Scott Brown: Ewps.

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Brown's spokesman told the Globe that Dole's website, where the speech was posted, was "one of the models" for Brown's site, and that "during construction of the site, the content on this particular page was inadvertently transferred without being rewritten.

Translation: The plagiarism was intentional, the blatancy was not. :lmao:
Brown's spokesman told the Globe that Dole's website, where the speech was posted, was "one of the models" for Brown's site, and that "during construction of the site, the content on this particular page was inadvertently transferred without being rewritten.

Translation: The plagiarism was intentional, the blatancy was not. :lmao:

Exactly. :D
Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight"

"It was a staff level oversight which we regret and is being corrected," added spokesman John Donnelly.

I have a spinner he can borrow.

With Obama having whole books written 'for' him? Really? You wanna go there??? :rofl:

Having said that, while the explanation seems fairly lame, it's certainly plausible.

Oh, surely. First off, I'm not willing to grant the point of Obama having a ghostwriter.

Secondly, THIS IS PLAGIARISM. I.E.: *I shall spell it out for you, o clueless one* He took someone else's words, and passed them off as his own, without the knowledge or permission of the actual author of said words.
Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight"

I have a spinner he can borrow.

With Obama having whole books written 'for' him? Really? You wanna go there??? :rofl:

Having said that, while the explanation seems fairly lame, it's certainly plausible.

Oh, surely. First off, I'm not willing to grant the point of Obama having a ghostwriter.

Secondly, THIS IS PLAGIARISM. I.E.: *I shall spell it out for you, o clueless one* He took someone else's words, and passed them off as his own, without the knowledge or permission of the actual author of said words.

Prove Scott Brown knew about it and approved or sanctioned it.
Oh, it was his message to students - ... that he didn't actually write himself? Just as bad, I'm thinkin.

Now I know I've wandered into the neocon world where black is white and green is blue, so I won't actually expect you to be honest about what happened here. It's my day off, and I don't want to waste it waiting for you to actually be honest about one of your own.
Oh, it was his message to students - ... that he didn't actually write himself? Just as bad, I'm thinkin.

Now I know I've wandered into the neocon world where black is white and green is blue, so I won't actually expect you to be honest about what happened here. It's my day off, and I don't want to waste it waiting for you to actually be honest about one of your own.

This could NEVER happen to a Democrat, huh.

Oh wait.. Yes it could...
The “issues” page of Robert Dobbs’ campaign website reads, “The Republicans' tax cuts for corporations and unbalanced trade policies have increased the burdens on working families and have weakened our economy.”

That’s a statement many Democrats can certainly agree with, too.

But Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida used those exact same words in his 2008 election campaign, though, and which are still viewable on his website.

In fact, Dobbs’ website borrows four consecutive paragraphs from Grayson’s page on this topic without any word change, and with no quotation marks. No citation to its source or original author is featured.

Non-story. A flunky fucked up. Live with it.
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It's my day off, and I don't want to waste it waiting for you to actually be honest about one of your own.

Reality Check:

Ask any of the more level headed regular posters here which of us is the bigger partisan hack... which of us never says anything negative about someone from their respective parties... which us us posts nothing but negative things about the opposing party.

I'll wait.
Well, it's a sea of gray lines, so I'll just go with the standard response.

You KNOW if a Dem got caught in the same situation, you'd have a COMPLETELY different reaction.

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight"

"It was a staff level oversight which we regret and is being corrected," added spokesman John Donnelly.

I have a spinner he can borrow.

Well, it's a sea of gray lines, so I'll just go with the standard response.

You KNOW if a Dem got caught in the same situation, you'd have a COMPLETELY different reaction.


Where was your outrage when the Dem I posted about above got caught?


You're a complete, utter moron, and a blind partisan hack.
Well, it's a sea of gray lines, so I'll just go with the standard response.

You KNOW if a Dem got caught in the same situation, you'd have a COMPLETELY different reaction.


Like Obama plagiarized a speech from Devel Patrick back in 2008 - when he was campaigning. I assume you were critical of that too, right?

What was that term again..... oh yea..... hack.
Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight"

I have a spinner he can borrow.

With Obama having whole books written 'for' him? Really? You wanna go there??? :rofl:

Having said that, while the explanation seems fairly lame, it's certainly plausible.

Oh, surely. First off, I'm not willing to grant the point of Obama having a ghostwriter.

Secondly, THIS IS PLAGIARISM. I.E.: *I shall spell it out for you, o clueless one* He took someone else's words, and passed them off as his own, without the knowledge or permission of the actual author of said words.

Exactly like Obama did in 08.

Brown's spokesman told the Globe that Dole's website, where the speech was posted, was "one of the models" for Brown's site, and that "during construction of the site, the content on this particular page was inadvertently transferred without being rewritten.

Translation: The plagiarism was intentional, the blatancy was not. :lmao:
Further translation: We got busted so let's make up some BS excuse.
Brown's spokesman told the Globe that Dole's website, where the speech was posted, was "one of the models" for Brown's site, and that "during construction of the site, the content on this particular page was inadvertently transferred without being rewritten.

Translation: The plagiarism was intentional, the blatancy was not. :lmao:
Further translation: We got busted so let's make up some BS excuse.

So much in common with Obama, it's scary. It's like all politicians have the same book of reasonable excuses for bad behavior. :eek:

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