Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

How about "Mrs Clinton, your foundation continued to accept foreign donations even after you signed a letter to Pres Obama saying you wouldnt do that. In many cases large donations were made both before and after you authorized business deals as SecState. Dont you think the appearance that you were bribed should prevent you from being president?"

After you finish LOLelling, could you voice an opinion as to how Walker would answer the question?
Walker would tell the "questioner" to shut the fuck up and do your job as a journalist and not a scab partisan like some hack on USMB.
How will Hillary answer my question?

She'll answer why is this old guy in his pajamas trying to interview me?
How about "Mrs Clinton, your foundation continued to accept foreign donations even after you signed a letter to Pres Obama saying you wouldnt do that. In many cases large donations were made both before and after you authorized business deals as SecState. Dont you think the appearance that you were bribed should prevent you from being president?"

After you finish LOLelling, could you voice an opinion as to how Walker would answer the question?
Walker would tell the "questioner" to shut the fuck up and do your job as a journalist and not a scab partisan like some hack on USMB.
How will Hillary answer my question?

She'll answer why is this old guy in his pajamas trying to interview me?
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

Not only is this old news, but as usual the liberals have twisted things to fit their narrative.

Tests are never 100% accurate. It would have protected doctors for not being able to tell in the first trimester that a child had defects. It merely protected them from so they would not be held responsible for what they didn't find while an abortion was still a option.

In the first few months, it can be very hard to find defects unless you are looking for them specifically. People would be angry when problems were discovered after it was too late for an abortion and would sue doctors for not knowing early enough. Of course, if liberals ruled the world, women could have abortions right up till the actual delivery.

It does not give anyone the right or the incentive to lie to patients. The only sources claiming that are liberal flame sights that have their own agenda and will twist anything to claim that Republicans are trying to take away abortion choice.

I remember the last big lie put forth by the very same sources. They claimed that Republicans made laws that determined fetuses were babies two weeks before the woman got pregnant. The truth was that it was a means, long used by doctors, to determine the gestational age of a fetus and they calculated it from two weeks after the woman's last menstrual cycle. It is a necessary thing to know whether the woman intends to carry to full term or get an abortion because the doctors have to make sure the abortion is done within the time limit, which is set by the gestational age of the fetus. The Republicans has merely used language echoing this in legislation that set limits on the time abortions could be performed.

Walker was among those who also wanted ultrasounds before any abortion procedure. The left bitched about that and wanted doctors to go in blind. They claimed an ultrasound early on wouldn't make a difference. That is only true part of the time. It may or may not show any problems that doctors and patient need to be concerned with. It's also why Walker absolved doctors of responsibility if those same ultrasounds didn't detect a problem, such as birth defect. You see how liberals think? They don't want ultrasounds prior to abortions because they are useless, yet want doctors responsible for not finding birth defect using those same unreliable ultrasounds. Make up your fucking minds.

I realize some things are difficult to understand. I guess liberals find it easier to just accept the talking points without question and run with them.

This is another example of things being twisted. And it's ancient news.

However, the left has set a new rule saying we can go back as far as we need to in order to discredit someone. While the left has been less than honest in their dirt throwing mission, I am sure we can find solid facts against Hillary and Fauxahontas to post.
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This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

Not only is this old news, but as usual the liberals have twisted things to fit their narrative.

Tests are never 100% accurate. It would have protected doctors for not being able to tell in the first trimester that a child had defects. It merely protected them from not being responsible for what they didn't find while an abortion was still a option.

In the first few months, it can be very hard to find defects unless you are looking for them specifically. People would be angry when problems were discovered after it was too late for an abortion and would sue doctors for not knowing early enough. Of course, if liberals ruled the world, women could have abortions right up till the actual delivery.

It does not give anyone the right or the incentive to lie to patients. The only sources claiming that are liberal flame sights that have their own agenda and will twist anything to claim that Republicans are trying to take away abortion choice.

I remember the last big lie put forth by the very same sources. They claimed that Republicans made laws that determined fetuses were babies two weeks before the woman got pregnant. The truth was that it was a means, long used by doctors, to determine the gestational age of a fetus and they calculated it from two weeks after the woman's last menstrual cycle. It is a necessary thing to know whether the woman intends to carry to full term or get an abortion because the doctors have to make sure the abortion is done within the time limit, which is set by the gestational age of the fetus. Walker was among those who also want ultrasounds before any abortion procedure. The left bitched about that and wanted doctors to go in blind. They claimed an ultrasound early on wouldn't make a difference. That is only true part of the time. It may or may not show any problems that doctors and patient need to be concerned with. It's also why Walker absolved doctors of responsibility if those same ultrasounds didn't detect a problem, such as birth defect.

I realize some things are difficult to understand, especially for Democrats.

This is another example of things being twisted. And it's ancient news.

However, the left has set a new rule saying we can go back as far as we need to in order to discredit someone. While the left has been less than honest in their dirt throwing mission, I am sure we can find solid facts against Hillary and Fauxahontas to post.
As usual Libs need to lie to make their point. Conservatives merely need to tell the truth.
However, the left has set a new rule saying we can go back as far as we need to in order to discredit someone. While the left has been less than honest in their dirt throwing mission, I am sure we can find solid facts against Hillary and Fauxahontas to post.

Glad you agree that when the entire proposed bill is exposed that Walker would be discredited.....

