Schoolboard mocks parents not knowing they are live

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
your right the system we have now is so great so lets not do anything,,,

that way you can live in the back of the bus making your retarded outbursts,,,

I am asking you what you would do and you seem unable to answer. I'm suppose to believe this is better?
School choice is simple and the competition it would create for tax dollars would drive changes. Schools receive their money based on how many students are attending.
We have examples of the worst schools getting the most money and still failing miserably so it's time to take the focus off the dollar and put it on administrative performance.

Are you going to step up and pay higher taxes for all these choices?
who said the taxs would be higher??

And I should consider what you have to say? I asked you to explain your plan to me. You would not? How many schools are we talking? Just one choice? Many choices? And this wouldn't cost more?
I've answered several times,, if I do it again you will just claim I didnt so whats the use,,

thats why your the retarded kid in the back of the bus,,
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
no it doesnt,,,
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?

View attachment 460007

What good is social interaction if the bullies are allowed to run wild and those that have are treated with special attention?



Yeah, why should schools and school boards reflect society.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice.
Post all of the school boards that have done this.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
Home schoolers form coops of local home schooling families. They take field trips, visit museums, do group lessons, that kind of thing.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
your right the system we have now is so great so lets not do anything,,,

that way you can live in the back of the bus making your retarded outbursts,,,

I am asking you what you would do and you seem unable to answer. I'm suppose to believe this is better?
School choice is simple and the competition it would create for tax dollars would drive changes. Schools receive their money based on how many students are attending.
We have examples of the worst schools getting the most money and still failing miserably so it's time to take the focus off the dollar and put it on administrative performance.

Are you going to step up and pay higher taxes for all these choices?
Other than a slight increase in transportation costs why would taxes go up? The money goes with the child. If he leaves school A to attend school B the money allocated to school a for his attendance follows him to school B. The only difference being transportation costs. And yes I would pay more for that.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
Actually, the "social interaction" thing is already covered by home schoolers who form coops and have group activities with the kids. Some government schools allow home schooled kids to play on sports teams as well.

They do. And I support that. Our local school allowed home schooled kids to play in the band also which I thought was great. Outside of that I do not know of any group home schooled activities.

You do understand that this allows the pubic school some control over homeschooling though, right?
Home schoolers form coops of local home schooling families. They take field trips, visit museums, do group lessons, that kind of thing.

I suppose it's possible. Saying it happens doesn't mean it does though. I know people who home school and know of no co-ops. Now that doesn't prove there are none either.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice. boards are elected by the taxpayers. You are free to run if you want to enact change. But yeah, obviously this example is proof that every school board is the same (insert rolly eyes here).
its the results that make them the same,, and based on that all of them are failing,, some a little more than others,,

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?

Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?
your right the system we have now is so great so lets not do anything,,,

that way you can live in the back of the bus making your retarded outbursts,,,

I am asking you what you would do and you seem unable to answer. I'm suppose to believe this is better?
School choice is simple and the competition it would create for tax dollars would drive changes. Schools receive their money based on how many students are attending.
We have examples of the worst schools getting the most money and still failing miserably so it's time to take the focus off the dollar and put it on administrative performance.

Are you going to step up and pay higher taxes for all these choices?
Other than a slight increase in transportation costs why would taxes go up? The money goes with the child. If he leaves school A to attend school B the money allocated to school a for his attendance follows him to school B. The only difference being transportation costs. And yes I would pay more for that.

Sure, 5 high schools needing upkeep, heat, water, etc is going to be less expensive than one. (roll eyes).

While the money would follow the child, the costs of one child is NOT covered by that one child. Those who do not have children in schools also pay with property taxes, etc.

Most schools have bond issues. Will we vote on 5-6 bonds as opposed to one?

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?

View attachment 460007

What good is social interaction if the bullies are allowed to run wild and those that have are treated with special attention?



Yeah, why should schools and school boards reflect society.


The child can learn that without being at school and have a guardian that cares with them when they are interacting.


Last edited:

This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

them and the ones that care about the education of their children,,
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?

View attachment 460007

What good is social interaction if the bullies are allowed to run wild and those that have are treated with special attention?



Yeah, why should schools and school boards reflect society.

View attachment 460011

The child can learn that without being at school and have a guardian that cares with them.



Yes they can, but humans like to be amongst other humans to explore and interact.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?
do you always try and troll every thread with the first comment???

It's a legitimate point.

And I'm many choices? Two? What if I do not like those two? 4? 5? 6? You are going to support this with your taxes, right?
all public schools should be closed

As is so often the case you didn't answer the question.
as is always the case you ignore the topic,,,

If you propose a solution you have to be able to explain how that solution would work. Now to my questions.
home schooling,, mixed with parent controlled community schools,,

How is this going to work? Like I asked above, will you support a basic income so people can stay home with their kids and teach them? How will you make up for the loss of the social interaction which is also a part of a kids education? Schools, plural? You are going to raise taxes to pay for these right?

View attachment 460007

What good is social interaction if the bullies are allowed to run wild and those that have are treated with special attention?



Yeah, why should schools and school boards reflect society.

View attachment 460011

The child can learn that without being at school and have a guardian that cares with them.



Yes they can, but humans like to be amongst other humans to explore and interact.


Not all humans feel that way.



This is a great example of why we need school choice. When you have a bad staff/administration like these buffoons you need the ability to move your children to a different school.
It's interesting to see they consider themselves baby sitters and parents pot heads.

I always hated the school experience the teachers were so mean to me. I had undiagnosed dyslexia and I remember this one Teacher always picking on me for writing numbers and letters backward. I was really scared of her. She made examples of me in front of my peers and it humiliated me. It was my mother who worked with me after school who discovered my dyslexia and got me the help I needed. I support home school now.

Would that plan include a basic income for everyone that stays at home to be a teacher?


So only the well off will be able to home school?

We were not well off at all we didn't even have a house we had an apartment. No we could save alot of money in taxes by not paying for public school and give grants to home schooling parents.
Do you always throw out the bath water and the baby?

Say what? Did you hear how these reprobates were talking of not only the children in their charge, but the parents who pay their damned bloated salaries....

This is a school board. The vast majority do not get paid.

I don't give a damn if the board gets paid or not,

Then don't make the claims you did.

they are in charge of what goes on inside the schools are they not? That Superindendant sure does get paid....And I'm willing to bet 6 figures at that....Besides, what does that matter? They are a cancer on the development, and learning of our children, and to have them caught now saying the things we all knew they thought, and have debated in here before, defended by people like actually is disgusting...You should be just as shocked as I am about this and calling for getting the politics out of our primary education system...Instead, you will probably defend them.

I think it's great they did the right thing and quit. Obviously this proves that all school boards everywhere feels this way, right?

:icon_rolleyes: We are talking about a bigger problem than this one school district...It is a mindset that exists within the education system itself....So, :no_text11: You don't get to just dismiss it as an isolated incident...Thought like this is endemic of an education system in trouble, and you don't give a shit....nice.
Post all of the school boards that have done this.

No, I won't go on your snipe hunt...It should be upsetting enough that this board got caught, and enough to raise questions about how these bureaucrats think of those they work for, and what that does to how they approach teaching our kids...All your request here is designed to do is bog down the conversation, while stifling the true discussion we should be having....Why are you scared to face the truth of the matter? Do you support how at least this board was talking about the people they are tasked with working for?

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