Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

but how do you envision this will actually help him in his defense of the two charges in the articles of impeachment he is being tried for...?
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
Schitt and Nads had no right to them...If they did have a right to them, they could have sued and won.

Suck it.
Schitt and Nads had no right to them...If they did have a right to them, they could have sued and won.

Suck it.
So how do you feel about Barr and Giuliani testifying in the Senate proceedings?

"The Pre·sident (Trump): Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. _·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your �ery good prosecutor down and you had some �ery bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York Ci:ty, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call yoti along with the Attorney·_ ·· General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could _speak to him that would be great.
Here’s how this works you Commie piece of Shit.

You called your witnesses in an extremely Partisan DemTard House Committee Hearing where Republicans were out numbered 24-17.

That Hearing that was Grotesque example of Abusing Civil Rights. You could not even charge The President with a real crime despite your giving The Middle Finger to Due Process.

So this goes to The Senate and Fag Schummer can pound Salt up his Homo Ass.

The GOP will call their witnesses and their witnesses ONLY and you will STFU and like it.

Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
No reason for him to testify. Read The Transcript, Commie bastard.

The GOP will call their witnesses and that’s it.

First up, Assange, then Podesta, then Kim DotCom. Then we call The Family of Seth Rich.

Then The DNC-Clinton Pakistani Hackers. Then Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, Donna Brazile, then The head of Burisma, then Joe and Hunter Biden, then Manafort & Gates.

Then we move to Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Ohr, then Steele, Baker, Rosenstein, and Skirpal.

Then Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, and General Flynn.

Then we finish with lying Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and Eric Ciaramella and his Attorney Zaid!

Then we question Comey, Clinton, McCabe, Strozk, Page and the head of Fusion GPS and ask any of them if they want to change for their testimony while under oath.

This will take about 4 months and past The May Primaries.

You get the drift?

In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
Schitt and Nads had no right to them...If they did have a right to them, they could have sued and won.

Suck it.
Schitt and Nads had no right to them...If they did have a right to them, they could have sued and won.

Suck it.
So how do you feel about Barr and Giuliani testifying in the Senate proceedings?

"The Pre·sident (Trump): Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. _·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your �ery good prosecutor down and you had some �ery bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York Ci:ty, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call yoti along with the Attorney·_ ·· General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could _speak to him that would be great.
Last edited:
The whistlegossip.

That's one....Now GTFO.
but how do you envision this will actually help him in his defense of the two charges in the articles of impeachment he is being tried for...?
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
the house is a prosecutors office, only probable cause is needed...

the Senate is a Court, where all is suppose to be fair and square...level the playing field...

and to convict it takes much more than probable cause, it takes 2/3's of 100 of them to find him guilty, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
Sorry Moron, you clowns have been defending Schitt and Nadless' Nazi tactics by claiming this isn't a court of law, it is political.

Now, you want to say this can't be political it is NOW a court proceeding.

You clowns are such morons.
what Nazi tactics? Please explain yourself.... how different was it, compared to other impeachments?

and why, when Pelosi gave the president and republicans all that they wanted that they bitched about, like the stuff clinton was given, and like having testimony in public vs downstairs in the basement SCIF, be able to call their pertinent witnesses....etc... they refused? And refused to turn over subpoenaed documents, and subpoenaed witnesses?

This is not the WB's word vs the president's word kind of thing, the evidence and 17 witnesses testimony goes way beyond that....
Wow! You been in a cave the past few months?

Go get educated before trying to debate with me, idiot.
The key to understanding the disingenuous nature of the OP is House Repubs wanted to turn the inquiry in to Kabuki theater by introducing witnesses irrelevant to the matter at hand, Trump's extortion of Ukraine. Schumer wants the opposite. He wants witness testimony from people like Bolton, Mulvaney, Perry, Pompeo, Giuliani who can add substantive testimony for the record.
See the difference?

Schumer does not want witnesses that would expose the corruption of the Obama Whitehouse and Biden's treasonous use of taxpayers dollars to bail out his son Hunter. That is what their 'impeachment' is all about.
Trumps Justice Department is free to investigate Obama any time they want......what are they waiting for?
That Hearing that was Grotesque example of Abusing Civil Rights. You could not even charge The President with a real crime despite your giving The Middle Finger to Due Process.
The President refused to take advantage of due process when he refused to provide individuals and documents to the House proceedings you are WHINING about.

