Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions


I'm sorry, but any party that would actually nominate Sarah Palin for VP, or Romney for president, just doesn't "get "it. It would be like if the democrats nominated Ralph Nader. Hell, i was a republican most of my life, starting with Gerald Ford (who was a good man). Now, the party has been taken over by aliens from outer space.

I disagree.
Romney and Sarah Palin (bad as she was) ................. it turns out........... had things pegged better than Obama ever has. So either of them would have done better for this nation than Obama has done.

I'm sorry, but Obama is an inept fool that has set this country back a whole generation in race relations and has screwed up every single thing he has touched. I guarantee neither Palin nor Romney would have done that (and I am no fan of either Palin or Romney, but I'm objective enough to see what's going on).
To be objective means you have no idea how things would have turned out since it didn't happen that way. What you have is an opinion, which isn't objective.

Actually, I listened to what all three had to say about certain things that were taking place.
Time happened and it turns out that Romney and Palin were correct about those things and Obama was not correct........he was wrong.

The history and timelines are objective.
I take my position from them.

So, you think that Palin would have been the best choice for president if McCain had been elected and died?

Gen, you have definitely blown your cover....:badgrin:
I disagree.
Romney and Sarah Palin (bad as she was) ................. it turns out........... had things pegged better than Obama ever has. So either of them would have done better for this nation than Obama has done.

I'm sorry, but Obama is an inept fool that has set this country back a whole generation in race relations and has screwed up every single thing he has touched. I guarantee neither Palin nor Romney would have done that (and I am no fan of either Palin or Romney, but I'm objective enough to see what's going on).

You're right. Several things that the left laughed at turned out to be true. Both were smarter on foreign policy and some other things.
That's why I've said I want to see more of that story.
If what has been said there about those bills is true, then it was wrong.
But sheeeesh...................... they are pretending, I guess, that Hillary's life has been pristine.
It's amusing how they are jumping and pointing at a Republican that may or may not even be the nominee..........and they're just fine with Hillary's indiscretions. Very amusing indeed.

I said earlier. this is a preview of what they are going to campaign on in the coming elections. back to their lowlife standard of just trying to DESTROY the other people.... They don't have anything else.

They just got kicked into Minority in congress in the last two MIDTERMs elections. Are they going to run on that? NO, it's back to dirt, lies, dishonesty and nasty dirty politics.

The Democrat destroy machine is a strong one. If nothing else, they know how to destroy anyone that dares to go against them in any way.

There are many pitfalls, many twists and many turns. They will no doubt succeed in destroying some of the Republican candidates (they took Herman Cain out through their lies).

I think that where they will fail is that after all is said and done, the Republican still standing will be very strong. Hillary is all they have. And she is full of baggage that will not go away. They are afraid to have their candidate vetted (anyone who does it is racist, misogynist or something worse) but they will vet ours. Whoever is elected must be vetted. Anyone with brains will know that Democrats lie (Harry Reid) so the vetting will be unfair at times, but the right person will withstand it.

At least this is my hope.

yep and I look at how the people took them down into the minority of Congress in back to back midterm elections, in just Six year of Obama's ugly reign over us. so that gives me a lot if hope they are truly sick and tired of this party and the nasty people in it...

Well, somehow I don't see that things in the ghetto are as rosy as Obama promised they would be. So are those people who thought Obama was their Messiah going to come out in huge flocks to vote for an old lady that has a laugh that can break glass? Nah. Won't happen.


Those nasty people are going to get far more nasty before it's over.

For a moment there, I thought that you were independent, Gen. Now, I see that you got the memo, and have managed to work in the words, 'Obama", messiah", and "Old lady" into two paragraphs.

How old was Reagan when he was elected?

I don't belong to any party, but after Obama I know I'll never vote for a Democrat again (I have done so in the past).

Every person ages differently. Looking back, it is possible that Reagan was too old in his second term. That was then, this is now. Hillary's recent history of falling down, blood clots, disappearing from view for months on end, old lady walk............ has the look of some of Russia's ancient leaders that were dead for a while before anyone was told about it. We really don't need that now. But hey, if that's what Democrats believe in, go for it. I'm sure you will still have a hundred or so die-hards and idiots willing to vote for someone who sleeps through a presidency by the time election day rolls around.

Yah. the way the world is right now, a sleeping president that wakes up every so often to give us her big ole laugh....... is just what we need.
I disagree.
Romney and Sarah Palin (bad as she was) ................. it turns out........... had things pegged better than Obama ever has. So either of them would have done better for this nation than Obama has done.

