Scott Walker is a college dropout. Should that count against him?

He has not - to my knowledge. Can you provide a link that confirms he has?

Politifact confirms that, while he has not released his transcripts, he has allowed the university to comment on his record. Not much scandal there at all.

Solving the mystery of Scott Walker s college years and entry into politics PolitiFact Wisconsin

But publicly available documents cannot fully resolve the question, in part because a federal privacy law blocks release of information on former students unless the person consents. In addition, Walker told us he was sticking to an earlier decision not to release his transcript.

With that in mind, we asked Walker if he would allow Marquette to comment on his academic and conduct record. He did.

"Gov. Scott Walker was a student at Marquette from fall of 1986 until spring 1990 and was a senior in good standing when he voluntarily withdrew from Marquette," the university said in a statement.

The NYTimes states that he has released his records.

The question of Mr. Walker’s missing diploma has arisen occasionally in Wisconsin. Opponents have asserted that there is something untoward about his dropping out of Marquette. He then authorized the university to release the records as proof that there was no hidden story behind his departure. Mr. Walker has said that a college education isn’t a “base requirement” for high office. The Walker camp had no comment for this column.

Are you looking for a transcript?
Check mate on the far left drones..

Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?

We have had 9 presidents that never went to college including Harry Truman and Abraham Lincoln. Maybe it's time to have another one.

Buddha and Jesus never went to college and got degrees.

Frankly I am more concerned we get Presidents, cabinet and Congress members and Court officials
who agree on the spirit of Constitutional laws and govt, can recognize where political beliefs clash
as equally protected creeds and be fair to each, and can resolve conflicts instead of taking political shortcuts.

I agree. Not having a degree is not a deal-breaker for me either.

Since you back Obama we all know that is lie!
Politifact confirms that, while he has not released his transcripts, he has allowed the university to comment on his record. Not much scandal there at all.

Solving the mystery of Scott Walker s college years and entry into politics PolitiFact Wisconsin

The NYTimes states that he has released his records.

Are you looking for a transcript?
Check mate on the far left drones..

Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

and btw - your links do NOT contain any reference to Walker releasing his college records. Did you read them???

Check mate on the far left drones..

Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

He doesn't owe you shit, so quit asking. Moron.
Check mate on the far left drones..

Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?
Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

He doesn't owe you shit, so quit asking. Moron.

come to rescue your buddy from a VERY uncomfortable situation?

Got those links yet?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?

Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

He doesn't owe you shit, so quit asking. Moron.

come to rescue your buddy from a VERY uncomfortable situation?


No just showing that you have been measured, weighed and been found wanting.
Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

He doesn't owe you shit, so quit asking. Moron.

come to rescue your buddy from a VERY uncomfortable situation?


What from you making unfounded accusations and showing that you will not hold the far left to the same standards?
Check mate again!

Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?


Prove what far left drone?

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?
Got those links yet?


Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?


Prove what far left drone?

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?

Wrong - I asked you first to back up your foolish assertion.

Secondly - your attempts to link something to confirm Walker has released his college records are laughable. Did you read them? No claim or documentation that he has was in either.

Now - do you have those links or not. If you don't, just admit you lied and we can move on.

(I never made any claims about Obama's grades. So why would I need to provide any link. YOU made a claim - support it.)
Well that is the usual racist explanation.

You can't doubt it. We are talking Harvard here. Probability is very high. The man based just on his presidency alone sounds incompetent. How is that possible of a harvard graduate with his harvard recignition? Doesn't add up.

Well that is the usual racist explanation.

Racism is all over America. Blacks get privlage at places like harvard that are liberal and whites get privlage in the south. Just pointing out high probability fact.

No- you are just pulling crap out of your ass.

welcome to reality.

Reality has nothing to do with this thread.

Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?


Prove what far left drone?

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?

Wrong - I asked you first to back up your foolish assertion.

Secondly - your attempts to link something to confirm Walker has released his college records are laughable. Did you read them? No claim or documentation that he has was in either.

Now - do you have those links or not. If you don't, just admit you lied and we can move on.

(I never made any claims about Obama's grades. So why would I need to provide any link. YOU made a claim - support it.)

So see the far left drone will not prove that Obama earned his grades, but instead ran the far left narrative..
Well that is the usual racist explanation.

Racism is all over America. Blacks get privlage at places like harvard that are liberal and whites get privlage in the south. Just pointing out high probability fact.

No- you are just pulling crap out of your ass.

The irony impaired far left drone and their comments!

I am just laughing watching a far right drone like yourself demonstrate the hypocrisy of demanding college records from Barack Obama......even asking us to show any other President who has 'withheld' college records like Obama has- and when shown.....just retreat into the usual meaningless gibberish you post.

'same standards'- show me how you hold up any other candidate or President to the same college record demands that you have for President Obama.....or is that just too tough for a far right drone like you?

Show that Obama earned his grades..

Come on far left drone!

Under the definition of hypocrisy in the your photo

I am just laughing watching a far right drone like yourself demonstrate the hypocrisy of demanding college records from Barack Obama......even asking us to show any other President who has 'withheld' college records like Obama has- and when shown.....just retreat into the usual meaningless gibberish you post.

'same standards'- show me how you hold up any other candidate or President to the same college record demands that you have for President Obama.....or is that just too tough for a far right drone like you?
Got those links showing me using a crime story to attack an ideology (as asked multiple times) yet?

You made the claim - support it

I made no such claim other than you will not the other far left drones to same standards as you hold others here!

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?


Prove what far left drone?

Got link to show that Obama deserved his grades (I asked you first)?

Wrong - I asked you first to back up your foolish assertion.

Secondly - your attempts to link something to confirm Walker has released his college records are laughable. Did you read them? No claim or documentation that he has was in either.

Now - do you have those links or not. If you don't, just admit you lied and we can move on.

(I never made any claims about Obama's grades. So why would I need to provide any link. YOU made a claim - support it.)

So see the far left drone will not prove that Obama earned his grades, but instead ran the far left narrative..

Got those links yet?

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