Will you think Trump's a coward if he doesn't testify in his own defense at his upcoming trial?
Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
So you have no prob with Fat J-Nads ignoring House rules, denying the Repubs the op to call their witnesses while presenting only Dem ones? Why am I not surprised.

Democrats are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
Wants the Senate trial to be limited to only what the House presented. He says that’s only fair. He’s an idiot.

it was just on TV. I will add link as soon as it becomes available.
Thank Heaven he's not a majority in the Senate or this nation would be in serious trouble. /whew!

This nation is in trouble, elected officials take an oath that their loyalty is to the Constitution and the people of this country. Unfortunately Republicans in the Senate their loyalty is to Trump, Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham have sold this country out.
Nope! Sorry bud. The Demon Rats sold this country out.

Sorry bud, RepubliKlans are no better.
The Democrats get Nothing since they gave nothing in their clown show witch trial in The House. Fuck anything Chuck Schummer wants.

but how do you envision this will actually help him in his defense of the two charges in the articles of impeachment he is being tried for...?
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
They are probably hiring Al Queda in Libya to
“find him” instead.

The key to understanding the disingenuous nature of the OP is House Repubs wanted to turn the inquiry in to Kabuki theater by introducing witnesses irrelevant to the matter at hand, Trump's extortion of Ukraine. Schumer wants the opposite. He wants witness testimony from people like Bolton, Mulvaney, Perry, Pompeo, Giuliani who can add substantive testimony for the record.
See the difference?

Schumer does not want witnesses that would expose the corruption of the Obama Whitehouse and Biden's treasonous use of taxpayers dollars to bail out his son Hunter. That is what their 'impeachment' is all about.
Trumps Justice Department is free to investigate Obama any time they want......what are they waiting for?
No, we think you are a dumbass because we are about to fuck your party 10 Ways till Sunday.
That Hearing that was Grotesque example of Abusing Civil Rights. You could not even charge The President with a real crime despite your giving The Middle Finger to Due Process.
The President refused to take advantage of due process when he refused to provide individuals and documents to the House proceedings you are WHINING about.

Will you think Trump's a coward if he doesn't testify in his own defense at his upcoming trial?
Democrats in the House offered Trump an opportunity to provide fact witnesses and documents and the life-long pathological liar/con man refused to comply.

Why would Trump refuse the upcoming opportunity of a Senate trial to testify UNDER OATH in his own defense?
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?

Trump impeachment: What's next in full House vote, Senate trial
One of the most hotly debated points could focus on the lack of a Judiciary Committee hearing with witnesses chosen by Republicans. The absence of the hearing fuels Republican complaints the process is unfair and partisan. Such a hearing is promised in the House rules, but not the timing. Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chose not to schedule one before voting.
Incorrect. Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules. WTF was Fatman so afraid of?
Which Republican witnesses were denied an opportunity to testify in House proceedings? How does their alleged absence justify a Senate trial devoid of all witness testimony? Couldn't Trump clear this up by personally testifying UNDER OATH in front of 200 million viewers?
All of them.
Wants the Senate trial to be limited to only what the House presented. He says that’s only fair. He’s an idiot.

it was just on TV. I will add link as soon as it becomes available.

here is link.

he can go fuck himself.
but how do you envision this will actually help him in his defense of the two charges in the articles of impeachment he is being tried for...?
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
In the words of Forrest Gump sorry if republicans ruined your impeachment party.
Now if yall had credible evidence it might have gone somewhere lol
Trump blocked the individuals and documents that might have provided "credible evidence" from the American public during the House investigations.

Will Senate Republicans serve the same function in Trump's upcoming trial?

What are Republicans afraid of?
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
They damn well know what witnesses that directly worked with Trump on holding up aid to Ukraine have to say, so they don't want their sworn testimony.

But thats alright, Republicans will get bashed over the head for this shameless cover-up for Trump all the way through elections.

Let’s pull this post back up after Republicans take the House, Senate, and the Presidency next year. See it’s you Dims who are going to get bashed over the head. Anybody without their head up their ass sees this.

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