Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Why are you afraid of Elections, Democracy, Due Process, Transparency, and Civil Rights?

You have his testimony, The Transcript.

I Suggest you buy some anal lube because Hell hath No Fury Like Donald Trump being Wronged.

No, we think you are a dumbass because we are about to fuck your party 10 Ways till Sunday.
That Hearing that was Grotesque example of Abusing Civil Rights. You could not even charge The President with a real crime despite your giving The Middle Finger to Due Process.
The President refused to take advantage of due process when he refused to provide individuals and documents to the House proceedings you are WHINING about.

Will you think Trump's a coward if he doesn't testify in his own defense at his upcoming trial?
No, we think you are a dumbass because we are about to fuck your party 10 Ways till Sunday.
With or without witnesses in the Senate trial?

Why are you afraid to demand Trump testify in his own defense?
Yermak could have said nothing
Why don't they call him as a fact witness?
A better question is: Why didn't the lying scum GOP list him as a witness they wanted to testify????
He's not needed lol must suck to have your hopes up to have your president removed and all you get to do is melt like a snowflake lol
He is definitely needed if he is to be used to contradict sworn testimony. Any lies told to the media are not admissible in a court of law. They are less credible than hearsay!
The Democrats get Nothing since they gave nothing in their clown show witch trial in The House. Fuck anything Chuck Schummer wants.
How 'bout some first-person testimony from the heroic Donald J Trump at Moscow Mitch's upcoming "trial"?
No need ... we already have the transcript but I would love to hear from the "whistleblower" and Adam Schiffty. Now that would be some fun stuff.
Yermak could have said nothing
Why don't they call him as a fact witness?
A better question is: Why didn't the lying scum GOP list him as a witness they wanted to testify????
He's not needed lol must suck to have your hopes up to have your president removed and all you get to do is melt like a snowflake lol
He is definitely needed if he is to be used to contradict sworn testimony. Any lies told to the media are not admissible in a court of law. They are less credible than hearsay!
He could have remained silent I'll take his word over Schiff lying ass any day.
All of them.
Trump ducked his chance to testify in the House.
Do you think he'll man-up in the Senate?

Hey dim bulb, how about you find some actual evidence? Trump is under no obligation to testify in the shit show. You can’t prove ONE thing you’ve ever claimed, so we can just sit back and laugh as all your “evidence” is thrown out as hearsay and inadmissible. Your desperation stinks to high heaven.
The whistleblower Report was false and prepared by Schiff’s staff attorneys, so this was a hit job, But crafty ole Orange Man Bad shoved a hot poker right up Fagman Schiff’s ass when he released The Transcript, proving Schiff and The Whistleblower are liars.

Schiff assisted the whistleblower with his statement
Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.
Why weren't you outraged when Trump refused to send relevant individuals and documents subpoenaed by House Democrats?

Will you be surprised if Trump is too cowardly to testify in his own defense in the Senate?
Trump challenged Congressional subpoenas in court, as our system was laid out in the Constitution.

Weird how the Constitution triggers you Dimwinger crayon eaters, huh?
Wait ... the POTUS has the right to challenge unhinged congressional demands in our courts? What kind of banana republic are we running here. How is that fair to congress? Why should they have to justify their silliness to a judge?
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Well, leftists, I don't believe this impeachment is going to get the desired effect you longed for lol
Schumer does not want witnesses that would expose the corruption of the Obama Whitehouse and Biden's treasonous use of taxpayers dollars to bail out his son Hunter.
There is no such witness, as you well know!

America witnessed Biden bragging about bribing Ukraine on a broadcast that is now enshrined in video....."Son of a bitch, they fired him".....When Ukraine pleaded with Biden he basically said 'ask Obama.' You have to be politically blind not to see that the corruption went all the way to the top during the Obama administration. There are plenty of witnesses that will corroborate it if the Democrats don't obstruct the trial in the Senate which they will try to do to cover their own asses. Heck Comey even admitted he fucked up. He'd be a good witness.
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
I'll get pissed if he does
I'll get pissed if he does
Thanks for being the first (and only) conservative to answer my question; how would you feel about testimony from these guys if Trump doesn't show up?

Live updates: Trump impeachment inquiry - CNNPolitics
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
I'll get pissed if he does
I'll get pissed if he does
Thanks for being the first (and only) conservative to answer my question; how would you feel about testimony from these guys if Trump doesn't show up?

Live updates: Trump impeachment inquiry - CNNPolitics
We'll think about it and give you an answer on November 3rd 2020

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