Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

This is NOT for right wingers on this thread......those nitwits are beyond reason and he capacity to understand what Walker was proposing in those bills he was trying to get passed when he was in the WI legislature....This is what the bill (AB538) tried to pass into law:

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for a person [a physician] who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act.

In simpler terms, the bill would exempt pro-life doctors for being sued for withholding information from patients.

NOW, regardless of how right wingers try to spin this,

a. Walker was indeed a sponsor of the bill.....
b. Walker believed in the bill's intent since he repeatedly tried to reintroduce it
c. The bill would promote the lying from doctors to patients and exempt the doctors from being sued (and possibly have their licenses revoked.)

Bottom line....Walker is screwed.

Well, to be fair, he still has Steph's support!

Yep, and the corrupted and nasty woman Hillary, who by the way you all kicked her to the Curb when she ran against THAT MAN and made her a LOSER. Still has your support because you all don't care if you don't have CHOICES. you are that cultish to a party
obama voted 'present' most of the time and you voted for him.

do you know what a hypocrite is?


I know what an ignoramus is and if you look in a mirror you will see one for yourself!

Obama s Legislative Record

Q: How many times did Obama vote 'present' as a state senator?

A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.

Here are the facts: According to reports by both The New York Times and the Associated Press, Obama voted "present" 129 times as a state senator. The AP reported that Obama said the votes represented a small portion — a little more than 3 percent — of the "roughly 4,000" votes he cast as a member of the state Senate.

The Illinois state Legislature allows members to vote "present" rather than "yes" or "no." TheTimes reported in December that "present" votes provide a way for lawmakers to voice opposition to an issue. Such votes can also help them avoid the political fall-out of voting "no":
Then, peculiarly, he disappeared during his presidential election campaign when it came to voting on raising the debt ceiling. In both 2007 and 2008, when we raised the debt ceiling by a combined $1.65 trillion, Obama avoided voting. Such absence wasn’t uncommon for Obama, who spent the vast majority of his only partial term in the Senate away from the Senate or ignoring his duty to vote. From September to November 2007, for example, Obama missed 80 percent of Senate votes, including one that would have designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Overall, Obama missed nearly 50 percent of the votes in the Senate during his tenure. As a State Senator in Illinois, he voted “present” a full 129 times, many of those votes coming on critical and controversial issues.

like I said, cc is full of shit for pointing at voting records for an (R) while not caring about (D)

How does it feel to learn that you voted for a lazy pile of shit?

Thanks for providing a link that proved you wrong, yet again!

so you are cool with him cashing a full time paycheck while he didn't work full time.

and you people finished highschool
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
what bullshit

if he still supports it, you make it the most important story over the economy
if not, you call him a flip flopper

you pussies are transparent
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.
what bullshit

if he still supports it, you make it the most important story over the economy
if not, you call him a flip flopper

Ahhhhh, you're so "clever".....But, as we all know, one has to eventually pay for one's past sins......
But I would wait to ask him such a question until AFTER he gets the nomination (which is unlikely anyway.)
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.

Walker is probably history...........whether by your judgment or not.
I will agree that if he believes that doctors should lie to patients for that would be a deal breaker for me. I'm just wanting to hear the whole story.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.
since when do you care about the Constitution?
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
what bullshit

if he still supports it, you make it the most important story over the economy
if not, you call him a flip flopper

you pussies are transparent

I only call Democrats flip floppers. I reserve that right. :wink_2:
I give great latitude for doctors who believe abortion is wrong not to have to perform them. But for a doctor to lie to a woman about the status of her unborn baby to promote his ideology is wrong. But it is so hugely wrong that I want to hear the "rest of the story". It is hard to believe that anyone would think that is right.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.

Walker is probably history...........whether by your judgment or not.
I will agree that if he believes that doctors should lie to patients for that would be a deal breaker for me. I'm just wanting to hear the whole story.

No need to wait. As mentioned earlier in this thread, by the Right, this story is already 15 years old. Frankly, to me, it is not about Walker so much, since he is already washed up. It is more about the hard core republicans that refuse to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. I simply do not want to be on that side of the fence.
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
what bullshit

if he still supports it, you make it the most important story over the economy
if not, you call him a flip flopper

you pussies are transparent

I only call Democrats flip floppers. I reserve that right. :wink_2:
I give great latitude for doctors who believe abortion is wrong not to have to perform them. But for a doctor to lie to a woman about the status of her unborn baby to promote his ideology is wrong. But it is so hugely wrong that I want to hear the "rest of the story". It is hard to believe that anyone would think that is right.
the rest of this story died 14 years ago.

only leftist care about the past of cons. Bring up anything on hill and they go batshit calling it lies, no matter the amount of evidence.

hell, those pissants convict ever white person of murder w/o knowing any facts, they just need sharpton to tell them what to think
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.

Walker is probably history...........whether by your judgment or not.
I will agree that if he believes that doctors should lie to patients for that would be a deal breaker for me. I'm just wanting to hear the whole story.

No need to wait. As mentioned earlier in this thread, by the Right, this story is already 15 years old. Frankly, to me, it is not about Walker so much, since he is already washed up. It is more about the hard core republicans that refuse to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. I simply do not want to be on that side of the fence.

