Scholar Skewers The Socialist Savior


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.While Andrew Jackson may be the authentic father of he Democrat Party, circa 1828, the guy to whom the current Leftist version owes fealty has been revealed as a mediocre intellectual and rabid anti-Semite.

Not merely supporter of Mussolini’s Fascism, and Stalin’s Bolshevism, the idol of the Democrats famously said this about immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." What FDR said about Jews in private

2. “Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed
many Holocaust rescue plans

In his book about Franklin Roosevelt and the Holocaust, Rafael Medoff finds links between the US president’s anti-Japanese stances and his policies against Jews fleeing Hitler

3. Not only was US president Franklin Roosevelt perfunctory about rescuing Jews from the Nazis, but he obstructed rescue opportunities that would have cost him little or nothing, according to Holocaust historian Rafael Medoff.

4. …Medoff’s book includes new archival materials about the relationship between Roosevelt and Rabbi Stephen Wise, who the author sees as a sycophantic Jewish leader used by Roosevelt to “keep the Jews quiet.”

5. “Franklin Roosevelt took advantage of Wise’s adoration of his policies and leadership to manipulate Wise through flattery and intermittent access to the White House.”

“Roosevelt used almost identical language in recommending that the Jews and the Japanese be forcibly ‘spread thin’ around the country,”…. Medoff told The Times of Israel. “I was struck by the similarity between the language FDR used regarding the Japanese, and that which he used in private concerning Jews — that they can’t be trusted, they won’t ever become fully loyal Americans, they’ll try to dominate wherever they go.”
Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans

And, not to leave out the Democrat idol's 'empathy' for black Americans.....
Franklin Roosevelt clearly revealed racist proclivities in seeing fit to raise KKK'er Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court, where Justice Black said of Japanese Americans…‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap”

Republicans were no better.
6. Not all the malevolence of Roosevelt involved black or yellow folks...some had to do with whites, too...

"...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

Kinda got Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck...... long as he is a Democrat.
7. ‘During the 1920s, when Roosevelt was already a seasoned politician and a vice presidential candidate, he expressed racist views in editorials and interviews. Regarding new immigrants — and Asians in particular — he bemoaned the creation of ethnic “colonies” in major cities.’ Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans

8. "... Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board theS.S. St. Louis,who were returned to Germany [to their deaths] – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans.

It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews.

The White House [read 'Roosevelt'] opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months.

Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses."
[But not Jews.]

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

That is my definition of 'racism'....not an opinion, or words.....but actions documented to cause harm.
And causing the deaths of Jews falls under that rubric.
We have seen this sort of fluffery from Roosevelt groupies....

"That is moral compass of greatness magnitude. FDR dumped a moral compass into the middle of Stalin's party and parade."
Tender Mercies: A Love Story

The new revelations prove that nothing could be further from the truth.

9. “During these key years before Roosevelt entered the White House, he also wrote and spoke about “the mingling of white with Oriental blood” and preserving other forms of “racial purity.” According to Medoff, all of this was part of a long-held worldview that later guided Roosevelt during his three terms in office.

“Roosevelt’s unflattering statements about Jews consistently reflected one of several interrelated notions: that is was undesirable to have too many Jews in any single profession, institution, or geographic locale; that America was by nature, and should remain, an overwhelmingly white, Protestant country; and that Jews on the whole possessed certain innate and distasteful characteristics,” wrote Medoff.

Even as late in the war as 1944, when a Gallup poll found that the American public overwhelmingly approved of letting in an unlimited number of Jewish refugees, Roosevelt worked to make sure nothing of the sort took place.”
Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans

Of course, Roosevelt was simply one more scion of the party that cultivated and perfected slaver, segregation, and second-class citizenship.
10. “[Roosevelt] would not have had to incur substantial political risks had he permitted immigration up to the limits set by US law, admitted refugees temporarily to a US territory, utilized empty Liberty ships to carry refugees, or authorized dropping bombs on Auschwitz or the railways from planes that were already flying over the camp and its environs,” wrote Medoff.

“[FDR] condemned Kristallnacht but did not loosen immigration quotas despite pleas to do so,” said Hollinger. “His State Department took steps to prevent Jews and other refugees from entering the country…

Even after the Kristallnacht pogrom in November of 1938, Roosevelt refused to criticize the leaders of Nazi Germany. His statement about the slaughter merely called the night’s events “unbelievable,” and he declined to name the victims or perpetrators. Indeed, FDR did not issue a single statement critical of the Nazis during the first five years of Hitler’s rule.” Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans

11. It might be appropriate, here, to mention that Roosevelt gave infamous appeaser, Neville Chamberlain, an ‘atta boy’ when Chamberlain gave Adolph Hitler the go-ahead for annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia, that led to WWII.

“Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conference
MUNICH MESSAGE FROM U.S. BARED; Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conference

Bet they never taught that in government school.
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.
12. “Roosevelt’s determination to keep Jews away from America knew few limits, as probed in several chapters of Medoff’s book. Although it is well-known that Roosevelt turned away the St. Louis ship packed with German Jewish refugees, the president took other steps that have been omitted by most of his biographers.

In 1939, as the world went to war, Hitler broadcast his intentions to annihilate European Jewry. Simultaneously, FDR refused to support a bill that would have let 20,000 Jewish German adolescents into the US.

… when the Dominican Republic made a public offer to take in 100,000 Jews on visas, the administration undermined the plan. From Roosevelt’s point of view, explained Medoff, that country was too close to home, and Jews deposited there would inevitably come to America. Officials in the US Virgin Islands, too, were willing to rescue Jews by letting them into the country, but Roosevelt halted the plan, …” Historian: New evidence shows FDR’s bigotry derailed many Holocaust rescue plans

13. So, it appears we can add his hand in genocide to his…’legacy,’

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

A proud Democrat.
Thanks for bringing up something that has nothing to do with now.
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
It's just a little history.
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
It's just a little history.

Why are you back, as you obviously fear answering the question?
6. Not all the malevolence of Roosevelt involved black or yellow folks...some had to do with whites, too...

"...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

Kinda got Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck...... long as he is a Democrat.

History doesn't exactly repeat itself. But many times it rhymes!
6. Not all the malevolence of Roosevelt involved black or yellow folks...some had to do with whites, too...

"...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

Kinda got Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck...... long as he is a Democrat.

History doesn't exactly repeat itself. But many times it rhymes!

A reference to Trump's predecessor, the Israel-hater?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
It's just a little history.

Those who ignore it, are doomed to repeat it. Why else do you think that history is no longer taught in the schools
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
It's just a little history.

Those who ignore it, are doomed to repeat it. Why else do you think that history is no longer taught in the schools
Do you mean the history you would like to believe is no longer taught, or in some districts it is called Social Studies?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
What they taught was how Churchill voted on the 30 year defense program.

I don't believe you've answered the question....

Did you know of his affinity for the Nazis efforts....

....or his animosity toward Jewish folks?
It's just a little history.

Those who ignore it, are doomed to repeat it. Why else do you think that history is no longer taught in the schools
Do you mean the history you would like to believe is no longer taught, or in some districts it is called Social Studies?

Civics and history are not taught. Nor is geography.

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