School Holds “Black Lives Matter” Assembly, Ban Other Races

A meeting is not segregation of the public schools.
Public taxpayer funded school function for a single race, whether white, black, Asians or Hispanic = segregation.

Is it okay to go back to 'whites only' water fountains as long as we also have one for Blacks, Asians, Hispanics?
Its a meeting to discuss racial issues. Not school segregation. Fountains have nothing to do with race.

It's sanctioned by a public institution and held on public property.

Attendance cannot be denied because of skin color

Seems like youre wrong.

We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.
Public taxpayer funded school function for a single race, whether white, black, Asians or Hispanic = segregation.

Is it okay to go back to 'whites only' water fountains as long as we also have one for Blacks, Asians, Hispanics?
Its a meeting to discuss racial issues. Not school segregation. Fountains have nothing to do with race.

It's sanctioned by a public institution and held on public property.

Attendance cannot be denied because of skin color

Seems like youre wrong.

We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
So, they like to wail it's whites that is suppressing other peoples rights?

this principle is not only into suppressing rights, but he like's segregating black people too

how about that one

where that freak Al Sharpton, Obama to stand up for whites, Asians, latinos, etc that was EXCLUDED
As a result of the approach taken at the school, Rouse said, the students shared their thoughts about being the only black students in advanced placement classes, having few black teachers, and their feelings about always having to represent their race rather than themselves in classroom discussions.

"Unfortunately, the stories that they shared weren't new to me. They were experiences I had in high school and experiences I had in college," he said.

But knowing the issues, Rouse added, helps school officials address them. For instance, Rouse said he's acutely aware of the lack of black teachers and is working hard to recruit them.

Though the affinity groups began with black students, Rouse said he hopes to have similar groups in the near future for white, Latino and Asian students. And once the students have had their say in the individual groups, he hopes to culminate the effort with a school-wide event that lets all students talk about race together.
OPRF parents upset apos Black Lives Matter apos assembly excludes other races - Oak Leaves

What was the problem?

They aren't BLOCKED from being in those classes, they're just not smart enough to get in.
So, they like to wail it's whites that is suppressing other peoples rights?

this principle is not only into suppressing rights, but he like's segregating black people too

how about that one

where that freak Al Sharpton, Obama to stand up for whites, Asians, latinos, etc that was EXCLUDED

I think the complaint is that whites are too smart to be allowed. They make blacks look bad?
Its a meeting to discuss racial issues. Not school segregation. Fountains have nothing to do with race.

It's sanctioned by a public institution and held on public property.

Attendance cannot be denied because of skin color

Seems like youre wrong.

We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.
It's sanctioned by a public institution and held on public property.

Attendance cannot be denied because of skin color

Seems like youre wrong.

We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
Seems like youre wrong.

We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
I know your hotel room door must swing both ways. One guy leaves and another comes in.
We'll see when the school gets sued as it should
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
I know your hotel room door must swing both ways. One guy leaves and another comes in.

You're confusing me with your female acquaintances again. I told you, no amount of money is going to convince me to do you, schlep.
It wont but you can always keep your fingers crossed.

Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
I know your hotel room door must swing both ways. One guy leaves and another comes in.

You're confusing me with your female acquaintances again. I told you, no amount of money is going to convince me to do you, schlep.
You arent one of my acquaintances. You are someone that wanted me to be your pimp. I said no and now you are mad. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
Or we can wait until blacks are excluded from a meeting and they all start whining about their rights.
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
I know your hotel room door must swing both ways. One guy leaves and another comes in.

You're confusing me with your female acquaintances again. I told you, no amount of money is going to convince me to do you, schlep.
You arent one of my acquaintances. You are someone that wanted me to be your pimp. I said no and now you are mad. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

Wow ebonics strikes again.

I didn't say I was one of your acquaintances, you dolt. I said you were CONFUSING me with your acquaintances.

Do you only read every 7th word? Do you think you're speed reading?
No one cares if white people meet to discuss issues that affect only white people. I wouldnt care at all.

That door swings both ways, felon.
I know your hotel room door must swing both ways. One guy leaves and another comes in.

You're confusing me with your female acquaintances again. I told you, no amount of money is going to convince me to do you, schlep.
You arent one of my acquaintances. You are someone that wanted me to be your pimp. I said no and now you are mad. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

Wow ebonics strikes again.

I didn't say I was one of your acquaintances, you dolt. I said you were CONFUSING me with your acquaintances.

Do you only read every 7th word? Do you think you're speed reading?
What does that have to do with you being a spurned crack whore?
If a white person did this the press would be all over that person in a second. We give the blacks too much and they demand too much: and they get it.

They are going to have their very own white kid meeting.

Actually that isn't a 'fact' but a 'hope' stated by the principal after public reaction.

...Though the affinity groups began with black students, Rouse said he hopes to have similar groups in the near future for white, Latino and Asian students. And once the students have had their say in the individual groups, he hopes to culminate the effort with a school-wide event that lets all students talk about race together.

OPRF parents upset apos Black Lives Matter apos assembly excludes other races - Oak Leaves

You're assuming it is simply after public reaction.

No, I am not. Reaction was 'after the fact' as the article made clear. Perhaps more problematic is found on the OPRFHS site itself. The 'news' is dated the 3rd, though 'reaction' is made clear in last paragraph.

As a secondary educator I don't have a problem with 'targeted' assemblies per se, though school administrations generally do, as it creates problems for anyone excluded.

This is the first time I've seen 'affinity grouping' being a rationale in a publicly funded school setting or any school. I did try to find out if some new methodologies were introduced in the past few years, but find the applications were in business and one in college setting.

I'm not buying that you're a secondary educator. At all. Unless, I was standing next to the guy from the get go then I cannot state either way. Neither can you.

That's the article from the site:

Principal Rouse hosts Black Lives Matter discussion

Here is the strategic plan:

This was the focus last year at a widely publicized event:

Affinity groups at Waterloo Schools
Student Affinity Groups

Here is one for Cambodian-American students:

I don't care what you believe. Good for you for finding the article I pointed you to. Also credit you for finding at least some references to 'affinity groups' in education. From the seminar materials you posted, seems the 'affinity groups' though were breakout sessions, followed by whole group discussions, which makes sense.

However rather than being the 'focus' of the seminar, they were one of the many options available to participants.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
The only ones that would come would be the ones that for some reason thought they were white. They would soon be corrected of their mistake.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
The only ones that would come would be the ones that for some reason thought they were white. They would soon be corrected of their mistake.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.
Wrong. They would be there in force, chanting more idiotic shit with Al Sharpton, dwarfed by his bull horn.
No Black person is going to want to go to any event where white people discuss their issues. You really are not that interesting at all.

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