Schumer doubts Neil Gorsuch will be independent Supreme Court justice

Good thing then that he believes in going by the Constitution as written by the Founding Fathers rather than injecting his own interpretation.

Sure, because it is "clearly" written in the Constitution that corporations are "people"....
In another thread some snowflake condemned him of believing 'religiosity' is a 'Right'.


noun: religiosity
  1. strong religious feeling or belief.

'Religiosity', as in believing having strong religious beliefs is a Right' is accurate. What part of 'freedom of religion and the practice thereof' do snowflakes not understand or not agree with?
What I find most amusing about the cries from the left that they DEMAND a "moderate" Justice is that over the years it's always Republican Presidents who have appointed the moderates to the Court whereas Democrat Presidents have appointed nothing but far left Justices! Would someone who's a Progressive like to tell me the last time a "moderate" was named by a Democrat?
What I find most amusing about the cries from the left that they DEMAND a "moderate" Justice is that over the years it's always Republican Presidents who have appointed the moderates to the Court whereas Democrat Presidents have appointed nothing but far left Justices! Would someone who's a Progressive like to tell me the last time a "moderate" was named by a Democrat?

Nonsense....Scalia was NO moderate and name ONE time that Thomas ever voted differently than Scalia.(Thomas must have sat on Antonin's lap)........and Alito is a ultra right ideolog.
This is a great example of why I have so much trouble understanding partisan politics.

Suddenly now, now that the Dems have pissed away the White House, House, Senate and State Houses, Schumer is pretending he thinks a Supe nominee should be moderate and mainstream, and the Dems are acting stunned that Trump would nominate a strict conservative to replace Scalia. And this, after Sotomayor and Kagan.

What the fuck.

Is this all a joke, and no one has told me? Maybe that's it. Is this all some kind of professional wrestling show for political geeks, and we're not supposed to take it seriously?

What it tells me is that in the past 60 years or so the Supreme Court has overstepped its Constitutional Bounds, and has overpowered the other two branches, as well as the concept of federalism.

Do people realize how much political capital is being spent on a single lawyer being appointed to a panel of 9 of them, said panel having the ability to basically dictate to the other two branches and the States what can or cannot be done?
I'm assuming the calculus being done right now is which pick the Democrats want to take a stand on - this one or the next one. If another seat opens, the shit is REALLY going to hit the fan, maybe like nothing we've ever seen.
'Schumer doubts Neil Gorsuch will be independent Supreme Court justice'

You mean like Sotomayor? :p
What it tells me is that in the past 60 years or so the Supreme Court has overstepped its Constitutional Bounds, and has overpowered the other two branches, as well as the concept of federalism.

So, Citizen United or the Hobby Lobby cases were NOT SCOTUS "overreach???


Those limited government power with respect to the people. I know your side wants government to rule, and to rule from the highest level, but sometimes the court does get things right.
What I find most amusing about the cries from the left that they DEMAND a "moderate" Justice is that over the years it's always Republican Presidents who have appointed the moderates to the Court whereas Democrat Presidents have appointed nothing but far left Justices! Would someone who's a Progressive like to tell me the last time a "moderate" was named by a Democrat?

Nonsense....Scalia was NO moderate and name ONE time that Thomas ever voted differently than Scalia.(Thomas must have sat on Antonin's lap)........and Alito is a ultra right ideolog.

Do you think that Justice Robert's moderate vote on the ACA would have EVER been cast if liberal Justices were put in his position?
Translation: Gorsuch doesn't follow Schumer's ideology.

"Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging" Sotomayor
This is a great example of why I have so much trouble understanding partisan politics.

Suddenly now, now that the Dems have pissed away the White House, House, Senate and State Houses, Schumer is pretending he thinks a Supe nominee should be moderate and mainstream, and the Dems are acting stunned that Trump would nominate a strict conservative to replace Scalia. And this, after Sotomayor and Kagan.

What the fuck.

Is this all a joke, and no one has told me? Maybe that's it. Is this all some kind of professional wrestling show for political geeks, and we're not supposed to take it seriously?

What it tells me is that in the past 60 years or so the Supreme Court has overstepped its Constitutional Bounds, and has overpowered the other two branches, as well as the concept of federalism.

Do people realize how much political capital is being spent on a single lawyer being appointed to a panel of 9 of them, said panel having the ability to basically dictate to the other two branches and the States what can or cannot be done?
I'm assuming the calculus being done right now is which pick the Democrats want to take a stand on - this one or the next one. If another seat opens, the shit is REALLY going to hit the fan, maybe like nothing we've ever seen.

Yep. at that point it may be time for constitutional amendment, limiting the courts power, or at least giving it a mandate to correct certain things using the least intrusive means possible.

As an example, to me Obergfell should have been used to let states decide SSM on their own when it came to issuing SSM marriage licenses, but force them to recognize SSM and all other licenses from other States, same as they do now, even if the other States have different allowances and criteria (cousin marriage, age of consent, etc)

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