Schoolboard mocks parents not knowing they are live

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
Home schoolers form coops of local home schooling families. They take field trips, visit museums, do group lessons, that kind of thing.

I suppose it's possible. Saying it happens doesn't mean it does though. I know people who home school and know of no co-ops. Now that doesn't prove there are none either.
Okay, I know there are because we homeschooled for a while and were part of one.

That's great but we are speaking country wide.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
Home schoolers form coops of local home schooling families. They take field trips, visit museums, do group lessons, that kind of thing.

I suppose it's possible. Saying it happens doesn't mean it does though. I know people who home school and know of no co-ops. Now that doesn't prove there are none either.
Okay, I know there are because we homeschooled for a while and were part of one.

That's great but we are speaking country wide.
Sigh, okay, here's reality. There are homeschooling organizations all across the country. We were part of one here in Virginia, but they are everywhere. Homeschooling has been around for long enough that these things formed. Tell you what, look it up if you're skeptical.

Homeschool Convention Locations
What is a Homeschool Co-op?.

Surely you would expect wildly liberal California to have no co-ops, right?

Homeschool Groups and Co-ops in California

All I'm saying is, these things exist and they are everywhere. You probably haven't heard of them because they tend to be small. They are local, after all.
Here is "reality"...

Teachers and school boards are stressed and are just flat out sick of it all right now. They are sick of the rules, the parents, and of the constant changes.

Let them vent. This makes them human.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

In my opinion, that teacher should've been fired. Being harassed by your classmates is bad enough if you endured that as well, but when a teacher becomes guilty of such an action, that is when something should most definitely be done.

God bless you always!!!

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
Yes, people who bathe multiple children in dirty water are defeating the purpose of the bath.

Everyone bathes in dirty water. That's where the dirt goes.

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
I have no problem with parents getting vouchers for tax dollars and sending their children to the school of their choice. If it's two or 400..

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

Musta been an "oh-fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddddge" moment. Love it.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
I have no problem with parents getting vouchers for tax dollars and sending their children to the school of their choice. If it's two or 400..

And you'll pay more in taxes if need be to see to that?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

Now that's just funny right there.

Whats funny about it?

Most of the parents ARE potheads and teachers are baby sitters --- so, it's funny because it's true.
Here is "reality"...

Teachers and school boards are stressed and are just flat out sick of it all right now. They are sick of the rules, the parents, and of the constant changes.

Let them vent. This makes them human.

Maybe they should have picked different careers.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

Now that's just funny right there.

Whats funny about it?

Most of the parents ARE potheads and teachers are baby sitters --- so, it's funny because it's true.

Bullshit. And if a teacher thinks that way then they aren’t suited for the job.
This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

You think that the people who run private schools don't have just as much contempt for parents.

My late mother was an art teacher for the Catholic school I went to (The one that made me the Atheist I am today). They had nothing but contempt for parents.
"Teachers" should make $15/hour.... babysitter pay.... most of them are dumb as fuck... the video proves me right.

except these weren't teachers, they were volunteer school board members.

And frankly, nothing they said was really untrue. Just politically incorrect.
"Teachers" should make $15/hour.... babysitter pay.... most of them are dumb as fuck... the video proves me right.

except these weren't teachers, they were volunteer school board members.

And frankly, nothing they said was really untrue. Just politically incorrect.

Is it politically incorrect to call a crack head parent a crack head parent?

“even when excluding dropout-recovery schools, the four-year graduation rate of charter schools in Ohio is just under 45 percent, faring worse than public schools in Ohio’s six largest cities. Schools in Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Akron and Toledo graduated 73 percent of their students.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You actually pretended to care about what I had to say and encouraged me to elaborate so I wouldn't be dismissed others but then put me down when I did share more about it and that is a form of an attack. I bring it up because you are acting like you are on the up and up about wanting a real discussion to be open to where others are coming from when in fact you are not. You are a phony democrat. You belong in the taunting area with that kind of behavior, I will stop now but you're a shitty person for that.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

Then quit encouraging someone to elaborate and share when you actually give zero care about it.
This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I doubt that. Most get something. And many of them simply use it as a resume enhancer because they have bigger fish to fry. And many...are so convinced of their own moral superiority and virtue that they'd destroy your kids education simply for free.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You actually pretended to care about what I had to say and encouraged me to elaborate so I wouldn't be dismissed others but then put me down when I did share more about it and that is a form of an attack. I bring it up because you are acting like you are on the up and up about wanting a real discussion to be open to where others are coming from when in fact you are not. You are a phony democrat. You belong in the taunting area with that kind of behavior, I will stop now but you're a shitty person for that.

I was interested in your solution. I agreed that it would be good with me to fund parents staying home to teach their kids as long as you are willing to fund that.

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