Schiff Warns Bannon That He’s In A ‘Completely Different Situation Now’ Without trump In Charge

Oh they were, eh? So how did the rest of the investigation afterward go? Wait... There wasn't one? How strange... They insisted it was a serious, criminal matter. But Lerner the genius thwarted them?

Sure there was, it's just that the doj just decided it wasn't going to pursue the matter further.

The IRS scandal exploded in May 2013 when Lerner answered a planted question at an American Bar Association event and apologized for inappropriately scrutinizing some groups applying for a tax exemption.

In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes

Regardless of the investigation outcome, that wasn't the point of my thread. The point was that if you are called before congress, you can plead the 5th all day, it's just up to the u.s. attorneys office if they will pursue it. It's possible under Biden, they will break a long standing record of not pursuing people.

My point was that Lerner did it, and nobody said a word or went after her. Likely the same won't be true for bannon.

I guess all this really doesn't matter because we have no idea what bannon will do.
Bannon says in 2024 they will have shock troops and guns.. "no peaceful transition".
Where did he say shock troops "and guns"?

Did anyone actually listen to what bannon actually said? I admit, "shock troops" was a stupid thing to say, but, in that whole thing, he was talking about having people ready to go, in political positions, to move swiftly for reform, should Trump get reelected. He didn't say anything about riots, violence or hurting people.
Because he is actually one of the finest, most intelligent, and most well respected people in our government to everyone on the planet who is NOT in the gross Trump cult.
You called Schitt for brains intelligent? The guy punked by two Russian DJ’s causing him to spend months looking for nudes of Trump? That guy?
By who?

Well, by most people who would type "whom" there, instead of "who". For starters.

And by people who appreciate rule of law, articulate, direct language, and informed debate.
Only by guys like you who want to see nudes of Trump. And a pee tape. Found that proof yet?
Trump sure seems "triggered" by the pee tapes. HE brought it up on his own the other day
Whatever pee tapes there are, Trump is a virgin compared to you guys. I like 2 dollar a gallon gasoline. But you like 5 dollar a gallon gasoline and snarky catty remarks. One day you will have your jaws removed by force for your spoiled arrogance and writh in pain.
Trump is a miserable person who takes no joy in anything but his money. He's purely transactional in all things. The Global elites would NEVER accept TRump.. He's too ignorant and too crude.
Yep. Maybe that explains some of the adoration. The flock relates to his paranoia, misery and victimhood.
Sloppy Steve is such a dick. He should be reminded that he got away with his wall fundraising scam due to a pardon. Donnie can't save him now.


Steve Bannon pledges 20k ‘shock troops’ ready to go as he ...
Oct 04, 2021 · Donald Trump’s former White House strategist Steve Bannon says he will have 20,000 “shock troops” ready to act as he ranted that “we control this country”.. Mr Bannon made the comments as he said he had rallied Republican supporters to “deconstruct” the state when the party wins the White House again. “If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it

Sure there was, it's just that the doj just decided it wasn't going to pursue the matter further.

In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes

Regardless of the investigation outcome, that wasn't the point of my thread. The point was that if you are called before congress, you can plead the 5th all day, it's just up to the u.s. attorneys office if they will pursue it. It's possible under Biden, they will break a long standing record of not pursuing people.

My point was that Lerner did it, and nobody said a word or went after her. Likely the same won't be true for bannon.

I guess all this really doesn't matter because we have no idea what bannon will do.
So really nothing, after her interview. LIke I said.

They didn't go after her because it was an overblown matter that was corrected. She was removed.

No comparison to inciting a violent mob to overturn democracy. Sorry.

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