School board member wants Muppets book banned cause it shows kids living in poverty.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
MARSHFIELD, Wis. — A school board member who fears a children's book about the Muppets is too graphic for young children will try to get the book removed from kindergarten curriculum at a Wednesday meeting between Marshfield school officials and community members.

Marshfield School Board member Mary Carney in July objected to the district’s use of the book For Every Child a Better World by Jim Henson in kindergarten classes, The book, she contends, contains images of suffering children living in poverty and violence, including one illustration that shows a child living in a box in the rain. Some people have said they were traumatized after reading the book, according to Carney, who cited online reviews as evidence.


School board member wants Muppets book banned

Just look at her stupid pathetic left wing face. Wanting to ban books, cause it shows children in poverty? Holy shit these people have no limits.

Not Texas?

You know, where the rabid RWNJs want to remove Thomas Jefferson from text books because he 'didn't contribute much'.

Note to idiot OP - post PROOF that she's "left wing".

You can't because you LIED about that.
She's whining that the book "downplays American exceptionalism".

Sounds like a "Conservative" to me...
Mary Carney is a rw, who does not want to acknowledge children live in poverty.
It shows what the republican party wants to do to them.

Not true....
And I take offense .....

she contends, contains images of suffering children living in poverty and violence, including one illustration that shows a child living in a box in the rain.

I don't want the kid to have the box.....
After I read the story of Old Mother Hubbard, whose cupboards were bare, I needed intervention.
MARSHFIELD, Wis. — A school board member who fears a children's book about the Muppets is too graphic for young children will try to get the book removed from kindergarten curriculum at a Wednesday meeting between Marshfield school officials and community members.

Marshfield School Board member Mary Carney in July objected to the district’s use of the book For Every Child a Better World by Jim Henson in kindergarten classes, The book, she contends, contains images of suffering children living in poverty and violence, including one illustration that shows a child living in a box in the rain. Some people have said they were traumatized after reading the book, according to Carney, who cited online reviews as evidence.


School board member wants Muppets book banned

Just look at her stupid pathetic left wing face. Wanting to ban books, cause it shows children in poverty? Holy shit these people have no limits.

Why is every RWNJ thread based on a lie? Your remark about a stupid left wing face should be changed to stupid teapublican face. The idiot was the leader of the Central Wisconsin Tea Party. Board members said they usually just ignored her craziness because she is a persistent goof Are you going to correct your lie, or just stick with it like republicans always do when they just keep repeating their lies?
School Board Member Wants To Ban Muppets Book
MARSHFIELD, Wis. — A school board member who fears a children's book about the Muppets is too graphic for young children will try to get the book removed from kindergarten curriculum at a Wednesday meeting between Marshfield school officials and community members.

Marshfield School Board member Mary Carney in July objected to the district’s use of the book For Every Child a Better World by Jim Henson in kindergarten classes, The book, she contends, contains images of suffering children living in poverty and violence, including one illustration that shows a child living in a box in the rain. Some people have said they were traumatized after reading the book, according to Carney, who cited online reviews as evidence.


School board member wants Muppets book banned

Just look at her stupid pathetic left wing face. Wanting to ban books, cause it shows children in poverty? Holy shit these people have no limits.

Why is every RWNJ thread based on a lie? Your remark about a stupid left wing face should be changed to stupid teapublican face. The idiot was the leader of the Central Wisconsin Tea Party. Board members said they usually just ignored her craziness because she is a persistent goof Are you going to correct your lie, or just stick with it like republicans always do when they just keep repeating their lies?
School Board Member Wants To Ban Muppets Book


I hadn't seen that, that's hilarious.

"Liberal", indeed.
Still waiting for an answer. You going to shut down this lying thread or correct it?
You are all fucking losers. Every fucking left winger, including the fucking teacher. I do not care what she calls herself. Any fucking person that is a politically correct kuunt, regardless of what they call themselves is a fucking left winger.

Notice, I did not call her a liberal, you stupid ass pieces of ignorant shit.

I love it. You have no clue. You all consider yourselves educated too. Now. let me know when I called the kuuunt a liberal. I did call her a left winger. Which is the technical difference.

You stupid morons.
You tried to imply the crazy woman was representative of your political foe, when she is firmly a tea person. That was a lie, and you can;t wiggle out of it no matter how much you try. You have three choices. Either take it down, correct it, or be known as just another lying right winger. I'm pretty sure I know which choice you will make. I really miss the days when your party was honorable.
You tried to imply the crazy woman was representative of your political foe, when she is firmly a tea person. That was a lie, and you can;t wiggle out of it no matter how much you try. You have three choices. Either take it down, correct it, or be known as just another lying right winger. I'm pretty sure I know which choice you will make. I really miss the days when your party was honorable.

She is a political foe you stupid moronic dipshit. You are a fucking idiot. I do not care what she claims she is. I do not care how many fucking tea parties she has attended or who she claims she voted for.

She wants to burn books and she is being all politically correct. It is not what one claims they are, it is what they do.

You are a fucking idiot and I have proved how you are all miserable fucking hypocritical hacks.

Bullfrog, you are bullshit.
You tried to imply the crazy woman was representative of your political foe, when she is firmly a tea person. That was a lie, and you can;t wiggle out of it no matter how much you try. You have three choices. Either take it down, correct it, or be known as just another lying right winger. I'm pretty sure I know which choice you will make. I really miss the days when your party was honorable.

She is a political foe you stupid moronic dipshit. You are a fucking idiot. I do not care what she claims she is. I do not care how many fucking tea parties she has attended or who she claims she voted for.

She wants to burn books and she is being all politically correct. It is not what one claims they are, it is what they do.

You are a fucking idiot and I have proved how you are all miserable fucking hypocritical hacks.

Bullfrog, you are bullshit.

On what do you base your claim that she is left wing? You know that is a lie, right?

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