School Mauling: Pitbulls Attack And Injure 21 In Missouri, Including 18 Children

Nah, assault dogs only. At first. What is an assault dog? Got teeth? There you go, assault dog. $200 stamp for a dog with teeth, and you gotta register the mutt and pass a dog background check. Pooped on the carpet? Not you, the dog. Can't have that, the dog is obviously a threat to democracy and the environment. The dog red flag law says the cops have to take your dog into custody if he barked or growled at somebody until a judge says you can have him back. And you better hope that dog don't piss while on the witness stand.
Ban assault dogs, I love it. No magazines(mouths) that hold more than 8 rounds (or teeth)..... I mean, some people really do think like that.....
According to a report from Newsweek, two dogs, identified as mixes between pitbulls and another breed, made their way onto the playground just shortly after 1PM on Tuesday, during afternoon recess at Willard Intermediate South school, which is open to students in grades five and six.

After the pitbulls encountered the children, they began attacking, and ended up mauling 18 students, along with three teachers.

Heather Harman-Michael, the communications and public relations director for the Springfield school, confirmed that ambulances were brought onto site to treat injuries received, with parents of the attack victims informed.

All three of the teachers and three students required medical attention from suffering bites and scratches from the dog, and were transported to hospital via ambulances. Other students were injured in a rush to get back inside to avoid the raging pitbulls. Harman-Michael confirmed that as of Wednesday night, all hospitalized victims had returned home.

One moment, please...

Breed of Peace strikes again.

In before:

Someone must have breathed wrong.

They’re total sweethearts. You just can’t make any sudden movements.

Yeah, but *my* pitt is the biggest bundle of joy ever.

Criticizing a dog breed is racist.

Shouldn’t have looked at them.

Isolated incident.

Someone made a loud noise.

Golden retrievers bite more.

It’s the owner, not the breed.

Banning a breed is the same as gun control.

My pitty babysits my newborn.

Oh yeah......


I have been saying it for damn near 10 years.
The breed has been all but ruined by over breeding/aggressive breeding.
Their needs to be a national "pause" on breeding Pitbulls. It is the sensible thing to do.
A breeding pause is it will be made illegal to breed Pit Bulls, including Pit bull mixes for I would say 15 years. In that time, only licensed breeders can breed them with a directive to only breed non aggressive Pits. And continue to weed out the aggressive strain that irresponsible breeders created.
Fines should be heavy, and jail term for 2nd offenses.
It’s always pit bulls

These demon dogs should be illegal
I raised and trained a lot of them. I disagree they are unpredictable, but I agree they are not appropriate for pets.

They are an entirely one man breed which were bred specifically for one thing, combat against other powerful fighting breeds of canines. We have Hounders(bear hunters who use packs of dogs)using them from time to time due to wolves slaughtering their hound dogs, the use of such is clearly intended as an attempt at introducing a combat dog as retribution against the wolves(the wolves just slaughter the pit bulls too)for killing their expensive hounds! Pit bulls are entirely unpredictable absent extremely close handling by a very committed handler, they are extremely dangerous animals with a growing list of municipalities that ban their ownership altogether, there are very compelling reasons for those actions...
Local governments don't need to ban them, insurance companies are taking care of it. Hold the stupid owners 1000% accountable, and it should just be a matter of time.
They are an entirely one man breed which were bred specifically for one thing, combat against other powerful fighting breeds of canines. We have Hounders(bear hunters who use packs of dogs)using them from time to time due to wolves slaughtering their hound dogs, the use of such is clearly intended as an attempt at introducing a combat dog as retribution against the wolves(the wolves just slaughter the pit bulls too)for killing their expensive hounds! Pit bulls are entirely unpredictable absent extremely close handling by a very committed handler, they are extremely dangerous animals with a growing list of municipalities that ban their ownership altogether, there are very compelling reasons for those actions...
The inclusion of the words "absent close handling by a very committed handler" brings me into agreement with what you are saying.

I sold my dogs prior to birth, the owner handler was required to show up within three days of birth, then at least four days a week. At six weeks they took the dog home, if they desired. Training started in earnest, daily at four months. Both the dog and the owner/handler went through training. My dogs and their owners all still return twice a year. You are absolutely correct, I raised and trained one person dogs trained for combat. While they are pets to one person, they are not pets. I never advocated or allowed dog fighting. Most of my animals went to law enforcement handlers. A few are still working.
A few side notes: I had a few untrainable animals that had to be put down before completing training. Second thing is over the years I lost count of the number of bite I received or the number of stitches I required. To train guard dogs for service requires dedication.
Municipality districts that ban ownership of bulldogs still allow Law enforcement to use them. In my state, once a dog receives the type of training I provided, they are registered as weapons with the sheriff's department and chipped to prevent "accidentally" being released into the public.
I am and was a responsible trainer with a good record. The clown teacher I put on ignore that resorted to calling me names, just doesn't understand that.
I am an experienced breeder and trainer. I trained dogs to be weapons. I supplied those weapons to legally allowed handlers. I do not support ownership of these weapons by the inexperienced public. The bear dogs you spoke of, I have no personal knowledge. I do know bulldogs.
The article in the op is a sad outcome of ownership of one of these weapons by an untrained and irresponsible owner. The dogs did just exactly what they are meant to do. The targets were extremely unfortunate. The owner should be charged with the crime of negligence and assault.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what kind of charge can be brought against a pet owner if murder or assault is never once the owner's intention?

God bless you and the victims always!!!

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what kind of charge can be brought against a pet owner if murder or assault is never once the owner's intention?

God bless you and the victims always!!!

Involuntary manslaughter.

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