Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
Why would Trump testify?
Why would Trump testify?
In order to convince a majority of Americans his actions do not warrant impeachment.

Trump boasted that his polls are "through the roof." Fox News quickly proved him wrong.
Fuck off, that poll has already been shut down by numerous polls showing Majority of Americans opposed to Impeachment. Yet every time you were shown this you trot out your little tiny dick again and show it to the world so we can laugh at you.

you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?
Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?

I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham

I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?

Why would Trump testify?

Why would Trump testify?
In order to convince a majority of Americans his actions do not warrant impeachment.

Trump boasted that his polls are "through the roof." Fox News quickly proved him wrong.
Yermak could have said nothing
Why don't they call him as a fact witness?
A better question is: Why didn't the lying scum GOP list him as a witness they wanted to testify????
He's not needed lol must suck to have your hopes up to have your president removed and all you get to do is melt like a snowflake lol
He is definitely needed if he is to be used to contradict sworn testimony. Any lies told to the media are not admissible in a court of law. They are less credible than hearsay!
He could have remained silent I'll take his word over Schiff lying ass any day.
Amazing is the diff between our America-First POTUS and our traitorous Dems. Like day vs night.
Were you outraged when you were given a cavity search over spitting on The Sidewalk?

Oh never mind, I forgot you like that kind of stuff.

Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Were you outraged when you were given a cavity search over spitting on The Sidewalk?

Oh never mind, I forgot you like that kind of stuff.
Why weren't you outraged when the ignorant Orange Idiot moved into the White House?

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Dear Madam Speaker Pelosi:

"On October 31, 2019, you elaborated with perfect pitch that the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump was not only about the man but about the constitutional oath of every Member of Congress to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"
Citizens Arrest
Citizens Arrest
Citizens Arrest!

The Democrat Partisan Impeachment is about as Serious as this. And now these lying son of a bitches are claiming they have to impeach Trump because of some future crime he may commit in the future.

How does the GOP justify coordinating the proceedings with the accused?
Yeah, how dare they allow him to mount a defense.


The Democrat Partisan Impeachment is about as Serious as this. And now these lying son of a bitches are claiming they have to impeach Trump because of some future crime he may commit in the future
As if there's any shortage of impeachable offenses already committed by the Orange Gangster:

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"President Trump has repeatedly and unconstitutionally systematically undermined the congressional oversight power, including the ongoing congressional impeachment inquiry of the President himself, by instructing numerous current and former White House staff and members of the executive branch to defy congressional subpoenas on an unprecedented scale far beyond any previous President.

"Without congressional authority, he has secretly deployed special forces abroad and employed secret guidelines for targeted killings, including American citizens, based on secret unsubstantiated information.

"He has unconstitutionally endeavored to block private persons or entities from responding to congressional requests or subpoenas for information, e.g., Deutsche Bank.

"He has refused to provide Congress information about nepotistic or other security clearances he granted in opposition to his own FBI security experts.

"He has refused to disclose his tax returns to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee contrary to a 1924 law, 26 U.S.C. 6103 (f)."
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Wait ... the POTUS has the right to challenge unhinged congressional demands in our courts? What kind of banana republic are we running here. How is that fair to congress? Why should they have to justify their sillines to a judge?
Last time I checked, Adumb Schifferbrains wasn't appointed King of the United States.
Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.
What's he hiding?
No other POTUS in history (not even Nixon and Clinton) stonewalled every impeachment subpoena made by congress. Trump thought he could run out the clock, and now he's too timid to testify in his own defense. What does that tell you about his character and guilty conscience?
No We were more Outraged by your Bumbling attempts to get Orange Man Bad.

If you cannot take the hint 70 Million Americans think you are Barney Fife.

Were you outraged when you were given a cavity search over spitting on The Sidewalk?

Oh never mind, I forgot you like that kind of stuff.

Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Were you outraged when you were given a cavity search over spitting on The Sidewalk?