I'm sorry, but Obama is an inept fool that has set this country back a whole generation in race relations and has screwed up every single thing he has touched. I guarantee neither Palin nor Romney would have done that (and I am no fan of either Palin or Romney, but I'm objective enough to see what's going on).

You're right. Several things that the left laughed at turned out to be true. Both were smarter on foreign policy and some other things.

I didn't give Palin or Romney much credit at the time.............but it turned out that they knew a heck of a lot more than Obama ever did.
Did you really expect the bill to openly state to outlaw abortions??

Come one....besides, if you think you're interpretation is correct then Walker has nothing to worry about it....Go on, make him your nominee.

Liberals either see things that aren't there or they are good at twisting things. Maybe both.

It is about doctors not getting sued when babies are born with defects or illnesses. Only a liberal would take that as doctors all being a bunch of liars out to promote their agenda. It' difficult to determine some things early on in pregnancy.

This is so reminiscent of the liberals being up in arms claiming that Republicans declared that a fetus is a baby two weeks before the mother got pregnant. They claimed it was about ending abortions by saying the fetus was considered a human being. Then when you read the actual bill, it merely described the way doctors determine the age of a fetus. They always ask the women when her last period was and then they guess two weeks from when it ended. After the ultrasound, they get a better idea of the age. It was something simple and logical, yet liberals were spouting pure bullshit because they feared women wouldn't get abortions.

This is no different. Several liberal sites, in fact the same ones that claimed what I described above, all have the same exact headline, that Walker wants a law saying doctors can lie to women to prevent abortions. Do you guys have a clue about any of this stuff?

There is one doctor who claimed that some liberals wanted a law stating that doctors must tell women taking the morning after pill that if she changed her mind in a couple days, the effects of the pill could be reversed. The doctor said it was total bull and based on a wild claim and he had no intention of telling them that. So, would liberals deliberately talk a women into taking an abortion pill and lie to her so she wouldn't change her mind?

Over a million black babies are aborted every year in this country. We know the left is adamant about keeping the black population low and I know you guy will stay on tops of things to ensure that blacks never become the majority.

They'll never stop lying Clementine.Liberals are beyond hope. I'm reading the bill right now and your analysis of the bill is spot on.

"Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

Under current law, if a child is born with a disability that a person (usually a
health care provider) could have informed the parents about while there was still
time for the child to be aborted, that person may be liable for the costs of caring for
that child and for the child's related medical expenses.

The person could be liable under current law if he or she negligently failed to inform the parents of the disability or if he or she negligently incorrectly diagnosed the fetus's condition while an abortion was an available option.

If the parents of the child sue for costs resulting from caring for that child, the action is called a wrongful birth action. If the child sues for damages because of being born with a disability, the action is called a wrongful life action. The Wisconsin supreme court has recognized the right to sue for wrongful birth, but has not recognized the right to sue for wrongful life.

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for
a person who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act."

Wisconsin Legislature AB538 Bill Text
"Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

Under current law, if a child is born with a disability that a person (usually a
health care provider) could have informed the parents about while there was still
time for the child to be aborted, that person may be liable for the costs of caring for
that child and for the child's related medical expenses.

The person could be liable under current law if he or she negligently failed to inform the parents of the disability or if he or she negligently incorrectly diagnosed the fetus's condition while an abortion was an available option.

If the parents of the child sue for costs resulting from caring for that child, the action is called a wrongful birth action. If the child sues for damages because of being born with a disability, the action is called a wrongful life action. The Wisconsin supreme court has recognized the right to sue for wrongful birth, but has not recognized the right to sue for wrongful life.

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for
a person who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act."

Wisconsin Legislature AB538 Bill Text

The problem now is that doctors can be held liable if a test is available to determine whether there are problems and they didn't discover it. It's not that easy. Tests are not always accurate and not all problems are detectible early on. It's almost automatic now that a doctor is liable if a child is born with downs syndrome or other defect even if it was difficult to determine, or at least discover soon enough for an abortion. Liberals are aware of this and that is likely why they support late term abortions.

Some parents might even change their minds after a child is born with a defect and they can claim they were never informed. I understood that the legislation came about because of so many lawsuits.

If a doctor is outright negligent, they will be held liable. Some liberals would probably prefer that doctors lie to all women and tell them there are problems and recommend abortions. They are so hellbent on reducing the population that they want nothing to stand in the way.

