Scott Brown praises Palin; suggests Obama born out of wedlock

The correlation of the numbers is off, I think. But say you are correct on the 60% consider themselves "conservative", then it means about only one out of three conservatives consider the GOP a desirable party. BHO demonstrated that the Dems can get those centrist voters. We must do more than be the party of "no".

Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.

Brown is a conservative, not a wing nut. And if you use terms like "communist agenda and loss of American sovereignity" and "globalist socialist masters" and "HELL NO", then yes you are adhering to the far right reactionary ideology. Your thinking is not mainstream, while mine is: smaller government, smaller civil service, less taxes, less intrusion into citizen's lives, right to own and bare arms, and no overseas adventurism.
The Republican Party needs to appeal to the center and moderates and independents. We cannot win with the wingnut reactionaries. We need to meld conservatives with the center, marginalizing the whackos to the left and the right. I think a ticket of Romney and Huckabee in 2012 can do that, as long as we drop the wingnuts and tell Rush to take a hike.

You won't get rid of rush. You have GOP senators and the party chairmen apologizing to him and basically bowing to him. The fringe of the republican party on the far right will never walk away from fat boy. They listen to him daily and he is their idol.
Mebbe so, Zoom-boing, but I have seen far left and far right run away with all sorts of things. Reviewing it, I think Brown handled it OK. He could have been more forceful and said it doesn't matter.

The American people didn't like TARP and a majority of them did not like Palin, _NH. And the polls I have seen indicate they like her far less now. I am glad to see that she has found a steady platform on Fox for her viewpoints.

And yet, you have yet to point out ONE reason not to like her, except for name-calling.
Getting rid of the Big Lie will take time, JimH52, and, yes, it will inevitably happen. We had to go through the same thing with McCarthy in the late 40s and early 50s. My side draws such nuts while yours draws those who would eviscerate our capitalist system with far too much regulation. So, once again, it will happen, though I think it is going to require a massive disaster a la 1932 before we get it.
There are facts, there are attitudes, and your attitude about the facts leads one to conclude you are using the same tactics that you accuse the other side of using. Have I misstated your position?

OK so now it's my 'attitude' toward the facts? I can't use FACTS because they might produce an attitude that you don't agree with???? You can't be serious!!!


FACTS are FACTS, but apparently you don't believe in your own icon.

Seems to me you are emulating the cult of Obama, repeating their talking points and thus being dishonest about saying you are a Republican..

I don't believe it frankly.
That is the problem with history. It comes around and bites you in the ass.

Does this affect their qualifications for the job? Does this mean that Cokesley has suddenly got a clue?

I think it calls into question about Brown more than anything. And it shows that we don't really know the real Scott Brown.

Do you know as a state representative that he voted to deny financial aid to Red Cross rescue workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts?

They volunteered and Red Cross gets its own income through donations. Why give them government money? Also, if it does not make financial sense, meaning if you do not have the extra money, why do it?
The correlation of the numbers is off, I think. But say you are correct on the 60% consider themselves "conservative", then it means about only one out of three conservatives consider the GOP a desirable party. BHO demonstrated that the Dems can get those centrist voters. We must do more than be the party of "no".

Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.


All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.
Brown is a conservative, not a wing nut. And if you use terms like "communist agenda and loss of American sovereignity" and "globalist socialist masters" and "HELL NO", then yes you are adhering to the far right reactionary ideology. Your thinking is not mainstream, while mine is: smaller government, smaller civil service, less taxes, less intrusion into citizen's lives, right to own and bare arms, and no overseas adventurism.

Once again, unlike you, I don't have my head in the sand.

Tell me what part of Obama's plan to destroy and de-industrialize this country is different from the Communist agenda?

Tell me what part of Obama's plan to destroy and de-industrialize this country is NOT chipping away at our sovereignty?

Tell me what part of Obama's plan to destroy and de-industrialize this country is not being engineered by his handlers? The man can't even make a condolence speech without it being written for him. He can't speak on his own, the words are coming straight from Axelrod and Soros at the Center for American Progress.

Tell me what part of Obama's plan to destroy our monetary system and reward the european banker elites that took $500B and won't tell us where it went, is not akin to outright dictatorship?

Tell me what part of Obama's plan to overload the system is not in line with Cloward-Piven strategy?