What he did was wrong.
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
No need to wait, as Walker remains hostile to the privacy rights of women, as he stated just this last March:

“As the Wisconsin legislature moves forward in the coming session, further protections for mother and child are likely to come to my desk in the form of a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks. I will sign that bill when it gets to my desk and support similar legislation on the federal level.”

The day can't come too soon when we're free from the bane of the social right, and the likes of Scott Walker, conservatives hostile to the civil rights of Americans.
As Vandal states, there isn't much more to "discover" about this story...Walker's ideology simply got in the way of his future aspirations.

The bill is a short read and Walker was one of the proponents. Period
We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

Well, I partially agree......Walker SHOULD be asked if he STILL believes that doctors should be exempt from liability for lying to pregnant women......and a simple Yes or No should then suffice.
Fair enough?
what bullshit

if he still supports it, you make it the most important story over the economy
if not, you call him a flip flopper

you pussies are transparent

I only call Democrats flip floppers. I reserve that right. :wink_2:
I give great latitude for doctors who believe abortion is wrong not to have to perform them. But for a doctor to lie to a woman about the status of her unborn baby to promote his ideology is wrong. But it is so hugely wrong that I want to hear the "rest of the story". It is hard to believe that anyone would think that is right.
the rest of this story died 14 years ago.

only leftist care about the past of cons. Bring up anything on hill and they go batshit calling it lies, no matter the amount of evidence.

hell, those pissants convict ever white person of murder w/o knowing any facts, they just need sharpton to tell them what to think

Leftists hold their own to a different standard.
Sharpton owes millions of dollars of back taxes. That is okay.
Harry Reid lied and said that Romney hadn't paid his taxes. That was okay.
But Walker did something wrong (not illegal like Sharpton, just possibly wrong) 15 years ago and it's a big deal to them.

It's what they do.
And no, they won't own it. They will make excuses and go on the attack like they have here with the Walker thing.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.

Walker is probably history...........whether by your judgment or not.
I will agree that if he believes that doctors should lie to patients for that would be a deal breaker for me. I'm just wanting to hear the whole story.

No need to wait. As mentioned earlier in this thread, by the Right, this story is already 15 years old. Frankly, to me, it is not about Walker so much, since he is already washed up. It is more about the hard core republicans that refuse to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. I simply do not want to be on that side of the fence.

What he did was wrong.

I'd try to verify with another source before I get all excited. this came from Stinkprogress which isn't a very Reputable website
There was nothing in that bill or similar ones in other states that said doctors can lie to women. That is a lie thought up and only claimed by some liberal media.

The law only protected doctors who failed to discover birth defects or potential problems. Period. The left used their feeble minds to fill in the blanks, but there is no language in the bill that allows doctors to outright lie to any patient. And it's a good bill because many times parents have sued doctors after their babies were born with problems.

There is no 100% when it comes to practicing medicine. Doctors will not risk the lives of mothers and babies because they don't want them to abort. It's strictly leftwing sites reporting this. Even Snopes wouldn't touch this one, so that tells you it's bullshit.
That bill was first brought to the floor in Wisconsin in 1997 and it failed. Then it was brought again in 2001 and it failed again.

I would be interested in knowing what Scott Walker thinks of it now. If Benghazi is too old to talk about, then what Scott Walker did in 1998 and 2001 is also too old.

We all evolve as information becomes available to us. I want to see how his ideas have matured before I pass judgment. I'm sure all of you smart people here feel the same about leaping to judge someone based on something they said or did 15 + years ago.

No, my judgement has already been passed. When it comes to politics, I can forget that Obama said that he was going to stop in 57 states, when he meant to say that he was going to make 57 stops. I can forget that Hillary claimed to have landed somewhere while under sniper fire, when she clearly did not. I am not about to forget that someone actively and aggressively sought to take away the constitutional right of a woman to have a legal abortion through the use of subterfuge, in violation of every ethical guideline that applies to physicians in America.

Walker is history.

Walker is probably history...........whether by your judgment or not.
I will agree that if he believes that doctors should lie to patients for that would be a deal breaker for me. I'm just wanting to hear the whole story.

No need to wait. As mentioned earlier in this thread, by the Right, this story is already 15 years old. Frankly, to me, it is not about Walker so much, since he is already washed up. It is more about the hard core republicans that refuse to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. I simply do not want to be on that side of the fence.

What he did was wrong.

I'd try to verify with another source before I get all excited. this came from Stinkprogress which isn't a very Reputable website

That's why I've said I want to see more of that story.
If what has been said there about those bills is true, then it was wrong.
But sheeeesh...................... they are pretending, I guess, that Hillary's life has been pristine.
It's amusing how they are jumping and pointing at a Republican that may or may not even be the nominee..........and they're just fine with Hillary's indiscretions. Very amusing indeed.
Leftists hold their own to a different standard.
Sharpton owes millions of dollars of back taxes. That is okay.
Harry Reid lied and said that Romney hadn't paid his taxes. That was okay.

Well, not quite.....I, for one, am not a fan of Sharpton, Reid or even Hillary.....The difference, however, is that you folks on the right follow Reagan's 11 commandment too literally (i.e., NEVER talk badly about a fellow republican.)

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