SCHIFF: If Dems Flip House, Renewing Russia Probe Top Priority...

So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:
Because the First 7 Probes failed to find Collusion, we need an 8th.

It's not like Shitty Schiff is being paid to resolve some of America's issues like Immigration through legislation.


Oh never mind......He's a DemNazi....

They never do shit except march around with their DemNazi flag, beat their chests and goose step their way in to the Sheeple's Hearts.


Schiff is fixing to get his ass sued off for libel....Hope he keeps running that alligator mouth.
If you look up the word leak in the dictionary, there is a picture of Schiff.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority

Orange Man bad is their mantra.

Nothing else matters than getting that Orange Man!
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:
It's not nearly as bad and deceitful as what the Repugs did.

At least Democrats have a legitimate wrongdoing to investigate, not made up like Repugs did.
Sounds like when Repubs #1 priority was to make Obama a one term POTUS. Guess it didnt work and Obama still dropped the unemployment rate. :rolleyes:
It's not nearly as bad and deceitful as what the Repugs did.

At least Democrats have a legitimate wrongdoing to investigate, not made up like Repugs did.
I wonder how you can type that shit with a straight face. LOL
Trumper snowflakes are already whining and the day's election results aren't even in yet.
So continuing the already proven witch hunt is the DNC's top priority for Democrats if they win the House...?!

Not health care....
Not securing our borders...
Not the economy...
Certainly NOT a return to civility...

DNC Priority #1: 'Get Trump!'


Helluva campaign ad for the GOP!

Rep. Schiff: If Democrats Flip House, Renewing Probe on Russia’s Election Meddling Will Be Top Priority
Keep working it Tinker Bell, keep working it.

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

Bout time Trump is held accountable

What a stupid statement.

Barry and his administration knew all about the hacks and didn't do a thing.

They should all be questioning him and his administration.

Trump was running for office and so far there has been no proof of collusion with the Russians.

Benghazi anyone.
Actually, they invoked sanctions against Russia for interfering in our election

Trump lifted them

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