Scott Walker 2016: You can bank on it


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
When people act as if Hilary Clinton has 2016 in the bag, I have two words for them: Scott Walker. Scott Walker governed a blue state and won his recall election easily despite millions of union dollars being spent against him. He balanced the budget, cut taxes, and solved real problems. He brought people together to get things done and put government back in the hands of the people. As Milwaukee County executive, he won when the last executive spent millions of government money on himself. He and other citizens got together and recalled him. Walker cut taxes in Milwaukee County and got re-elected in an overwhelmingly Democrat county. He won in 2010 and the anti-Republican year of 2012 as governor of Wisconsin, where he fought against the greedy public employee union bosses, and won.

America needs a real leader who will fight for all Americans. Someone who's not afraid to cut taxes and say no to more government spending. That's why we need governor Scott Walker as President.
He doesn't poll well either in GOP primaries or against Hillary Clinton.
I like it for the simple reason that Ed Schultz made many trips to Wisconcin
to try to help recall the guy.

Oh yeah...and that failed.
I like it for the simple reason that Ed Schultz made many trips to Wisconcin
to try to help recall the guy.

Oh yeah...and that failed.

I have to say, I admire the man who stood up to the leftist filth who invaded the state house like roaches to try and oust him and then tried to recall him.

He did not break down and cry like Boehner. He did not try to compromise and cave like Boehner and wonder how he could be more like democrats to try and win the next election like Boehner. Instead, he stood up to them and won.

Now the voters in Wisconsin have lower taxes and a cash surplus :clap2:
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The closer we get to the election the more stories you are gonna see on Walker from the left.
you people have to realize that whomever you pick, they have to be able to pick up Independent/Undecided voters AND Hispanic voters so keep that in mind. Just because someone will get 99.9% of the GOP/con vote doesn't mean anything.
His record in Wisconsin is less than impressive. He is a Kochwhore. Good luck with him.

He is not a Kochwhore, but he does have some problems here which would likely be stumbling blocks on the national stage.

I am pretty sure that he is a recipient of large amounts of Koch funded advertising support. Thus.....he is a Kochwhore.

He's pretty smooth though. Sort of like a well oiled Teflon pan.

That phone call is connected with one of his problems, but not in the way that many on the left have said.

The phone call showed that he was not actually familiar with whichever Koch was supposedly calling. However, the caller got through and the person who put him through was not relieved of duty, and that kind of faux pas has happened more than once.

His operation is just not tight enough for the national scene.

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