School Holds “Black Lives Matter” Assembly, Ban Other Races

This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
There would probably be a bunch of ignorant crackers speaking, and it would also be avoided by many Whites.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
The only ones that would come would be the ones that for some reason thought they were white. They would soon be corrected of their mistake.
Like Ben Carson?
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
There would probably be a bunch of ignorant crackers speaking, and it would also be avoided by many Whites.
I wouldn't know who would be speaking, I wouldn't be there.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.

There would those that would come. All races are more the same than different.
The only ones that would come would be the ones that for some reason thought they were white. They would soon be corrected of their mistake.
Like Ben Carson?
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.
Wrong. They would be there in force, chanting more idiotic shit with Al Sharpton, dwarfed by his bull horn.
No Black person is going to want to go to any event where white people discuss their issues. You really are not that interesting at all.
You're trolling or breathtakingly naive.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.
Wrong. They would be there in force, chanting more idiotic shit with Al Sharpton, dwarfed by his bull horn.
No Black person is going to want to go to any event where white people discuss their issues. You really are not that interesting at all.
You're trolling or breathtakingly naive.
Youre drunk or you ingested too may lead paint chips as a youth.
It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
No Blacks would come.
Wrong. They would be there in force, chanting more idiotic shit with Al Sharpton, dwarfed by his bull horn.
No Black person is going to want to go to any event where white people discuss their issues. You really are not that interesting at all.
You're trolling or breathtakingly naive.
Youre drunk or you ingested too may lead paint chips as a youth.
So it's trolling.
No Blacks would come.
Wrong. They would be there in force, chanting more idiotic shit with Al Sharpton, dwarfed by his bull horn.
No Black person is going to want to go to any event where white people discuss their issues. You really are not that interesting at all.
You're trolling or breathtakingly naive.
Youre drunk or you ingested too may lead paint chips as a youth.
So it's trolling.
No I dont think youre trolling. I think its too many lead paint chips in your digestive tract.
I'll say this again' black lives don't matter to blacks; so why should I care?
As a result of the approach taken at the school, Rouse said, the students shared their thoughts about being the only black students in advanced placement classes, having few black teachers, and their feelings about always having to represent their race rather than themselves in classroom discussions.

"Unfortunately, the stories that they shared weren't new to me. They were experiences I had in high school and experiences I had in college," he said.

But knowing the issues, Rouse added, helps school officials address them. For instance, Rouse said he's acutely aware of the lack of black teachers and is working hard to recruit them.

Though the affinity groups began with black students, Rouse said he hopes to have similar groups in the near future for white, Latino and Asian students. And once the students have had their say in the individual groups, he hopes to culminate the effort with a school-wide event that lets all students talk about race together.
OPRF parents upset apos Black Lives Matter apos assembly excludes other races - Oak Leaves

What was the problem?

They aren't BLOCKED from being in those classes, they're just not smart enough to get in.

What are you going on about?
he does not feel that he was being “exclusive.”

ooooh gawd !! what a racist pile of ultra black shit, he is what i refer to when i say that person is a true fucking |\|IGGER !!

he does "not feel", feeeeeel ? there is a huge clue, liberliars have no idea of how to use logical rational responsible THINKING, "FEEL" is an "emotion", emotion requires no brains, had the man (?) had any brains he would have given thought to his racist action.

not being "exclusive" ?? what the fuck is this :asshole: thin...., ooops, almost fucked up, how much more exclusive can one be when only allowing BLACK kids to attend a “Black Lives Matter" assembly, they should know by now they kill each other more so than any WHITE cop(s) ever did. :up:
can you imagine how long this thread would have been by now, if this had been a white principle and said a march was only for white kids.

I guess I'm not shocked anymore by the double standards from the left/lib, Democrats, the lamestream media
As a result of the approach taken at the school, Rouse said, the students shared their thoughts about being the only black students in advanced placement classes, having few black teachers, and their feelings about always having to represent their race rather than themselves in classroom discussions.

"Unfortunately, the stories that they shared weren't new to me. They were experiences I had in high school and experiences I had in college," he said.

But knowing the issues, Rouse added, helps school officials address them. For instance, Rouse said he's acutely aware of the lack of black teachers and is working hard to recruit them.

Though the affinity groups began with black students, Rouse said he hopes to have similar groups in the near future for white, Latino and Asian students. And once the students have had their say in the individual groups, he hopes to culminate the effort with a school-wide event that lets all students talk about race together.
OPRF parents upset apos Black Lives Matter apos assembly excludes other races - Oak Leaves

What was the problem?
The problem is its exclusionary. Segregation.
In fact the black people who are complaining about the lack of black teachers in AP classes and not enough black students are in effect demanding segregated classes for black students and teachers.
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

The OP is trying to make it seem like white students were wrestled to the ground instead of just being told not to enter. :laugh:
Lets put the shoe on the other foot.
Suppose this was an event for Caucasians and exclusive of other races. And to take it one step further, suppose it was for ALL races 'except' blacks...
What say you?
This is a good thing. Why should there be whites at an event discussing issues Black students have? What are they going to do? Take notes?

It's further division. Let a school have a "White Lives Matter" and exclude blacks. Be honest, what would happen
Nothing would happen. If white people were being shot by Black cops all the time Black people could relate and respect the position of the event being white only.
That's a bunch of horse shit. You are hiding behind words.
All the time?.....
Face it, the decision by the school officials is racist. Period....You don't get to claim black people cannot be racist. Not after this.
There is gong to be a whites only meeting

says who ?

prove it


I did. I gave you the link. It was in the text of the article.
Once again you are lying. The article states what he said, "He hoped..." not that other affinity group assemblies had been scheduled.

I'm not lying. I posted the link.
You misrepresented a direct quote from the link.

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