Schiff Warns Bannon That He’s In A ‘Completely Different Situation Now’ Without trump In Charge

The only time I cheer on slimy politicians is when they're outing OTHER slimy politicians.

Then, if they get outed themselves, I'll cheer that too.

Our fucked up system attracts people like this in both parties, and psycho politicos like Bannon.
Then that would reflect on the nature of the questions asked.
I don't that way, but if you have video clips of her answering questions, especially of any question asked by a republican, I'd love to see it.

As I recall,.she dodged every question, or at least any questions asked by the republican side, but I don't recall her answering any questions.
I don't that way, but if you have video clips of her answering questions, especially of any question asked by a republican, I'd love to see it.

As I recall,.she dodged every question, or at least any questions asked by the republican side, but I don't recall her answering any questions.
Okay. But you can look this up. No, you cannot plead the 5th to any and all questions. If you try that in court, the judge will hold you in contempt, same as if you refused to take the stand.
You can also be held in contempt for trying to hide behind the 5th inappropriately to avoid giving testimony.
I think that to do that they have to prove without your cooperation that nothing you know could incriminate you. Courts are very hesitant to override fifth amendment claims.
Okay. But you can look this up. No, you cannot plead the 5th to any and all questions. If you try that in court, the judge will hold you in contempt, same as if you refused to take the stand.
At the first part of the hearing last May, Lerner delivered an opening statement declaring she had done nothing wrong, and then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer any more questions.

I think that to do that they have to prove without your cooperation that nothing you know could incriminate you
Judge's discretion. The judge can just make the call or rule on a motion. Some material questions are not subject to the 5th. Like asking your name, or asking where you were on a certain day, if your presence there doesn't constitute a crime.
And they could then ask her a material question not subject to the 5th and hold her in contempt. Their prerogative. Also remember, they weren't actually trying to get to the bottom of anything. It was theater for the base.
They were trying to get to the bottom of why the irs was discriminating against conservative groups.

They asked her all kinds of questions, she refused to answer any of them. She was held in contempt but the US attorneys office refused to pursue the matter:

While many folks hoped that the result would be the filing of criminal charges, history wasn’t on their side: the U.S. Attorney’s Office hasn’t pursued criminal contempt charges since 1983 when the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Anne Gorsuch Buford, refused to turn over documents which had been requested by Congress.

So, the US attorneys office hasn't pursued criminal contempt charges since 1983, and if they break that now, after letting lerner off the hook, just so they can prosecute bannon...well, I guess it pays to have the right people on your side.

We will see. He may testify, he may not.
They were trying to get to the bottom of why the irs was discriminating against conservative groups.
Oh they were, eh? So how did the rest of the investigation afterward go? Wait... There wasn't one? How strange... They insisted it was a serious, criminal matter. But Lerner the genius thwarted them?
By who?

Well, by most people who would type "whom" there, instead of "who". For starters.

And by people who appreciate rule of law, articulate, direct language, and informed debate.
Adam Schiff is a partisan hack...he's one of the reasons why nothing gets done in Washington these days. He so busy trying to "get" Republicans that he could care less about the American people!
Adam Schiff is a partisan hack...he's one of the reasons why nothing gets done in Washington these days. He so busy trying to "get" Republicans that he could care less about the American people!

Which Republican would you defend, that he is "going after"? Would you give me a name? Is someone being unjustly accused, in your opinion? Schiff seems focused on uncovering the facts that surround the January 6 riot. Not noble work?
Adam Schiff is a partisan hack...he's one of the reasons why nothing gets done in Washington these days. He so busy trying to "get" Republicans that he could care less about the American people!
in this case its because Bannon was a key instigator in the insurrection:

I'm very glad to see the democrats on the Jan 6th committee aren't going to take the garbage from trump and his cohorts anymore in regard to the subpoenas.

Those who try to defy a legal subpoena will find themselves being prosecuted by the DOJ.

bannon wasn't a part of the trump administration when the insurrection happened. He had left the White House years before it happened so there's no way executive privilege can apply with him.

There is no longer a DOJ who will tolerate trump people defying a legal subpoena.

bannon and the other three could find themselves prosecuted and put in prison if they continue to snub their noses at our legal system.

Personally, I would love to see bannon sitting in prison. He better hope he doesn't have any cellmates and can avoid spending any time with the general population of that prison.

From the article:

Schiff warned that the committee was “not fooling around.”

“Those who don’t cooperate with our committee are going to be the subject of criminal contempt,” he said. “We will vote on it in the House at the appropriate time, and we will refer to the Justice Department for prosecution.”

This will be interesting as hell to watch.

We'll see which of these people really think they're in a "war" against the "commies", and which are just playing make-believe to advance their personal interests at the expense of the rubes.

“Schiff Warns Bannon That He’s In A ‘Completely Different Situation Now’ Without trump In Charge”​

Remember when Schiff “warned” of the mountain of evidence in the “RUSSIAN COLLUSION“ hoax?
You desperate dumbmotherfuckers still buy the shit this bug-eyed pencil-neck nerd is selling?

Which Republican would you defend, that he is "going after"? Would you give me a name? Is someone being unjustly accused, in your opinion? Schiff seems focused on uncovering the facts that surround the January 6 riot. Not noble work?
What "facts" haven't been uncovered about the Jan. 6th riot? Why the Capital Police were so woefully prepared for the protest even though they were warned about it days in advance? Who ordered the Police to leave their post in front of the door right before a Capital Police officer hiding out of sight popped out and shot an unarmed protester? Gee, you think Schiff has ANY intentions of uncovering THOSE facts?

Which Republican would you defend, that he is "going after"? Would you give me a name? Is someone being unjustly accused, in your opinion? Schiff seems focused on uncovering the facts that surround the January 6 riot. Not noble work?
Schiff and most of the Democratic machine are "focused" on only one thing at the moment, Fort! They are DESPERATE to divert attention from how bad the Biden Administration has been! Very little "nobleness" in that!

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