Schiff's Desperate Need For Attention & Psychotic Obsession & Hatred For Trump Continues

You're such a simplistic idiot.
Soulemani was not a "leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization".
He was a military general, second in command to a sovereign nation.
That makes Trump's killing him an act of war, not a strike.
Schiff is in the right.
Your fucking boy-who-would-be-king Donald has yet again abused his power.

The Killing of Qassem Suleimani Is Tantamount to an Act of War


Why do TDSers think anyone takes them seriously? Calling our duly elected President a 'fucking boy' is insulting and takes away any legitimacy you think you have here.

Schiff calls for open hearings on

Trump's Iran actions

'House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he supports open House hearings regarding President Trump’s order last week for a strike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.'

“I’m certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives”
-- Schiff


Who gives a damn if this proven crooked, seditious, attention-seeking, TDS-suffering nut job is satisfied with anything or not! The President dos / did not have to 'satisfy' Schiff in order to direct the targeting and strike on the leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization who is responsible for many American deaths and attacks on Americans / our embassies.

Schiff proved during his House Coup Intel hearing that he wouldn't know actual 'Intel' if it walked up and kicked him in the ass. During his hearings Schiff could produce NO actual 'witnesses' to testify who 'witnessed' anything, and he had to resort to attempting to present personally-authored fake evidence as 'Intel EVIDENCE' of a crime committed by the President.

Schiff calls for open hearings on Trump's Iran actions

Is that what vlad is telling you to say, Sergei?

Give it a rest..
Even your buddy Mewler found no collusion.

Mueller said he did not find an active conspiracy. But he did say there were 10 incidences of obstruction of justice by Trump (Volume 2).

And FOUR of Trump's associates are either serving time in prison or will be: Gates, Manafort, Cohen and Flynn and possibly Roger Stone, too.

How quickly you fucking Trump Dumpsters try to rewrite history.
How quickly you accepted a totally corrupted man to be POTUS.
WTF is wrong with you?


Schiff calls for open hearings on

Trump's Iran actions

'House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he supports open House hearings regarding President Trump’s order last week for a strike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.'

“I’m certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives”
-- Schiff


Who gives a damn if this proven crooked, seditious, attention-seeking, TDS-suffering nut job is satisfied with anything or not! The President dos / did not have to 'satisfy' Schiff in order to direct the targeting and strike on the leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization who is responsible for many American deaths and attacks on Americans / our embassies.

Schiff proved during his House Coup Intel hearing that he wouldn't know actual 'Intel' if it walked up and kicked him in the ass. During his hearings Schiff could produce NO actual 'witnesses' to testify who 'witnessed' anything, and he had to resort to attempting to present personally-authored fake evidence as 'Intel EVIDENCE' of a crime committed by the President.

Schiff calls for open hearings on Trump's Iran actions


That's what HOUSE OVERSIGHT means, Evgeny. The House is required to look at all major decisions taken by the President, and why he did it. Don't they teach you anything about American civics before you go to work at the Troll Farm?

He took action because Congress said he could. Read the continuing resolution from early 2000

Schiff calls for open hearings on

Trump's Iran actions

'House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he supports open House hearings regarding President Trump’s order last week for a strike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.'

“I’m certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives”
-- Schiff


Who gives a damn if this proven crooked, seditious, attention-seeking, TDS-suffering nut job is satisfied with anything or not! The President dos / did not have to 'satisfy' Schiff in order to direct the targeting and strike on the leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization who is responsible for many American deaths and attacks on Americans / our embassies.

Schiff proved during his House Coup Intel hearing that he wouldn't know actual 'Intel' if it walked up and kicked him in the ass. During his hearings Schiff could produce NO actual 'witnesses' to testify who 'witnessed' anything, and he had to resort to attempting to present personally-authored fake evidence as 'Intel EVIDENCE' of a crime committed by the President.

Schiff calls for open hearings on Trump's Iran actions

Is that what vlad is telling you to say, Sergei?

Give it a rest..
Even your buddy Mewler found no collusion.

