Scientists Claim Earth to Begin Cooling as Inactive Sun Reaches New Lows of Activity


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

The Sun is entering a period of “solar minimum” that could cause temperatures to plummet by up to 2C over 20 years and trigger a global famine, according to experts.
Solar activity has entered a deep decline with scientists saying there have already been 100 days this year where the sun has displayed zero sunspots.
NASA boffins say this means that the earth could be about to experience a new “Dalton Minimum,” the period between 1790 and 1830 which led to a severe prolonged cold snap and massive volcanic eruptions.
“This means were could be entering one of the deepest period of sunshine recession which could trigger long periods of cold, famine and other issues,” reports the Daily Star.
The Sun has now recorded two consecutive years of record setting spotlessness, being blank 77% of the time in 2019 and 76% of the time so far this year.
This means a deep solar minimum is coming which will cause temperatures to drop drastically.
This once again serves as a reminder that the Sun is by far the most influential driver of climate and makes the impact of so-called man-made climate change look tame in comparison.
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

The Sun is entering a period of “solar minimum” that could cause temperatures to plummet by up to 2C over 20 years and trigger a global famine, according to experts.
Solar activity has entered a deep decline with scientists saying there have already been 100 days this year where the sun has displayed zero sunspots.
NASA boffins say this means that the earth could be about to experience a new “Dalton Minimum,” the period between 1790 and 1830 which led to a severe prolonged cold snap and massive volcanic eruptions.
“This means were could be entering one of the deepest period of sunshine recession which could trigger long periods of cold, famine and other issues,” reports the Daily Star.
The Sun has now recorded two consecutive years of record setting spotlessness, being blank 77% of the time in 2019 and 76% of the time so far this year.
This means a deep solar minimum is coming which will cause temperatures to drop drastically.
This once again serves as a reminder that the Sun is by far the most influential driver of climate and makes the impact of so-called man-made climate change look tame in comparison.
Maybe THIS will cause all of the climate change a**holes to FINALLY stop talking about global warming. But I wouldn't count on it.
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.
Suck on that, global warming assholes! You poor fucking brainwashed morons.
Wow, I DIDN'T look at YOUR post before I posted! They do say all great minds think alike........
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

The Sun is entering a period of “solar minimum” that could cause temperatures to plummet by up to 2C over 20 years and trigger a global famine, according to experts.
Solar activity has entered a deep decline with scientists saying there have already been 100 days this year where the sun has displayed zero sunspots.
NASA boffins say this means that the earth could be about to experience a new “Dalton Minimum,” the period between 1790 and 1830 which led to a severe prolonged cold snap and massive volcanic eruptions.
“This means were could be entering one of the deepest period of sunshine recession which could trigger long periods of cold, famine and other issues,” reports the Daily Star.
The Sun has now recorded two consecutive years of record setting spotlessness, being blank 77% of the time in 2019 and 76% of the time so far this year.
This means a deep solar minimum is coming which will cause temperatures to drop drastically.
This once again serves as a reminder that the Sun is by far the most influential driver of climate and makes the impact of so-called man-made climate change look tame in comparison.
You deniers have been claiming this since the 1970s, wake me when it actually happens!
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

You've all been making the same icy doom predictions for years. Your HolyIceAge never arrives, yet your faith is undimmed. You possess the certainty of the true believer. As is always the case with doomsday cultists, each time your icy armageddon fails to manifest, you simply push back the date of doomsday.

Meanwhile, the planet just experience the warmest April in recorded history. Deniers have major difficulty with the very simple concept of "global". Third-graders have no trouble with it, but it totally confounds deniers.

And no, we on the rational side never get tired of being proven right. We're used to it. For the same reason, deniers never tire of getting humiliated.
You deniers have been claiming this since the 1970s, wake me when it actually happens!
I feel sorry for you that you don't understand the Maunder Minimum or science itself.

Go cry to your false Gods at the UNCC and fuck Al Gore and Greta Thunberg and all the fools who
have prostituted true science because they are idiot sheep.
Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

The Sun is entering a period of “solar minimum” that could cause temperatures to plummet by up to 2C over 20 years and trigger a global famine, according to experts.
Solar activity has entered a deep decline with scientists saying there have already been 100 days this year where the sun has displayed zero sunspots.
NASA boffins say this means that the earth could be about to experience a new “Dalton Minimum,” the period between 1790 and 1830 which led to a severe prolonged cold snap and massive volcanic eruptions.
“This means were could be entering one of the deepest period of sunshine recession which could trigger long periods of cold, famine and other issues,” reports the Daily Star.
The Sun has now recorded two consecutive years of record setting spotlessness, being blank 77% of the time in 2019 and 76% of the time so far this year.
This means a deep solar minimum is coming which will cause temperatures to drop drastically.
This once again serves as a reminder that the Sun is by far the most influential driver of climate and makes the impact of so-called man-made climate change look tame in comparison.
Yay dark ages!!!
Wow ... shocking news here ... all this time I've been saying the sunspot cycle was 22 years ... it's actually 11 years ... no one's corrected me ... obviously that means I know more about the Sun than the rest of you put together ... most likely because I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong, and willing to learn from my mistakes ...

Everyplace I've posted "we use 100 year temperature averages because that includes 4 sunspot cycles" should be changed to read "8 sunspot cycles" ... not all cycles are equal, so we need to include 8 as to find the average cycle and eliminate that factor from our understanding of the climate system ...

Yeah, with a polar vortex popping up this year in MAY of all months, these guys may know a little bit more than some kid from Sweden.

The polar vortex is caused by the Earth's rotation ... the Earth is always rotating so the polar vortex is always in existence ... climatologists may know more than an ugly little girl from Sweden, but it seems this ugly little girl knows more than you ...

We're at solar minimum ... and minimum means no sunspots for months or perhaps a year ... very common occurrence every 11 years ... let's go back 11 years, was there world-wide famine?, did the weather go crazy?, did anyone notice? ... how about 22 years ago or 33 years ago? ... why would anyone think the very common lack of sunspots has anything to do with climate averages? ... in 6-1/2 years we'll be at solar maximum, what sort of nonsense claims depressed temperatures for 20 years? ... well, Summit News has the Constitutional right to lie ... how many of us clicked the link in the OP and generated revenue for the owners of Summit News? ... [ka'ching] ... it's called "click-bait" and there's good money in that kind of operation ...

Take ten seconds on Google and load up the graph of sunspot activity ... makes the Summit article look foolish doesn't it ...

Sunspot activity changes solar output by just 2 or 3 watts per square meter ... as an experiment, let's put an electric heater rated at 1,000 W in a sealed cubic meter ... run it at 1,001 W and measure the temperature, now run it at 999 W and measure ... rats, our NOAA approved scientifically accurate thermometer doesn't read any change that small ... we know there is a temperature difference, the laws of nature require it, but we'll need a state-of-the-art high-tech expensive instrument to measure that difference ... same with the Earth's surface, of course 3 W/m^2 less input power lowers temperatures a bit, we just don't measure temperatures that accurately on a routine basis ...

"Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get" ... we can expect 17ºC in Los Angeles today, we'll actually get 25ºC ... in 50 years we can expect 18ºC, God alone knows what we'll get then ... I guess it's easier to be afraid of a single degree of temperature than run-away Federal debt ... $30 trillion is nothing compared to 26ºC today ... right? ...


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