I've seen how they twist things to try and scare women. It's no different than the way they scare people by saying things like Republicans want dirty water, polluted air, starving old people and poor people. Or seniors won't get their Social Security checks if you don't let Obama raise the debt ceiling (even though SS is a separate fund and unaffected by debt ceiling).

The end always justifies the means with them. And the endgame is the fundamental transformation of America, which means destruction of America as we know it.
"Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

Under current law, if a child is born with a disability that a person (usually a
health care provider) could have informed the parents about while there was still
time for the child to be aborted, that person may be liable for the costs of caring for
that child and for the child's related medical expenses.

The person could be liable under current law if he or she negligently failed to inform the parents of the disability or if he or she negligently incorrectly diagnosed the fetus's condition while an abortion was an available option.

If the parents of the child sue for costs resulting from caring for that child, the action is called a wrongful birth action. If the child sues for damages because of being born with a disability, the action is called a wrongful life action. The Wisconsin supreme court has recognized the right to sue for wrongful birth, but has not recognized the right to sue for wrongful life.

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for
a person who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act."

Wisconsin Legislature AB538 Bill Text

The problem now is that doctors can be held liable if a test is available to determine whether there are problems and they didn't discover it. It's not that easy. Tests are not always accurate and not all problems are detectible early on. It's almost automatic now that a doctor is liable if a child is born with downs syndrome or other defect even if it was difficult to determine, or at least discover soon enough for an abortion. Liberals are aware of this and that is likely why they support late term abortions.

Some parents might even change their minds after a child is born with a defect and they can claim they were never informed. I understood that the legislation came about because of so many lawsuits.

If a doctor is outright negligent, they will be held liable. Some liberals would probably prefer that doctors lie to all women and tell them there are problems and recommend abortions. They are so hellbent on reducing the population that they want nothing to stand in the way.

I've seen how they twist things to try and scare women. It's no different than the way they scare people by saying things like Republicans want dirty water, polluted air, starving old people and poor people. Or seniors won't get their Social Security checks if you don't let Obama raise the debt ceiling (even though SS is a separate fund and unaffected by debt ceiling).

The end always justifies the means with them. And the endgame is the fundamental transformation of America, which means destruction of America as we know it
Your ideas indicate some kind of sickness: is it of the soul and spirit or a simple mental illness? Your comments also indicate a great deal of stupidity and the inability to think logically.

I say this because you are making all kinds of exaggerated, hyperbolic claims that are counter to any kind of rational, logical thinking. Who tells you to think in such terms? Or do you come up with this nonsense on your own?

Logical fallacies in your post: straw man, appeal to motive, appeal to spite, appeal to fear, appeal to consequences, abusive fallacy, inductive fallacy, and psychologist's fallacy (an observer presupposes the objectivity of his own perspective when analyzing a behavioral event).

You are in no way objective about this. Hysterical, perhaps, but not objective.
Last edited:
"Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

Under current law, if a child is born with a disability that a person (usually a
health care provider) could have informed the parents about while there was still
time for the child to be aborted, that person may be liable for the costs of caring for
that child and for the child's related medical expenses.

The person could be liable under current law if he or she negligently failed to inform the parents of the disability or if he or she negligently incorrectly diagnosed the fetus's condition while an abortion was an available option.

If the parents of the child sue for costs resulting from caring for that child, the action is called a wrongful birth action. If the child sues for damages because of being born with a disability, the action is called a wrongful life action. The Wisconsin supreme court has recognized the right to sue for wrongful birth, but has not recognized the right to sue for wrongful life.

This bill creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for
a person who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not committed the act or not failed to commit the act."

Wisconsin Legislature AB538 Bill Text

The problem now is that doctors can be held liable if a test is available to determine whether there are problems and they didn't discover it. It's not that easy. Tests are not always accurate and not all problems are detectible early on. It's almost automatic now that a doctor is liable if a child is born with downs syndrome or other defect even if it was difficult to determine, or at least discover soon enough for an abortion. Liberals are aware of this and that is likely why they support late term abortions.

Some parents might even change their minds after a child is born with a defect and they can claim they were never informed. I understood that the legislation came about because of so many lawsuits.

If a doctor is outright negligent, they will be held liable. Some liberals would probably prefer that doctors lie to all women and tell them there are problems and recommend abortions. They are so hellbent on reducing the population that they want nothing to stand in the way.