Mueller said he did not find an active conspiracy. But he did say there were 10 incidences of obstruction of justice (Volume 2).
How quickly you fucking Trump Dumpsters try to rewrite history.


So you're saying Trump is guilty?
The charges should be coming to light any day now right.....
1. I was shocked to learn recently that the Honorable Adam Schiff is my Representative. (The voters in my district are apparently not too bright.)

2. ":You can't judge a book by its cover," but the Honorable Adam Schiff is an exception.

a. His scary stare indicates a fanatic.
b. He was once a prosecutor, thus his self-righteousness.
c. He no doubt imagines himself a possible Attorney General in President Biden's/Sanders's/Warren's/Bloomberg's cabinet.
How come no mention of the psycho Trump and his hatred for any Dem? You call out sane Dems and fail with the real lying garbage that are repubs in the Senate?
How come no mention of the psycho Trump and his hatred for any Dem? You call out sane Dems and fail with the real lying garbage that are repubs in the Senate?

You mean like how Trump talked about Gabbert?
1. I was shocked to learn recently that the Honorable Adam Schiff is my Representative. (The voters in my district are apparently not too bright.)

2. ":You can't judge a book by its cover," but the Honorable Adam Schiff is an exception.

a. His scary stare indicates a fanatic.
b. He was once a prosecutor, thus his self-righteousness.
c. He no doubt imagines himself a possible Attorney General in President Biden's/Sanders's/Warren's/Bloomberg's cabinet.
Schiff the smartest guy in congress

Schiff calls for open hearings on

Trump's Iran actions

'House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he supports open House hearings regarding President Trump’s order last week for a strike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.'

“I’m certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives”
-- Schiff


Who gives a damn if this proven crooked, seditious, attention-seeking, TDS-suffering nut job is satisfied with anything or not! The President dos / did not have to 'satisfy' Schiff in order to direct the targeting and strike on the leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization who is responsible for many American deaths and attacks on Americans / our embassies.

Schiff proved during his House Coup Intel hearing that he wouldn't know actual 'Intel' if it walked up and kicked him in the ass. During his hearings Schiff could produce NO actual 'witnesses' to testify who 'witnessed' anything, and he had to resort to attempting to present personally-authored fake evidence as 'Intel EVIDENCE' of a crime committed by the President.

Schiff calls for open hearings on Trump's Iran actions


You're such a simplistic idiot.
Soulemani was not a "leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization".
He was a military general, second in command to a sovereign nation.
That makes Trump's killing him an act of war, not a strike.
Schiff is in the right.
Your fucking boy-who-would-be-king Donald has yet again abused his power.

The Killing of Qassem Suleimani Is Tantamount to an Act of War

And on top of it all, Trump won't release/declassify the information to Congress pertaining to the killing, either.

He's a despotic banana republic tin pot dictator and you just fucking can't accept it.

Congress demands answers from Trump about Soleimani killing

Obama and Hill destabilized the middle east and you said not a word. Millions and millions of refugees because of it. They killed leaders or had them deposed.
When your mom came home with a bag of quarters you dad asked who gave you the quarters ? Your mom said they all did

Schiff calls for open hearings on

Trump's Iran actions

'House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he supports open House hearings regarding President Trump’s order last week for a strike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.'

“I’m certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives”
-- Schiff


Who gives a damn if this proven crooked, seditious, attention-seeking, TDS-suffering nut job is satisfied with anything or not! The President dos / did not have to 'satisfy' Schiff in order to direct the targeting and strike on the leader of an officially recognized terrorist organization who is responsible for many American deaths and attacks on Americans / our embassies.

Schiff proved during his House Coup Intel hearing that he wouldn't know actual 'Intel' if it walked up and kicked him in the ass. During his hearings Schiff could produce NO actual 'witnesses' to testify who 'witnessed' anything, and he had to resort to attempting to present personally-authored fake evidence as 'Intel EVIDENCE' of a crime committed by the President.

Schiff calls for open hearings on Trump's Iran actions


I always find it hilarious when you accuse everyone other than Trump- for having a desperate need for attention.

Your Dear Leader hates to share his spotlight with anyone with his psychotic hatred for 51% of all Americans.

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