and Trump were just playing politics... but if the threat meant anything it was likely a legal threat.

I donā€™t think think itā€™s an orange man bad interpretation. I think itā€™s exactly the point you just made
President Donald Trump has criticized, mocked and derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on several occasions since taking office, but Democrats said the president crossed a line on Sunday, characterizing one of his tweets about the California Democrat as a "threat."

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial of the president, mentioned the tweet during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." Defending his decision to cite a report during his arguments before the Senate that Trump had threatened Republicans who did not stand with him, Schiff said Trump was "wrathful and vindictive president."

Trump tweet was 'threat' against Adam Schiff, Democrats say

When things start looking bad for you as a Democrat politician, just claim victimhood. I understand Schiff is a pencil necked geek, but does he really think this 73 year old man is going to kick his ass or something?

Much like the phone transcript, Schiff is going to take Trump's words and try to twist them to his advantage using lies. Trump didn't threaten anybody. It's clear that when Trump tweeted "Hasn't paid the price yet" he meant in a political way. This is another display of desperation on the Democrats part.

But if it makes you feel any safer Schiff, next time you're in New York, don't walk down 5th avenue. :boo_hoo14:


They should impeach Trump for this!

Please, don't give them any ideas.
None of the other smears have worked for Schiffstain so I guess accusing Trump of physical threats had to come sooner or later.
physical threats? Did Schiff say that or did you inject that?
Man, you really have some weak comebacks.
how is it weak to ask if you are injecting words to falsely represent what was really said? Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing right?
Wrong (as usual). Schiff is a pussy and a liar. He makes shit up and does it in a big way. He (and you) were implying it was a physical threat. And you're too much of a weasel (like Schiff) to admit it. You instead try to pull the "Oh, that's not what he said", after implying it WAS what he said. You're weak and so are your arguments.
this is one of your funniest retorts. Schiff didnt actually say physical threat yet you said he said physical threat and then you backtrack to say he was implying it. And you know that through magic right? Then you say the Iā€™m implying physical threat when Iā€™ve literally laid out political and legal threats in multiple posts. Man youā€™re having a bad night. Go sleep it off.

And yet when Trump said "Could you do us a favor?" That meant Trump was threatening US aid to a foreign nation. It was more than an implication, they impeached him over it.
physical threats? Did Schiff say that or did you inject that?
Man, you really have some weak comebacks.
how is it weak to ask if you are injecting words to falsely represent what was really said? Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing right?
Wrong (as usual). Schiff is a pussy and a liar. He makes shit up and does it in a big way. He (and you) were implying it was a physical threat. And you're too much of a weasel (like Schiff) to admit it. You instead try to pull the "Oh, that's not what he said", after implying it WAS what he said. You're weak and so are your arguments.
this is one of your funniest retorts. Schiff didnt actually say physical threat yet you said he said physical threat and then you backtrack to say he was implying it. And you know that through magic right? Then you say the Iā€™m implying physical threat when Iā€™ve literally laid out political and legal threats in multiple posts. Man youā€™re having a bad night. Go sleep it off.

And yet when Trump said "Could you do us a favor?" That meant Trump was threatening US aid to a foreign nation. It was more than an implication, they impeached him over it.
you should t need to change the subject to make your point. Impeachment is a whole other ball of wax
No, I would not. Why?
Just gauging what you consider a threat.

It's really not about what I consider a threat. We have had leftist politicians saying they want to punch the President in the face. That's a threat. We've had leftist loons performing plays where they execute Trump. That's a threat. But saying "He didn't pay for this yet" is not a threat.

This is a threat.

It is about what YOU consider a threat. Itā€™s your OP and you made it seem like Schiff thought Trump was going to beat him up. You smartly backed away from that... but now your claiming that it wasnā€™t a treat. So asking what you consider a threat is very relevant.

I already mentioned Maxine Waters so youā€™re a step behind with that. They are either all counter punching and acting appropriately or they are all acting like children inflaming the emotions of trolls. I think itā€™s the later.

A threat means to announce an act of harm. What other acts of harm do you suppose Schiff had in mind? He impeached Trump. Trump can't impeach him back. And pay close attention to what Trump said. He said "what you did to the American people" not him personally.

Schiff is once again making something that was never there. It was not a threat. It's a political opportunity to twist Trump's words and make those words into a threat.

I already told you what other acts of harm... political acts and legal acts. Come on Ray, pay attention

So you really think that I'm stupid enough to believe, that most people on the left who read that story, didn't think it meant a physical threat? What's next, are you going to try and sell me a bridge you own so I can set up toll booths and make a lot of money?
Man, you really have some weak comebacks.
how is it weak to ask if you are injecting words to falsely represent what was really said? Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing right?
Wrong (as usual). Schiff is a pussy and a liar. He makes shit up and does it in a big way. He (and you) were implying it was a physical threat. And you're too much of a weasel (like Schiff) to admit it. You instead try to pull the "Oh, that's not what he said", after implying it WAS what he said. You're weak and so are your arguments.
this is one of your funniest retorts. Schiff didnt actually say physical threat yet you said he said physical threat and then you backtrack to say he was implying it. And you know that through magic right? Then you say the Iā€™m implying physical threat when Iā€™ve literally laid out political and legal threats in multiple posts. Man youā€™re having a bad night. Go sleep it off.

And yet when Trump said "Could you do us a favor?" That meant Trump was threatening US aid to a foreign nation. It was more than an implication, they impeached him over it.
you should t need to change the subject to make your point. Impeachment is a whole other ball of wax

It's not changing the subject. It's the exact same thing. You make claim that the implication was threat, and implications are not considered, yet when the commies made a similar implication, they impeached Trump based on their implications.

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