Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

It's yet another example of conservative authoritarianism and arrogance, the right's desire to compel conformity through force of law, and to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Indeed the paradox (or tacit hypocrisy) of the "less government" nitwits "increasing the size and authority of government..." when it comes to their pet projects and doctrines. is the left building abortion clinics in minority communities genius.......

Which of the 2 major parties bitches the most about young black, unwed moms having additional kids, "just to collect more welfare checks"???

and their encourage all people to stay in school, get an education, stay off of drugs, stay out of crime, get married before they have kids and to take care of them...

The democrats....get an abortion........
clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

Exactly WHAT are those "positive affects" [sic]? (should be effects)

Here's one of those "positive"......

(Bloomberg) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, facing a $283 million deficit that needs to be closed by the end of June, will skip more than $100 million in debt payments to balance the books thrown into disarray by his tax cuts.

Any more "positive a ffects" 2thumbsup yours????
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Well, since the source is a left wing Waco job site

1) they aren't actually telling the whole story.....


2) they are out right lying....

Get back to us when you plan on telling the truth....
You truly are a moron.

The article has links to the actual legislation Walker supported.

If you weren't such an ignorant, lazy, blind rightwing partisan hack, you'd at least make the effort to determine the article is accurate.

That some on the right would actually shield doctors who lie to women in an effort to deny women their privacy right is why conservative dogme and the right's political agenda are indeed reprehensible.
and their encourage all people to stay in school, get an education, stay off of drugs, stay out of crime, get married before they have kids and to take care of them...

Well, you're right 2balls......and the above policies have worked SO DAMN well, haven't they???.....Look at it this way, those GOP policies' failures have contributed to the same exact death knell of the GOP.......You'll always (for the foreseeable future) have red states like AL, WY, MS and SC......but states such as TX and FL and AZ will be going from purple to a bright blue in the next 30 years or so.
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
Well, since the source is a left wing Waco job site

1) they aren't actually telling the whole story.....


2) they are out right lying....

Get back to us when you plan on telling the truth....

I see you didn't try to enlighten us.....why don't you tell us the "whole" story?
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....

and turning into Detroit, Chicago, D.C and all the other democrat paradises...
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?
from 2001

clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

sucks to be that pathetic, I guess
Clearly another failed attempt to deflect, as a politician's voting record is a perfectly appropriate source to use to determine where he stands on the issues.

Unless you have evidence that Walker now denounces the legislation he once supported, and will seek to defend the privacy rights of women, there's no reason now to expect Walker as president will obey the Constitution, thus justifying not voting for him.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
What's the title of your book?
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?

the truth...
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

Well, here's a test of your integrity based on what you wrote above........

Just for speculation sake, let's assume that what Walker is alleged to have done in trying to pass those bills IS ALL TRUE..........Would you then join our side in calling Walker a slime bucket.....or would you try to find some way to still defend him????
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?

the truth...
And again, the direct link to the legislation with walker's name as a sponsor doesn't count as "the truth?"

What proof would suffice for you?
Want to really be scared.....?

[speaking of Reagan]......the former president's son, Ron Reagan, says he saw the early signs of Alzheimer's while his father was still in office.

But, fear not, we had Nancy running the country.
Oh, I know he had it at least during his second term....and many in the WH knew it too.
clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

Exactly WHAT are those "positive affects" [sic]? (should be effects)

Here's one of those "positive"......

(Bloomberg) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, facing a $283 million deficit that needs to be closed by the end of June, will skip more than $100 million in debt payments to balance the books thrown into disarray by his tax cuts.

Any more "positive a ffects" 2thumbsup yours????
Wisconsin Thrives Under Scott Walker The American Spectator
Wasn't there another slimy Republican who said something similar?

Whatever, this is the sort of crap we've been hearing from them for a long time and we're sure to hear a lot more.

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