Schumer doubts Neil Gorsuch will be independent Supreme Court justice

My question still stands, the last "moderate" Justice that was named by a Democrat!
I know your side wants government to rule, and to rule from the highest level

You got that "conclusion" from your usual....

You want to muzzle political speech, you want to force people to pay for things they don't want to. You can hide behind the "its only corporations, blah blah blah), but people run those things, and they have rights.

Your side is all about federal force, and fuck people who disagree with you.
I know your side wants government to rule, and to rule from the highest level

You got that "conclusion" from your usual....

You want to muzzle political speech, you want to force people to pay for things they don't want to. You can hide behind the "its only corporations, blah blah blah), but people run those things, and they have rights.

Your side is all about federal force, and fuck people who disagree with you.

That is the regressives, they want everything there way all the time and if you disagree with them, the go to name calling because when that is all you got, that is all you got.
Schumer supported Gorsuch when he was appointed to the federal court.

But Schumer being a small petty individual will protest, not because of Gorsuch, but because nominated him. More screwed up politics from a man with no character.
The Senate (including Chuckie) voted for him the first time, they confirmed him unanimously.
This is a great example of why I have so much trouble understanding partisan politics.

Suddenly now, now that the Dems have pissed away the White House, House, Senate and State Houses, Schumer is pretending he thinks a Supe nominee should be moderate and mainstream, and the Dems are acting stunned that Trump would nominate a strict conservative to replace Scalia. And this, after Sotomayor and Kagan.

What the fuck.

Is this all a joke, and no one has told me? Maybe that's it. Is this all some kind of professional wrestling show for political geeks, and we're not supposed to take it seriously?

Can you imagine the level of un-Constitutional prejudice and bias that a President Hitlary nominee would likely have exhibited?

I am still not a huge fan of Trumps (though he's growing on me) but thank Gawd for his historic landslide victorious mandate win.


It's a great time to be a non-libtard. It always is. :)
The truth is that Schumer has to do this, he cant stop it but he knows he has to make a show.
Schumer supported Gorsuch when he was appointed to the federal court.

Yes, and Dems had a majority in the House and enough to block in the Senate then, didn't they? Other names voting him for the bench include Hillary, Obama, Pelosi ...
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you believe this guy? He's the same one who had no trouble confirming Gindsberg, Kegan and Sotomayor! By "ideological" Schumer actually means "not ideological."

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer expressed doubts Tuesday night about Judge Neil Gorsuch, saying President Donald Trump's nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court will likely take an ideological approach to the job. "Judge Gorsuch has repeatedly sided with corporations over working people, demonstrated a hostility toward women's rights, and most troubling, hewed to an ideological approach to jurisprudence that makes me skeptical that he can be a strong, independent Justice on the Court," Schumer said after Trump's announcement.
Well if Schumer thinks it wont happen, then it is virtually a proven fact that it will, seriously.
Crybaby Schumer hates white people, the US Constitution and law and order, so this is not a surprise.

Would you care to explain how someone that is white, can hate white people--LOL What I find disturbing about Gorsuch is that he backed Hobby Lobby regarding their religious beliefs over women's birth control devices.

Basically stating that Hobby Lobby had a right to intervene into a doctor/patient relationship over which birth control devices her doctor would prescribe.

And I really don't believe that Niel Gorsuch has the expertise in the medical field to make a comment about this.

And if he uses the U.S. Supreme court has his medical office, I really don't think anyone would really care for him.
Basically stating that Hobby Lobby had a right to intervene into a doctor/patient relationship over which birth control devices her doctor would prescribe.

lol what bizarre 'reasoning' this is. Hobby Lobby was trying to do the exact opposite, by not being involved at all one way or the other.
What I find most amusing about the cries from the left that they DEMAND a "moderate" Justice is that over the years it's always Republican Presidents who have appointed the moderates to the Court whereas Democrat Presidents have appointed nothing but far left Justices! Would someone who's a Progressive like to tell me the last time a "moderate" was named by a Democrat?

Nonsense....Scalia was NO moderate and name ONE time that Thomas ever voted differently than Scalia.(Thomas must have sat on Antonin's lap)........and Alito is a ultra right ideolog.

I was referring to moderate Justices like Souter and Kennedy, Nat. Did you want to name the last moderate Justice named by a Democrat? Even Roberts was moderate on the ACA...without his vote that travesty would have failed to launch.

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