Zone1 Scott Adams Warns White People to Stay Away From Black People

Yes, many black people hate white people. I've had black people tell me that. But MOST do not.

Whether or not you've actually heard white people say they hate black people does not mean that some white people hate black people. There are several places within a two hour drive where I live owned by white people who will NOT allow black people into their establishment. I didn't believe it at first, but I've seen it to be true.
Yes, I have known people who hated blacks but then I also have known blacks who hated whites.

The problem is that the number of both white and black racists in our nation has been growing at a fast rate ever since the Great Divider, Obama, was in office.

I voted for Obama the first time as I bought the bullshit he was a candidate for change. He was, but the change he was most interested was to divide our nation by turning blacks against whites.

Yes, many black people hate white people. I've had black people tell me that. But MOST do not.

Whether or not you've actually heard white people say they hate black people does not mean that some white people hate black people. There are several places within a two hour drive where I live owned by white people who will NOT allow black people into their establishment. I didn't believe it at first, but I've seen it to be true.
My nephew had to tell a black salesman in the mall that I was with him because they were selling clothing that caters to blacks. Blacks on average are more racist (or more obvious about it) than whites. I would say 90% or more. You can tell it by the way they vote. Obama made all of these closet racists come out of the closet. They have Black Privileges but still think they're being oppressed.99% think they failed to win an election or get a job because of their skin color.
My nephew had to tell a black salesman in the mall that I was with him because they were selling clothing that caters to blacks. Blacks on average are more racist (or more obvious about it) than whites. I would say 90% or more. You can tell it by the way they vote. Obama made all of these closet racists come out of the closet. They have Black Privileges but still think they're being oppressed.99% think they failed to win an election or get a job because of their skin color.
And here we see an example of psychosis.

Blacks have consistently voted for white candidates. What are these black privileges?

I don't know what kind of black woman you're married to, and the story about the store is a lie.
And here we see an example of psychosis.

Blacks have consistently voted for white candidates. What are these black privileges?

I don't know what kind of black woman you're married to, and the story about the store is a lie.
Blacks have only recently had plenty of black candidates to choose from.....and most of the time ignored the fact that the black candidate is a commie POS.

Wanna list of black privileges? Mkay:

  • They have Black history month (Feb)
  • They have Black universities and colleges (several of them)
  • They have their own TV station (BET)
  • They have Social-Justice programs
  • They have Affirmative-Action
  • They their own Black Beauty Pageants
  • They have their own clothing line
  • In SF they're allowed to steal up to $1000 without prosecution
  • They can shoot up their schools and be out on the street in less than 72 hrs
  • Any time a black is killed trying to escape from cops results in nationwide protests
  • They have BLM (no other lives matter)
  • They have "Black Voices" programing on HBO, Disney, Amazon Prime, and Netflix
  • Every time they lose an election the media agrees it's because of racism
  • They don't need proper I.D. so they vote early and often
  • People are starting to think there's too many white construction workers
  • The Defense Sec is black and bounced 9500 white guys out of the military for not getting a vaccine
  • The DOD has a minority program that gives black owned businesses first crack at military contracts
  • You can get a job with the federal government and your only qualification is you have to be black and semi-literate
  • We elected our first black POTUS simply because of skin color and nobody was allowed to criticize his administration
  • Our first black POTUS has set back race relations in this country 70 yrs
  • You can cancel out someone and ruin their lives simply because they wore black-face 35 yrs ago
  • A black can shoot blacks in a mass-shooting every Friday night and the media ignores it
  • A white guy shoots up a school and it's all the media talks about for months/years
  • Our current VP got her job simply because she looks black and has the right genitalia
  • CRT teaches white kids they deserve to be punished for being born white

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I love peach cobbler. My Momma used to make the best peach cobbler I ever tasted; I wish I had learned from her how to make it. :)
Like with anything else....find a good recipe, and here's the trick, FOLLOW THE RECIPE. Don't cut corners.
I've learned how to cook because my wife has come down with Biden's Disease CRS (Can't Remember Shit).
She has terrible short-term memory now because they gave her Morphine during her last hip she has the brain power of a 6 year old now.
Yes, many black people hate white people. I've had black people tell me that. But MOST do not.

Whether or not you've actually heard white people say they hate black people does not mean that some white people hate black people. There are several places within a two hour drive where I live owned by white people who will NOT allow black people into their establishment. I didn't believe it at first, but I've seen it to be true.
I choose to avoid blacks all together for the very reasons he described. I won't be bullied by kook liberal whites who think I need to prove something to meet their standard.
There are several places within a two hour drive where I live owned by white people who will NOT allow black people into their establishment. I didn't believe it at first, but I've seen it to be true
I don't believe you. But they should be allowed. Here's why

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Is he wrong? Or is he just being a racist? I personally believe that he's mostly right. Not one hundred percent since there are a lot of decent black people out there, but not as many as there are thugs and that's not just an opinion, that's a fact.

Proven by 50 years of Riots.
Wrong. Everybody is not a racist to me. Only those who exhibit racist behavior. Like you.
Again, you label, and you have no clue who you are talking to. Pity that you live such an angry and bitter life. Have you ever thought that if you put the same amount of mental energy and hate you have for "White Republicans" and actually diverted that energy into trying to solve racism and attempting to better race relations that you might find a happier mental state. Why live this life so angry and one day facing your own mortality with regret that you helped solve nothing. That would suck.
Again, you label, and you have no clue who you are talking to. Pity that you live such an angry and bitter life. Have you ever thought that if you put the same amount of mental energy and hate you have for "White Republicans" and actually diverted that energy into trying to solve racism and attempting to better race relations that you might find a happier mental state. Why live this life so angry and one day facing your own mortality with regret that you helped solve nothing. That would suck.
He's turned HIMSELF into the angry black male (or female?) that has created this problem in the first place. I pity the white cops who has to deal with people like this day in and day out
Wait. Is that racist saying that blacks are so uncivilized and without a sense of right v wrong that the only way to keep them from committing crime is to hand each of them hundreds of thousands of dollars of other people’s money? Wow.
Pretty much. :muahaha:

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