Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

just checked

the facts are in

the globe has warmed up and human activities have contributed to it

Now you must show how much man has contributed. You must show how and where the contributions came from and how it has affected the atmosphere.

Please show your work to include the math, methodology, and data..
just checked

the facts are in

the globe has warmed up and human activities have contributed to it

Now you must show how much man has contributed. You must show how and where the contributions came from and how it has affected the atmosphere.

Please show your work to include the math, methodology, and data..
I think you just went off your meds again or they are wearing off and you are late for the next dose

My work? Dante has never claimed to be a scientist and Dante has never argued the science of climate change with anyone, let alone a non scientist kook like you

NASA NOAA and other agencies are doing work on things. I trust them over you. I guess that makes me a dupe and a part of a conspiracy :cuckoo:
Awww, it's that cute global cooling myth again that was debunked last decade.

An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

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Actually, many currently believe the earth is about to enter a cooling cycle. But regardless, Global Warming/Global Cooling? We'll survive... Or we won't.

No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.
Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

holy crap say it aint so


what are those flateartherwarmists going to do now

Actually, many currently believe the earth is about to enter a cooling cycle. But regardless, Global Warming/Global Cooling? We'll survive... Or we won't.

No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....
Actually, many currently believe the earth is about to enter a cooling cycle. But regardless, Global Warming/Global Cooling? We'll survive... Or we won't.

No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

wasnt that great of a point really --LOL
Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

holy crap say it aint so


what are those flateartherwarmists going to do now


You understand that we can only predict the future right? Models are made with the data that exists, and people try to say what might happen. But it's what it is. It's not what WILL happen. But what could happen.

However making educated guesses is far better than saying "well, we can't predict the future so let's not bother." We still have weather forecasts, we don't say we can't predict the weather with 100% certainty, so let's not bother, do we?
No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....

if man can impact the climate like you say

then there is no need for natures "what happens happens"
Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....

if man can impact the climate like you say

then there is no need for natures "what happens happens"


We can impact, we just can't control.
Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

holy crap say it aint so


what are those flateartherwarmists going to do now


You understand that we can only predict the future right? Models are made with the data that exists, and people try to say what might happen. But it's what it is. It's not what WILL happen. But what could happen.

However making educated guesses is far better than saying "well, we can't predict the future so let's not bother." We still have weather forecasts, we don't say we can't predict the weather with 100% certainty, so let's not bother, do we?

the models have not been accurate as of yet

the predictions made even more hilarious
Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....

if man can impact the climate like you say

then there is no need for natures "what happens happens"


We can impact, we just can't control.

Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

holy crap say it aint so


what are those flateartherwarmists going to do now


You understand that we can only predict the future right? Models are made with the data that exists, and people try to say what might happen. But it's what it is. It's not what WILL happen. But what could happen.

However making educated guesses is far better than saying "well, we can't predict the future so let's not bother." We still have weather forecasts, we don't say we can't predict the weather with 100% certainty, so let's not bother, do we?

the models have not been accurate as of yet

the predictions made even more hilarious

Really? They said we'd get warmer, we're getting warmer.
Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....

if man can impact the climate like you say

then there is no need for natures "what happens happens"


We can impact, we just can't control.


I ask why, you say "LOL", is that why? Really?
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....

if man can impact the climate like you say

then there is no need for natures "what happens happens"


We can impact, we just can't control.


I ask why, you say "LOL", is that why? Really?

if you can change it by accident

you can change it on purpose

if you cant

why the fuck bother with this global warming nonsense
just checked

the facts are in

the globe has warmed up and human activities have contributed to it

Now you must show how much man has contributed. You must show how and where the contributions came from and how it has affected the atmosphere.

Please show your work to include the math, methodology, and data..
I think you just went off your meds again or they are wearing off and you are late for the next dose

My work? Dante has never claimed to be a scientist and Dante has never argued the science of climate change with anyone, let alone a non scientist kook like you

NASA NOAA and other agencies are doing work on things. I trust them over you. I guess that makes me a dupe and a part of a conspiracy :cuckoo:

That's called FAITH/ a religion retard.

We want facts and data, you just want to BELIEVE...
No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

What is this? Climate change primary school edition?

Who is saying climate change hasn't happened in the past? No one, not a single person. So why are you trying to make a point as if people have said this?

There are two things.

Climate change and MAN MADE climate change. You see the difference?

One is natural, the Earth goes through phases. What happens happens. However with man made climate change we can't say what the impact might be....
A. Who says today's climate is optimum? Alarmists. Yet the fact is a much warmer climate is optimum for life.
B. Who says mankind controls the climate? Alarmists. Yet the fact remains man does not control the weather.
C. Ice Ages coming and going are attributed to earth wobble and solar fluctuations. Guess what two variables are missing from every alarmist computer model.

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