You must have attended public schools where the "ministry of truth" has put most of Communist and Marxist history down the memory hole. And it shows.
The correlation of the numbers is off, I think. But say you are correct on the 60% consider themselves "conservative", then it means about only one out of three conservatives consider the GOP a desirable party. BHO demonstrated that the Dems can get those centrist voters. We must do more than be the party of "no".

Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.


All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.

Eric Holder had no problem with the " Black Panthers" standing outside a polling precinct with clubs, attemting to intimidate voters during the Presidential election. He did not prosectute, it will be interesting to see what happens here.
That is the problem with history. It comes around and bites you in the ass.

Does this affect their qualifications for the job? Does this mean that Cokesley has suddenly got a clue?

I think it calls into question about Brown more than anything. And it shows that we don't really know the real Scott Brown.

Do you know as a state representative that he voted to deny financial aid to Red Cross rescue workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts?

They volunteered and Red Cross gets its own income through donations. Why give them government money? Also, if it does not make financial sense, meaning if you do not have the extra money, why do it?

This was the proper way to vote.

And this "And it shows that we don't really know the real Scott Brown." comes straight from a Coakley attack ad.. LOL!!!!

These rubes can't even be original in their attacks!
Hey Dog breath----- Palin is not even mentioned in this video. Your attempt at misleading people is obvious in this thread and down-right PATHETIC.
The correlation of the numbers is off, I think. But say you are correct on the 60% consider themselves "conservative", then it means about only one out of three conservatives consider the GOP a desirable party. BHO demonstrated that the Dems can get those centrist voters. We must do more than be the party of "no".

Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.


All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.

I am a Republican, and I invite your vote in the next election, since you are not a member of the party.
Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.


All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.

Eric Holder had no problem with the " Black Panthers" standing outside a polling precinct with clubs, attemting to intimidate voters during the Presidential election. He did not prosectute, it will be interesting to see what happens here.

And this was the president who was supposed to improve race relations? Good grief!

SIEU is for Brown by the way! Now you KNOW why Mahhhhhhhtha knows she is in trouble.
Once again since you seem to be taking your language straight from the Dem talking points, why not just change parties?

FACT: Brown is doing well mostly AMONG INDEPENDENTS.

43% INDIES plus 23% RINOS who know they better stick with the platform = victory.

I'm not the party of NO, I'm the party of HELL NO. I will not succumb to this communist agenda and loss of American sovereignty so Obama can gain favor with his global socialist masters.


All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.

I am a Republican, and I invite your vote in the next election, since you are not a member of the party.

So tell us Joke, er Jake, what caused you to drink the Koolaid and vote for a socialist?
All true, and one of the reasons why the dems are already lining up the lawyers to challenge the result. :lol: One of the reasons why conservative groups are watching ACORN and the SEIU to make sure they don't try to 'influence' voters.

Joke is no more a Republican than Obama is.

I am a Republican, and I invite your vote in the next election, since you are not a member of the party.

So tell us Joke, er Jake, what caused you to drink the Koolaid and vote for a socialist?

See, this is what I mean about you confusing your opinion as fact. You clearly have no idea what is socialism or a socialist. I voted Republican. How did you vote?
Brown, Coakley, And the Outrage Gap - Paul Krugman Blog -

Wow. A video clip has surfaced from 2008 in which Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, clearly suggested that President Obama may have been born out of wedlock.

I’m sure some will try to dismiss this as an isolated stray remark. But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.


My opinion: What an asshole.

For the record Scott:

At the age of 23, Obama had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families.[5][15] Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.[1][5] Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.[14] Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs.[16]
On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.[17]

Ann Dunham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the record, Dogbert, the USA doesn't recognize bigamy as legal which means his second marriage was not legal, ie, obama WAS born out of wedlock by your very words.

On the PRESIDENT Obama side, why do we care anyway, about what is the fault of the parents. Children do not have a choice in the matter of whether or not their parents were legally married.

On the Brown side of things, if bastardy is an issue, has anyone explored his antecedents.... on the issue of bastardy, perhaps it takes one to label another one???? But going that way would make Brown pathetic!

And wouldn't it have been "recognize poligamy as legal," not bigamy? It is the nature of bigamy to be illegal, is it not?

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