School Official Demands “Home School License”

how about instead acting like a real country and making our schoold the top like they once were.

Your right that the smaller the group per teachers numbers the better.

But also kids learn from each other too.

A small group per theacher makes for a great education.

The right in this country has distroyed our schools by forcing 30 kids per teacher by defunding our schools

USMBs finest example of a public education.
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.'re the poster child for public school education?

A lot of teachers are covering their faces right now!

Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines (HSLDA | National Center News)
The sheep just can't get out of their pigeonholes and realize that the fucking government cannot do as well as a parent when it comes to educating their children
When a family in Lenoir (Caldwell County) decided to withdraw their son from public school last month in order to teach him at home, an official at the middle school refused to remove him from the public school rolls until the mother first produced a “home school license.” This meant that the child would be considered truant by the public school while being taught in a homeschool setting.

After the parents contacted Home School Legal Defense Association for assistance, Senior Counsel Dewitt Black wrote the school official and advised her that the family was in full compliance with state law, having filed a notice of intent to operate a homeschool with the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education. Black also informed the school official that there was no such thing as a “home school license” and, further, that there was no requirement under state law that parents operating a homeschool provide the school district with any documentation relating to its operation. Finally, Black’s letter stated that since the parents had already made a good faith effort to follow the school’s normal withdrawal procedure, they were under no obligation to take any other action in this regard.

This is an example of how threatening legal problems can arise even in a state with a good homeschool law.

HSLDA | School Official Demands "Home School License"

I do not often agree with you, but well said. School administrators seem to make up the rules as they go along, then confuse their made up rules with the law. There have been comments about in-breed homeschoolers and feakish Jesus kids, but there is nothing more inbreed and freakish than the world of public school administration. Their answer to parents pulling kids out of their inefficient school system is not to improve efficiency, but to attempt to force the children back into their inefficient school system.

Leftist educrats and teacher's unions are the main opponents to school choice, charter schools, home schooling and neighborhood schools.
Note the town (Lenoir) and the county (Caldwell). Nothing against home schooling if the parents are serious and do it right. But that part of NC is a sinkhole of crazy people, in my opinion. Does anybody know if it is a militia center of activity?
The entire state of Utah is a "sinkhole of crazy people" in the opinion of a lot of ignorant bigots, you fucking ignorant bigot.

Dude, I do believe they are discussing NC, aka NORTH CAROLINA.

I think he's pointing out how stupid it is to assume an entire area is full of crazy people, any area.
The entire state of Utah is a "sinkhole of crazy people" in the opinion of a lot of ignorant bigots, you fucking ignorant bigot.

Dude, I do believe they are discussing NC, aka NORTH CAROLINA.

I think he's pointing out how stupid it is to assume an entire area is full of crazy people, any area.

You have not been to Shelby County, Tx, or parts of plyg country on the Utah-Arizona border.

Yes, does anybody know if Lenoir or Caldwell County are militia centers?
The Scholastic Achievement of Home School Students. ERIC/AE Digest.

Almost 25% of home school students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level peers in public and private schools.

Home school student achievement test scores were exceptionally high. The median scores for every subtest at every grade (typically in the 70th to 80th percentile) were well above those of public and Catholic/Private school students.

On average, home school students in grades 1 to 4 performed one grade level above their age-level public/private school peers on achievement tests.

Students who had been home schooled their entire academic life had higher scholastic achievement test scores than students who had also attended other educational programs.

Yeah home schooling sucks.

The problem with that stat is that it's self selecting. The public schools test everyone, while the Home-Skulers only test the ones who won't embarrass them.

I'm reasonably sure no one tested Adam Lanza...

You really are this stupid, aren't you.
Most home schooled are right wingers as far as I can tell. The only bad thing I can see is they will raise some really stupid kids that won't be able to survive without food stamps and welfare.

It's too bad you didn't know that home schooled kids beat their government edumacated counterparts in performance across the board.

Yet they still do poorly in the work world because for the most part, they interact poorly with other people.

Let's not forget, Adam Lanza was "home-schooled". How well did that turn out?

That explains why no one ever heard of Andrew Carnegie.
Dude, I do believe they are discussing NC, aka NORTH CAROLINA.

I think he's pointing out how stupid it is to assume an entire area is full of crazy people, any area.

You have not been to Shelby County, Tx, or parts of plyg country on the Utah-Arizona border.

Yes, does anybody know if Lenoir or Caldwell County are militia centers?

No...NC is not Idaho or Montana.
Of course the far northern reaches of Caldwell border the NC Blue Ridge. In those remote areas one may see a few hill billies. Some bear and deer poachers. People who live entirely off the barter system and others who have never ventured farther than a few miles from their home. And others who upon seeing a stranger on their land fire first.....BOOM!! Stop or I'll shoot!"
The Scholastic Achievement of Home School Students. ERIC/AE Digest.

Almost 25% of home school students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level peers in public and private schools.

Home school student achievement test scores were exceptionally high. The median scores for every subtest at every grade (typically in the 70th to 80th percentile) were well above those of public and Catholic/Private school students.

On average, home school students in grades 1 to 4 performed one grade level above their age-level public/private school peers on achievement tests.

Students who had been home schooled their entire academic life had higher scholastic achievement test scores than students who had also attended other educational programs.

Yeah home schooling sucks.

The problem with that stat is that it's self selecting. The public schools test everyone, while the Home-Skulers only test the ones who won't embarrass them.

I'm reasonably sure no one tested Adam Lanza...
Hey fuckwad....When you can quote chapter and verse regarding the laws with which home schoolers must comply, then you can post. Until then here is a can of shut the fuck up for ya..
All home schooled students MUST meet and match the exact curriculum requirements of brick and mortar students. All home schooled students are eligible to play sports for their respective district school teams. All home schooled students MUST sit for the same (end of grade) EOG and periodic state exams as brick and mortar students...
So now here is a BUCKET of shut the fuck up.
Yet they still do poorly in the work world because for the most part, they interact poorly with other people.

Let's not forget, Adam Lanza was "home-schooled". How well did that turn out?

Ad Hominem. His home schooling had nothing to do with his mental problems, but you already knew that, right sphincter boy?
I think it is logical that a parent certifies his/her ability to teach their kids at home. You can call it a license or a permit or a certification.
Home Schoolers Lead Spelling Bee - ABC News

Even though students taught at homes make up just 2 percent of the entire school age population, they are more than 10 percent of the finalists in this year's national spelling bee. They will make up an even higher percentage at National Geographic Society's National Geographic Bee.

"I think there's a certain sense of astonishment," says Paige Kimble, the director of the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee. "And frankly I think there's also a sense of respect and jealousy."
I think he's pointing out how stupid it is to assume an entire area is full of crazy people, any area.

You have not been to Shelby County, Tx, or parts of plyg country on the Utah-Arizona border.

Yes, does anybody know if Lenoir or Caldwell County are militia centers?

No...NC is not Idaho or Montana.
Of course the far northern reaches of Caldwell border the NC Blue Ridge. In those remote areas one may see a few hill billies. Some bear and deer poachers. People who live entirely off the barter system and others who have never ventured farther than a few miles from their home. And others who upon seeing a stranger on their land fire first.....BOOM!! Stop or I'll shoot!"

Wow. We had some folks like that in Alaska, way down range.

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