I've seen how they twist things to try and scare women. It's no different than the way they scare people by saying things like Republicans want dirty water, polluted air, starving old people and poor people. Or seniors won't get their Social Security checks if you don't let Obama raise the debt ceiling (even though SS is a separate fund and unaffected by debt ceiling).

The end always justifies the means with them. And the endgame is the fundamental transformation of America, which means destruction of America as we know it
Your ideas indicate some kind of sickness: is it of the soul and spirit or a simple mental illness. Your comments also indicate a great deal of stupidity and the inability to think logically.
Sez the poster with a Hillary for President sig. You literally cannot make this up.
I'll research this for myself, but if true - it's a deal-breaker for me. I couldn't vote for anyone who supported such legislation.
clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

Exactly WHAT are those "positive affects" [sic]? (should be effects)

Here's one of those "positive"......

(Bloomberg) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, facing a $283 million deficit that needs to be closed by the end of June, will skip more than $100 million in debt payments to balance the books thrown into disarray by his tax cuts.

Any more "positive a ffects" 2thumbsup yours????
Wisconsin Thrives Under Scott Walker The American Spectator

I don't think women who would be forced to bear children with extreme birth defects would thrive, nor would their families. How would you deal with a life tending to a child who is extremely debilitated for life with an extreme birth defect? Do you even have any iota of knowledge what such a thing is like? I worked with such children for a time, and it is not something anyone with any sensibilities would wish on another.

Children who cannot talk or communicate, who cannot eat for themselves, who need diapers all of their lives, who cannot learn, who are not mobile in any sense, who suffer themselves daily a life of pain, isolation and misery. This is what you want other people to live. It is not something you'd accept willingly for your own life.

And you want doctors to hide the fact that such a child is growing in a woman's womb, so that she bears, unknowingly, such a fate, a sad, sad fate for her, her family, her other children, and, most importantly, the child itself.
Over a million black babies are aborted every year in this country. We know the left is adamant about keeping the black population low and I know you guy will stay on tops of things to ensure that blacks never become the majority.

I know that logic is a foreign concept to dimwits like you....and since you think that lefties are devious and manipulative, does the above make ANY sense?

Since blacks tend to vote the progressive ticket, would it not make MORE sense to have millions more black babies born?

You're entitled to be an idiot....but at the very least keep your stupidity statements in some "consistency."
Over a million black babies are aborted every year in this country. We know the left is adamant about keeping the black population low and I know you guy will stay on tops of things to ensure that blacks never become the majority.

I know that logic is a foreign concept to dimwits like you....and since you think that lefties are devious and manipulative, does the above make ANY sense?

Since blacks tend to vote the progressive ticket, would it not make MORE sense to have millions more black babies born?

You're entitled to be an idiot....but at the very least keep your stupidity statements in some "consistency."

I think that's the same poster who told me once that Bush was able to successfully run a war for 8 years...and it was a huge success! :rolleyes:

Speaking of abortions, that reminds me...I never followed up on the story of how G. W. Bush got to meet his baby brother "fetus" that Barbara had stored in a jar. Do you have any details on that bizarre story? I won't be purchasing his book to find out.

That also reminds me of the weird fetus story with Rick Santorum and his wife. Republican's sure seem to be weird with their fetuses. :)
...Stinkprogress which isn't a very Reputable website

interesting ! and they cal Foxnews, Worldnetdaily, Drudge and Newsmax disreputable and liars. :lmao:

A lot of people probably don't know it. but they were caught up in a huge scandal over their lies when Bush was in office. That's why I would never take what they say as anything even close to the truth
Over a million black babies are aborted every year in this country. We know the left is adamant about keeping the black population low and I know you guy will stay on tops of things to ensure that blacks never become the majority.

I know that logic is a foreign concept to dimwits like you....and since you think that lefties are devious and manipulative, does the above make ANY sense?

Since blacks tend to vote the progressive ticket, would it not make MORE sense to have millions more black babies born?

You're entitled to be an idiot....but at the very least keep your stupidity statements in some "consistency."

Well, let's start with the fact that her statements were blatantly untrue. There are just over a million abortions performed every year total...they aren't all black.

36% are non-Hispanic white, 30% are non-Hispanic black, 25% are Hispanic and 9% are women of other races
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.
Wait just a minute there Slick, weren't you wing-nut hypocrites bringing up Obama's votes on abortion while he was a state senator? Why yes, yes you were! So why exactly is Walker's record as a state representative suddenly off limits?

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