School Official Demands “Home School License”

Note the town (Lenoir) and the county (Caldwell). Nothing against home schooling if the parents are serious and do it right. But that part of NC is a sinkhole of crazy people, in my opinion. Does anybody know if it is a militia center of activity?
The entire state of Utah is a "sinkhole of crazy people" in the opinion of a lot of ignorant bigots, you fucking ignorant bigot.

Dude, I do believe they are discussing NC, aka NORTH CAROLINA.
Note the town (Lenoir) and the county (Caldwell). Nothing against home schooling if the parents are serious and do it right. But that part of NC is a sinkhole of crazy people, in my opinion. Does anybody know if it is a militia center of activity?
The entire state of Utah is a "sinkhole of crazy people" in the opinion of a lot of ignorant bigots, you fucking ignorant bigot.

Dude, I do believe they are discussing NC, aka NORTH CAROLINA.

I know lots of Appalachian-Americans and, for the most part, they're damned good people.
The idea that you would even need a license to educate your own child is the antithesis of freedom. Public school districts are little fiefdoms run by Nazi administrators who think they have first right over your children.
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

Thomas Edison, Ernst Mach, Florence Nightingale, Erwin Schrodinger, Albert Einstein, and Francis Collins were right wingers?
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

Thomas Edison, Ernst Mach, Florence Nightingale, Erwin Schrodinger, Albert Einstein, and Francis Collins were right wingers?

Albert Einstein a right winger?

When a family in Lenoir (Caldwell County) decided to withdraw their son from public school last month in order to teach him at home, an official at the middle school refused to remove him from the public school rolls until the mother first produced a “home school license.” This meant that the child would be considered truant by the public school while being taught in a homeschool setting.

After the parents contacted Home School Legal Defense Association for assistance, Senior Counsel Dewitt Black wrote the school official and advised her that the family was in full compliance with state law, having filed a notice of intent to operate a homeschool with the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education. Black also informed the school official that there was no such thing as a “home school license” and, further, that there was no requirement under state law that parents operating a homeschool provide the school district with any documentation relating to its operation. Finally, Black’s letter stated that since the parents had already made a good faith effort to follow the school’s normal withdrawal procedure, they were under no obligation to take any other action in this regard.

This is an example of how threatening legal problems can arise even in a state with a good homeschool law.

HSLDA | School Official Demands "Home School License"

"When an opponent declares,
'I will not come over to your side.'
I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already…
What are you? You will pass on.
Your descendants, however,
now stand in the new camp.
In a short time they will know nothing
else but this new community.'"~ Adolf Hitler
Americans are so used to asking permission from their Gov't that they just assume they need a License to do practically anything.

I love it when a plan comes together!
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

Thomas Edison, Ernst Mach, Florence Nightingale, Erwin Schrodinger, Albert Einstein, and Francis Collins were right wingers?

Albert Einstein a right winger?


Everyone I named was home schooled, which you defined as being right wing and stupid.
Home schooling should not be allowed, the whole point of public schooling is to keep the sheeples children obedient to rules, regulations and authority, and to limit quality and to show the children their place in society so when the grow up, they can get a job.
We can't be having the sheeple teaching their children to cling to guns & advanced arithmetic, this is a bad combination.
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

yep they'll miss all the sex ed and global warming classes that are doing so well....thats why blacks agree with republicans on school choice.

You cant be any dumber and hey maybe they'll learn a few facts and ideas, things they dont in the indoctrination system.
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

Sometimes you really should think before you type. As far as I know, most states require home schooled kids to pass certain state tests to show that they are at grade level for comprehension in all subjects. Most home schooled kids outperform those in our public schools by a wide margin.

While home schooling definitely is not for everyone, it works for some. Many parents who home school do not do it on their own. I have friends who home school their kids. The wife is a stay at home mom and she teaches the kids English and History. She also teaches other kids who are home schooled. Those parents teach her kids Math and Science, and other parents teach music, art, and other subjects. They actually set up their own type of school where the kids go to different homes to study different subjects. This happens much more than you would think. There are organizations out there for parents who home school so they can teach what they are best at and receive the help of others teaching subjects they have less knowledge in. This also helps give these home schooled kids a better social environment, so they are not just staying at home being taught everything by their parents.

I'm sure some parents do it all on their own, but in talking to the parents I know who home school, this method of home schooling really makes the most sense and seems to be the most effective. The bottom line though, is that most parents who home school do a great job and their kids do just fine. Those on welfare rarely home school because they generally aren't smart enough.
When a family in Lenoir (Caldwell County) decided to withdraw their son from public school last month in order to teach him at home, an official at the middle school refused to remove him from the public school rolls until the mother first produced a “home school license.” This meant that the child would be considered truant by the public school while being taught in a homeschool setting.

After the parents contacted Home School Legal Defense Association for assistance, Senior Counsel Dewitt Black wrote the school official and advised her that the family was in full compliance with state law, having filed a notice of intent to operate a homeschool with the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education. Black also informed the school official that there was no such thing as a “home school license” and, further, that there was no requirement under state law that parents operating a homeschool provide the school district with any documentation relating to its operation. Finally, Black’s letter stated that since the parents had already made a good faith effort to follow the school’s normal withdrawal procedure, they were under no obligation to take any other action in this regard.

This is an example of how threatening legal problems can arise even in a state with a good homeschool law.

HSLDA | School Official Demands "Home School License"

I do not often agree with you, but well said. School administrators seem to make up the rules as they go along, then confuse their made up rules with the law. There have been comments about in-breed homeschoolers and feakish Jesus kids, but there is nothing more inbreed and freakish than the world of public school administration. Their answer to parents pulling kids out of their inefficient school system is not to improve efficiency, but to attempt to force the children back into their inefficient school system.
Listen. ......
We need to keep the ****** children fascinated with the hip-hop culture so they can aspire to be a Recoding Artist & Street Auntrapanures, so that they continue making stupid be-box sounds, sagging their pants, and behaving & walking around like monkeys. This was not done in earlier years, and now LOOK ...... we have a BLACK President because someone recognised Obama's potential at a young age and gave him a shot, if the hip-hop culture would have been introduced in the 1950's his chances of getting a proper education would have been reduced and we would have a white President today.

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