Schoolboard mocks parents not knowing they are live

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).

I hope more conservatives do run, and get active....That is the only way we are going to break this stranglehold on our education system.

There are thousands of school boards that are run by conservatives.

Oh good grief, really? Show me.

Like you did to show us this school board is indicative of the average school board all around the country?

There are large areas of the country that is conservative. As far as square miles the majority of the country is red. Are you saying they vote conservative senators but liberal school boards?

I think it is indicitive...But that's my opinion....Just because an area is "Red" doesn't mean that people make sure that the person they are voting in a position like this, unfortunately, is conservative...In many cases I'd be willing to bet that there is only one person running for the position....And in many cases that person is liberal...

So conservatives just go into the voting booth and start pulling levers?

I'm really not interested in dismantling a system based upon your vast generalizations.

Are you often this dishonest?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).

I hope more conservatives do run, and get active....That is the only way we are going to break this stranglehold on our education system.

There are thousands of school boards that are run by conservatives.

Oh good grief, really? Show me.

Like you did to show us this school board is indicative of the average school board all around the country?

There are large areas of the country that is conservative. As far as square miles the majority of the country is red. Are you saying they vote conservative senators but liberal school boards?

I think it is indicitive...But that's my opinion....Just because an area is "Red" doesn't mean that people make sure that the person they are voting in a position like this, unfortunately, is conservative...In many cases I'd be willing to bet that there is only one person running for the position....And in many cases that person is liberal...

So conservatives just go into the voting booth and start pulling levers?

I'm really not interested in dismantling a system based upon your vast generalizations.

Are you often this dishonest?
sometimes he worse,,,

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

Why does it have to be 'homeschooling'? Why not back school choice?

Explain it. Then tell me how you plan on funding it. Are you going to support higher taxes?

Why must it always be higher taxes with you libs? Property tax levels are plenty enough to allow people to choose where they would like their taxes to be spent....Open up school choice, and give a voucher. Make the public system have to compete, and that will raise the bar.

Right, because 5 schools would cost the same as one school. Sheesh. As I've already noted also...........your taxes comes nowhere close to providing your child an education. It takes bonds and property taxes of businesses and those without kids in schools.

Ever ask yourself why it costs so much?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

its about more than one person,, if a pole were taken you would find out a majority have a negative experience in public schools,,

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).

I hope more conservatives do run, and get active....That is the only way we are going to break this stranglehold on our education system.

There are thousands of school boards that are run by conservatives.

Oh good grief, really? Show me.

Like you did to show us this school board is indicative of the average school board all around the country?

There are large areas of the country that is conservative. As far as square miles the majority of the country is red. Are you saying they vote conservative senators but liberal school boards?

I think it is indicitive...But that's my opinion....Just because an area is "Red" doesn't mean that people make sure that the person they are voting in a position like this, unfortunately, is conservative...In many cases I'd be willing to bet that there is only one person running for the position....And in many cases that person is liberal...

So conservatives just go into the voting booth and start pulling levers?

I'm really not interested in dismantling a system based upon your vast generalizations.

Are you often this dishonest?

There is no need to lash out just because you understand that your system does not work.

I simply restated YOUR position. It is you that said that conservatives don't take the time to understand who they are voting for.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Y'all have been trying to "disband" the family unit since the '80s.

Again, empty vast generalizations. You are just lashing out now.

No, I am talking about things that obviously you are too young to remember, or too dishonest to discuss rationally.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

Why does it have to be 'homeschooling'? Why not back school choice?

Explain it. Then tell me how you plan on funding it. Are you going to support higher taxes?

Why must it always be higher taxes with you libs? Property tax levels are plenty enough to allow people to choose where they would like their taxes to be spent....Open up school choice, and give a voucher. Make the public system have to compete, and that will raise the bar.

Right, because 5 schools would cost the same as one school. Sheesh. As I've already noted also...........your taxes comes nowhere close to providing your child an education. It takes bonds and property taxes of businesses and those without kids in schools.

Ever ask yourself why it costs so much?

Yes. Now I have already noted that personal examples do not prove anything but we tossed our entire school board because of a lack of over sight of the reconditioning of the largest high schools football field.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Y'all have been trying to "disband" the family unit since the '80s.

Again, empty vast generalizations. You are just lashing out now.

No, I am talking about things that obviously you are too young to remember, or too dishonest to discuss rationally.

I'm 59. How old does one have to be to understand what you can't explain?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).

I hope more conservatives do run, and get active....That is the only way we are going to break this stranglehold on our education system.

There are thousands of school boards that are run by conservatives.

Oh good grief, really? Show me.

Like you did to show us this school board is indicative of the average school board all around the country?

There are large areas of the country that is conservative. As far as square miles the majority of the country is red. Are you saying they vote conservative senators but liberal school boards?

I think it is indicitive...But that's my opinion....Just because an area is "Red" doesn't mean that people make sure that the person they are voting in a position like this, unfortunately, is conservative...In many cases I'd be willing to bet that there is only one person running for the position....And in many cases that person is liberal...

