Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
Yes, a new low of looking at a candidate's history and the legislation he sponsored.

Geeze, shouldn't we just ignore all those past actions and just believe everything he says now?

We were supposed to ignore 25 years under Obama's mentor Jeremiah Wright. We were supposed to ignore all Hillary's lies. Obama was against gay marriage, so was Hilary. Do we hold them to that?

I think its the party he is in, not anything else. Partisan nutterery, that's all it is.
Were Walker to actually be the nominee (highly unlikely) he would be among the very few candidates to NOT carry his own state in an election......Wisconsinites have had it with a guy who is easily bought by the Koch brothers and is resorting to "selling" state parks to the highest bidders just to keep the state government afloat for a short while.
That's why he's gotten more votes every time he's run, right SParky?
'Bills allowing doctors to lie to patients in the name of opposing abortion aren’t the only pieces of pro-life legislation Walker sponsored during his nine years in the Wisconsin State Assembly. In 1997, he helped introduce a bill(which passed into law) to ban so-called partial birth abortions. The following year, Walker introduced “conscience clause” legislation that would have allowed medical professionals to deny patients medical services such as contraception if they objected on medical grounds. Though the bill failed, he introduced it again in 1999, and after that failed, once more in 2001, when it failed a third time.'

Walker's unwarranted opposition to the privacy rights of women is one of many good reasons to not vote for him.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
Yes, a new low of looking at a candidate's history and the legislation he sponsored.

Geeze, shouldn't we just ignore all those past actions and just believe everything he says now?
If he were a Democrat you would!
That you consider your post a valid retort is telling.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
Yes, a new low of looking at a candidate's history and the legislation he sponsored.

Geeze, shouldn't we just ignore all those past actions and just believe everything he says now?

We were supposed to ignore 25 years under Obama's mentor Jeremiah Wright. We were supposed to ignore all Hillary's lies. Obama was against gay marriage, so was Hilary. Do we hold them to that?

I think its the party he is in, not anything else. Partisan nutterery, that's all it is.
Nobody asked you to ignore those things, or pretended like looking into them was "a new low"

I think some of the mischaracterizations that have been made are low, but pretending that looking into a candidate's past is somehow underhanded is a new one
The following year, Walker introduced “conscience clause” legislation that would have allowed medical professionals to deny patients medical services such as contraception if they objected on medical grounds.

What is it about conservatives that want to go back to the time when contraceptives were not available? Are they seriously thinking that families should have as many kids as they get every time they have sex? Really? This is bordering on the bizzare.
Well, since the source is a left wing Waco job site

1) they aren't actually telling the whole story.....


2) they are out right lying....

Get back to us when you plan on telling the truth....
Are they seriously thinking that families should have as many kids as they get every time they have sex?

well, for right wingers, except if you're dark skinned...then, the LESS live births the better. is the left building abortion clinics in minority communities genius.......
Well, since the source is a left wing Waco job site

1) they aren't actually telling the whole story.....


2) they are out right lying....

Get back to us when you plan on telling the truth....

No, nitwit......The article addresses what Walker tried to pass as a bill when he was in the state legislature....His bill failed....3 times....

However, should we ignore what Walker tried to do and because the bills failed to pass just ignore this guy's mindset>
Yeah, I'm sure he said that one.

and the new low is you on the left trying to scrape up anything to help your LOSER party and your alls, ONE Candidate Old Grandma Clinton. baaaaaaaaa baaa

stinkprogress folks

Hey Big Foot there were 5 reference links in the think progress story. is the left building abortion clinics in minority communities genius.......

Well, let me settle this little argument this way.....

Are you happy with the estimates (and I have the figures) that state that in less than 15 years, the state of Texas' white population will be in the minority?

Keep in mind that losing TX's electoral votes would virtually spell the end of any GOP in the WH for a very, very long time.
Well, since the source is a left wing Waco job site

1) they aren't actually telling the whole story.....


2) they are out right lying....

Get back to us when you plan on telling the truth....

And all the external links in the story are lying too?

lol, who forgot to abort you? is the left building abortion clinics in minority communities genius.......

Which of the 2 major parties bitches the most about young black, unwed moms having additional kids, "just to collect more welfare checks"???
The following year, Walker introduced “conscience clause” legislation that would have allowed medical professionals to deny patients medical services such as contraception if they objected on medical grounds.

What is it about conservatives that want to go back to the time when contraceptives were not available? Are they seriously thinking that families should have as many kids as they get every time they have sex? Really? This is bordering on the bizzare.
No, it's crossed the border well into bizarre and is now at the outskirts of insane.

It's yet another example of conservative authoritarianism and arrogance, the right's desire to compel conformity through force of law, and to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
from 2001

clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

sucks to be that pathetic, I guess
Back to their same ole same ole
Dirt, lies, dishonesty, smears.

I hope the people who voted them out of Congress has HAD ENOUGH to last them a lifetime. vote this PARTY OUT of our lives and our government in 2016

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