As Shakespeare wrote, "the evil that men do lives after them..."
Well I believe we are getting a preview of what's to come from the Democrat party in the run up to the elections

dirty politics, lies, smears and just low down scrape the bottom of the sewer. AGAIN

I hope the people have had enough of this and was part of reason they kicked them into Minority in congress. and VOTES this nasty party out of LIVES in 2016

GO WALKER. :thewave:
However, the left has set a new rule saying we can go back as far as we need to in order to discredit someone. While the left has been less than honest in their dirt throwing mission, I am sure we can find solid facts against Hillary and Fauxahontas to post.

Glad you agree that when the entire proposed bill is exposed that Walker would be discredited.....

As Shakespeare wrote, "the evil that men do lives after them..."

Walker didn't do anything wrong and it's clear by your post that you failed to understand what the bill was really about. I know it's difficult and I didn't expect some of you to grasp it.

He will only be discredited in the eyes of liberals who cannot comprehend complicated concepts. Heck, all of you jumped right on the bandwagon when you had no idea what the hell you were talking about. Something bad about Walker is all you heard and you accepted it blindly.

In Hillary's case, we can use the truth but that won't affect liberals either. They could find out that she set fire to an orphanage and would still vote for her.
However, the left has set a new rule saying we can go back as far as we need to in order to discredit someone. While the left has been less than honest in their dirt throwing mission, I am sure we can find solid facts against Hillary and Fauxahontas to post.

Glad you agree that when the entire proposed bill is exposed that Walker would be discredited.....

As Shakespeare wrote, "the evil that men do lives after them..."

Walker didn't do anything wrong and it's clear by your post that you failed to understand what the bill was really about. I know it's difficult and I didn't expect some of you to grasp it.

He will only be discredited in the eyes of liberals who cannot comprehend complicated concepts. Heck, all of you jumped right on the bandwagon when you had no idea what the hell you were talking about. Something bad about Walker is all you heard and you accepted it blindly.

In Hillary's case, we can use the truth but that won't affect liberals either. They could find out that she set fire to an orphanage and would still vote for her.

It's amazing to me how all Democrat cult members all seem just like sheep/parrots/ and low information all rolled into one. they just spit out talking points they read on some leftwing site.

I swear they are zombies
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
Immoral libtards lie to women all the time to get them pregnant...something a conservative would never do.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
Immoral libtards lie to women all the time to get them pregnant...something a conservative would never do.

This does not even warrant the dignity of a serious response!
Scott Walker never said that and the bill does not make that claim. The post is based on nothing but an essay by a left wing amateur writer named Scott Keys who has no expertise in the law or politics.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
Immoral libtards lie to women all the time to get them pregnant...something a conservative would never do.

This does not even warrant the dignity of a serious response!
You post this old news and then talk about others not having dignity.

just admit. You all are scared shitless of Walker because all you have is the OLD LADY to vote for and will march in a line, like good little sheep to vote for her if she REMAINS the only candidate. .
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
Immoral libtards lie to women all the time to get them pregnant...something a conservative would never do.

This does not even warrant the dignity of a serious response!
You post this old news and then talk about others not having dignity.

just admit. You all are scared shitless of Walker because all you have is the OLD LADY to vote for and will march in a line, like good little sheep to vote for her if she REMAINS the only candidate. .

Sometimes, Steph, I think that you are NOT a happy camper.....
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
Immoral libtards lie to women all the time to get them pregnant...something a conservative would never do.

This does not even warrant the dignity of a serious response!
You post this old news and then talk about others not having dignity.

just admit. You all are scared shitless of Walker because all you have is the OLD LADY to vote for and will march in a line, like good little sheep to vote for her if she REMAINS the only candidate. .

Sometimes, Steph, I think that you are NOT a happy camper.....

oh I'm always happy... because I can see through you people like you were a ghost. Dirt and smears is what it's going to be? do you find that Honorable? all for a PARTY?
This is NOT for right wingers on this thread......those nitwits are beyond reason and he capacity to understand what Walker was proposing in those bills he was trying to get passed when he was in the WI legislature....This is what the bill (AB538) tried to pass into law:

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for a person [a physician] who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act.

In simpler terms, the bill would exempt pro-life doctors for being sued for withholding information from patients.

NOW, regardless of how right wingers try to spin this,

a. Walker was indeed a sponsor of the bill.....
b. Walker believed in the bill's intent since he repeatedly tried to reintroduce it
c. The bill would promote the lying from doctors to patients and exempt the doctors from being sued (and possibly have their licenses revoked.)

Bottom line....Walker is screwed.
This is NOT for right wingers on this thread......those nitwits are beyond reason and he capacity to understand what Walker was proposing in those bills he was trying to get passed when he was in the WI legislature....This is what the bill (AB538) tried to pass into law:

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for a person [a physician] who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act.

In simpler terms, the bill would exempt pro-life doctors for being sued for withholding information from patients.

NOW, regardless of how right wingers try to spin this,

a. Walker was indeed a sponsor of the bill.....
b. Walker believed in the bill's intent since he repeatedly tried to reintroduce it
c. The bill would promote the lying from doctors to patients and exempt the doctors from being sued (and possibly have their licenses revoked.)

Bottom line....Walker is screwed.

Well, to be fair, he still has Steph's support!
sorry, but I'm smarter than any fucked in the head leftist site

While you're having a "cheering party" of one.....

MADISON, WI (WTAQ) - Almost half of Wisconsin's 72 counties saw their populations go down during the year ending last July.Nearly half of Wisconsin counties see population drop in past year - News - 1330 WHBL Sheboygan s News Radio

The above, with an increasing retirement population contribute to WI's lower unemployment percentile

if that was true, CA would have the lowest ue rate of all

This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

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