So conservatives just go into the voting booth and start pulling levers?

I'm really not interested in dismantling a system based upon your vast generalizations.

Are you often this dishonest?

There is no need to lash out just because you understand that your system does not work.

I simply restated YOUR position. It is you that said that conservatives don't take the time to understand who they are voting for.

Oh come on...Honestly now, how many voters Dem, or Rep, do you really think research every candidate they select in the booth? How many just hit the button for 'party line ticket'?

Don't lecture me on what you are doing, because I already know, and it frustrates you that you don't have a real argument for what I am saying so now you will devolve into attack...

Meh, I have to go to work anyway....See ya.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

sayss the guy that always tells other people they are wrong and he is right on a random internet board,,,

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

But you encouraged me to share it. So if it doesn't make any difference why did you do that?
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).

I hope more conservatives do run, and get active....That is the only way we are going to break this stranglehold on our education system.

There are thousands of school boards that are run by conservatives.

Oh good grief, really? Show me.

Like you did to show us this school board is indicative of the average school board all around the country?

There are large areas of the country that is conservative. As far as square miles the majority of the country is red. Are you saying they vote conservative senators but liberal school boards?

I think it is indicitive...But that's my opinion....Just because an area is "Red" doesn't mean that people make sure that the person they are voting in a position like this, unfortunately, is conservative...In many cases I'd be willing to bet that there is only one person running for the position....And in many cases that person is liberal...

So conservatives just go into the voting booth and start pulling levers?

I'm really not interested in dismantling a system based upon your vast generalizations.

Are you often this dishonest?

There is no need to lash out just because you understand that your system does not work.

I simply restated YOUR position. It is you that said that conservatives don't take the time to understand who they are voting for.

Oh come on...Honestly now, how many voters Dem, or Rep, do you really think research every candidate they select in the booth? How many just hit the button for 'party line ticket'?

Don't lecture me on what you are doing, because I already know, and it frustrates you that you don't have a real argument for what I am saying so now you will devolve into attack...

Meh, I have to go to work anyway....See ya.

These are people who run your school systems. If you aren't going to bother I should care about your complaints otherwise?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

But you encouraged me to share it. So if it doesn't make any difference why did you do that?

I asked what your plan to change the system is. I agreed I would support money for people to stay home to teach their children. Now you haven't stated whether you would actually fund this or not. If not, I can't take it seriously.

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

But you encouraged me to share it. So if it doesn't make any difference why did you do that?

I asked what your plan to change the system is. I agreed I would support money for people to stay home to teach their children. Now you haven't stated whether you would actually fund this or not. If not, I can't take it seriously.

But you also said in a different post you were just basically trying to help otherwise I would be dismissed. I shared based on that and you dismissed my experiences as irrelevant

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.

Grants.......basic wage.......we are saying the same thing. You think that is going to be less expensive? Funding 500 families as opposed to a school? The taxes a person pays comes nowhere close to paying for an education.

The teachers were really abusive, you are giving a lot of trust. I and another girl were kept after school in 5th grade because we were failing math that old man teacher felt us up our shirts and down our pants while teaching math. Gimme a broken school is not perfect lots of issues there and then the female teacher got off on humiliating my undiagnosed dyslexia. Teachers can be vicious fucks. The system sucks and parents should educate their children not the government. Basically, you are saying we need a public school to babysit so both peasant parents can work for the man. Otherwise, they must suffer in poverty.

I'm saying for you to explain your plan or it's going to be dismissed. If you want to support a basic wage for a parent to stay home to home school their kid, I would support that even if it means (and it would) higher taxes.

I don't have one. I just know I had really bad experiences in school and no one cared except my mom.

SO obviously since you have a bad experience we should toss the entire system. There are kids abused in their own homes. Should we disband the family system we have because of that?

Now you are just being a dick. You wanted me to explain and put it out there like you were trying to be fair and get a larger picture of where I am coming from. I took your word for it and answered my honest perspective and then you attack me. Are you my 1st grade teacher ? Mrs Jackson?

We are NOT going to tear down our system because you didn't have a good time in school. I did not attack you. I stated a simple fact.

You asked my perspective and thoughts as if you were going to be open but instead immediately put me down for sharing what happened you dismissed my experience as not important in the scheme of your desires about the topic.

It isn't going to change anything. Your anecdotal experience on some random internet board will change nothing.

But you encouraged me to share it. So if it doesn't make any difference why did you do that?

I asked what your plan to change the system is. I agreed I would support money for people to stay home to teach their children. Now you haven't stated whether you would actually fund this or not. If not, I can't take it seriously.

how about they just keep their tax money that went to the schools they no longer need??
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
Home schoolers form coops of local home schooling families. They take field trips, visit museums, do group lessons, that kind of thing.

I suppose it's possible. Saying it happens doesn't mean it does though. I know people who home school and know of no co-ops. Now that doesn't prove there are none either.
Okay, I know there are because we homeschooled for a while and were part of one.

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