Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

I feel Executive Privilege is something that even SCOTUS will uphold. So Pound Salt up your effeminate ass!

you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
you have a wild imagination it must be that TDS
Maybe it's all those "ridiculous" subpoenas?

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to fight what he called a 'ridiculous' subpoena ordering a former top aide to appear before lawmakers.

"'We’re fighting all the subpoenas,' Mr. Trump told reporters outside the White House. 'These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020.'"

Maybe Putin will testify at Trump's upcoming trial?
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
I don't blame him why give credibility to a Schiff Sham
Will you blame Trump if he doesn't testify in his own defense during Moscow Mitch's upcoming Senate circus?
I'll get pissed if he does
I'll get pissed if he does
Thanks for being the first (and only) conservative to answer my question; how would you feel about testimony from these guys if Trump doesn't show up?

Live updates: Trump impeachment inquiry - CNNPolitics
You can cry about it after November when you dumbasses personally handed Trump a Supermajority.

You still don’t see it, do you? You unified The American People behind their President.

No one likes Cheaters and Liars.

Yet that’s the risk you took to try to launch your COUP because you couldn’t get rid of him honestly.

The whistleblower Report was false
That Tramp LIE just won the LIE OF THE YEAR!!!!!
Lie of the Year: Trump’s claim whistleblower got it wrong
Whatever information Trump has been hiding from the House.


Trump didn't 'hide' anything from the House.

Or do you mean the 'testimony' behind closed doors the House Dems hid from the public??
You mean the testimony given in the presence of House Repubs..........the transcripts of which have been made public?

Americans still want to hear from Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney, and Slimy Rudy........among others. Why is your Orange Messiah blocking their testimony?
The Democrats are not welcome to information about the Executive Branch. They want to do bad things to everybody and it's Christmastime, Mr. Berg80. Relax and enjoy the season!

The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!
The "whistleblower" is a witness to a crime ... the leaking of sensitive gov't biz ... and to Adam Schiffty's part in the fraud.
Listen, when you are done letting
Putin use your chin to rest his balls on, listen to this. The entire Schiff show ran by Adolph Schiffler was nothing but hearsay and rumor!

The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!
Citizens Arrest
Citizens Arrest
Citizens Arrest!

The Democrat Partisan Impeachment is about as Serious as this. And now these lying son of a bitches are claiming they have to impeach Trump because of some future crime he may commit in the future.

How does the GOP justify coordinating the proceedings with the accused?
Yeah, how dare they allow him to mount a defense.


The Democrat Partisan Impeachment is about as Serious as this. And now these lying son of a bitches are claiming they have to impeach Trump because of some future crime he may commit in the future
As if there's any shortage of impeachable offenses already committed by the Orange Gangster:

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"President Trump has repeatedly and unconstitutionally systematically undermined the congressional oversight power, including the ongoing congressional impeachment inquiry of the President himself, by instructing numerous current and former White House staff and members of the executive branch to defy congressional subpoenas on an unprecedented scale far beyond any previous President.

"Without congressional authority, he has secretly deployed special forces abroad and employed secret guidelines for targeted killings, including American citizens, based on secret unsubstantiated information.

"He has unconstitutionally endeavored to block private persons or entities from responding to congressional requests or subpoenas for information, e.g., Deutsche Bank.

"He has refused to provide Congress information about nepotistic or other security clearances he granted in opposition to his own FBI security experts.

"He has refused to disclose his tax returns to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee contrary to a 1924 law, 26 U.S.C. 6103 (f)."
Listen, when you are done letting
Putin use your chin to rest his balls on, listen to this. The entire Schiff show ran by Adolph Schiffler was nothing but hearsay and rumor!

The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!
Not Just One crime, but he was booted from The White House and has his clearance downgraded for Leaking classified Information on calls between The President Thailand, Australia and Mexico.

He is avoiding Prosecution by abusing Whistleblower status.

He should be tried for Espionage, Treason, and filing False Reports.
The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!
The "whistleblower" is a witness to a crime ... the leaking of sensitive gov't biz ... and to Adam Schiffty's part in the fraud.
Your favorite dessert. Do you eat that with your hands or use a fork?

Listen, when you are done letting
Putin use your chin to rest his balls on, listen to this. The entire Schiff show ran by Adolph Schiffler was nothing but hearsay and rumor!

The Spy and Traitor Who Filed The False
Report that started this whole thing!

Fat J-Nads refused to allow Repub witnesses as required by House rules.
Name one FACT witness that was refused!
Wait just a minute there Slick, you Nazis have been saying he was a witness to NOTHING, only HEARSAY!

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