Oh never mind, I forgot you like that kind of stuff.
Why weren't you outraged when the ignorant Orange Idiot moved into the White House?
Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Dear Madam Speaker Pelosi:

"On October 31, 2019, you elaborated with perfect pitch that the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump was not only about the man but about the constitutional oath of every Member of Congress to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.'"
Wait ... the POTUS has the right to challenge unhinged congressional demands in our courts? What kind of banana republic are we running here. How is that fair to congress? Why should they have to justify their sillines to a judge?
Last time I checked, Adumb Schifferbrains wasn't appointed King of the United States.
Don't tell me ... tell him.
The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!

There was a time when Adumb Schifferbrains was promising we would see the "whistelblower' testify..............until it came out he was conspiring with him.


Show us on the doll where Adolph Schiffler Impeached you.

Show is on the Doll Where Joe Biden
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.
What's he hiding?
No other POTUS in history (not even Nixon and Clinton) stonewalled every impeachment subpoena made by congress. Trump thought he could run out the clock, and now he's too timid to testify in his own defense. What does that tell you about his character and guilty conscience?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.
What's he hiding?
No other POTUS in history (not even Nixon and Clinton) stonewalled every impeachment subpoena made by congress. Trump thought he could run out the clock, and now he's too timid to testify in his own defense. What does that tell you about his character and guilty conscience?
the house is a prosecutors office, only probable cause is needed...

the Senate is a Court, where all is suppose to be fair and square...level the playing field...

and to convict it takes much more than probable cause, it takes 2/3's of 100 of them to find him guilty, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
Sorry, but we've been told, over and over, that this is not part of the judiciary.

The Dems made the rules up as they went. The Republicans will be calling witnesses the Dems don't want to be deposed.

The Republicans make the rules as this is NOT part of the Judiciary.

Regardless, this is all politics with no broken laws.
Just Like he said he had evidence of Russian Collusion while soliciting Russians for Naked Trump.
The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!

There was a time when Adumb Schifferbrains was promising we would see the "whistelblower' testify..............until it came out he was conspiring with him.


you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
Why would Trump testify?
Why would Trump testify?
In order to convince a majority of Americans his actions do not warrant impeachment.

Trump boasted that his polls are "through the roof." Fox News quickly proved him wrong.
Hey Sport, let me tell how it should work in America. You have to prove your case. Nobody, not even Trump, is required to prove innocence.

And we don't run our govt off polls.

I'm happy to provide you with this 9th grade Civics lesson you obviously need.

You're welcome.:5_1_12024:
the house is a prosecutors office, only probable cause is needed...

the Senate is a Court, where all is suppose to be fair and square...level the playing field...

and to convict it takes much more than probable cause, it takes 2/3's of 100 of them to find him guilty, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
Sorry, but we've been told, over and over, that this is not part of the judiciary.

The Dems made the rules up as they went. The Republicans will be calling witnesses the Dems don't want to be deposed.

The Republicans make the rules as this is NOT part of the Judiciary.

Regardless, this is all politics with no broken laws.

No crimes committed.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.
What's he hiding?
No other POTUS in history (not even Nixon and Clinton) stonewalled every impeachment subpoena made by congress. Trump thought he could run out the clock, and now he's too timid to testify in his own defense. What does that tell you about his character and guilty conscience?
Which one testified at a Senate impeachment trial, you blithering moron?
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
Why would Trump testify?
Why would Trump testify?
In order to convince a majority of Americans his actions do not warrant impeachment.

Trump boasted that his polls are "through the roof." Fox News quickly proved him wrong.
Hey Sport, let me tell how it should work in America. You have to prove your case. Nobody, not even Trump, is required to prove innocence.

And we don't run our govt off polls.

I'm happy to provide you with this 9th grade Civics lesson you obviously need.

You're welcome.:5_1_12024:

He's a Commie.
Loves the Stalinist way of doing things.

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