SCOTUS Challenge to the Liberal Intellectual Elite


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.
All you're going to get is Uncle Tom references.

It's like asking for a lab experiment showing how a 100PPM increase in CO2 causes Cat 5 hurricanes
Yup. Nothing but
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:
Start your own thread. This one's about the left's characterization of Thomas as stupid.

So, you got nothin'.
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:

No posted opinion = STFU
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:

Answer a question with a question, nice. Straight out of the leftist playbook.
The Left would have to first read one of Thomas' opinions. His opinion in Lopez is monumental btw.
They will claim it is all the work of his clerks.
Personally I think Kagan and the wise Latina Vagina ought to be laughed off the court, the one for lack of experience, the second for lack of knowledge and honesty.
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:

Swing and a miss...

No surprise considering the source...
I've heard that the American Left (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) holds SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas in low regard and finds it funny he's even on the Court.

I challenge any of you to post an opinion written by Thomas along with your commentary that shows how a reasonable person could arrive at the conclusion that Thomas is a shallow and stupid as purported by the Left.

What proof do you have he's qualified? Name a case that he presided over as judge before Republicans put him on the Supreme Court. :popcorn:
It was his style that annoys you, really, isn't it, Mr. rdean. i.e.:

After graduating law school, Thomas initially found it difficult to obtain a job. Many employers falsely believed his law degree was the product of affirmative action. Nevertheless, Thomas landed a job as an assistant US attorney for Missouri under John Danforth. When Danforth was elected to the US Senate, Thomas worked as a private attorney for an agriculture firm from 1976 to 1979. In 1979, he returned to work for Danforth as his legislative assistant. When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, he offered Thomas a job as Assistant Secretary of Education in the office of civil rights. Thomas accepted.
Political Life:

Not long after his appointment, the president promoted Thomas to head the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. As director of the EEOC, Thomas angered black rights groups when he shifted the focus of the agency from filing class-action discrimination lawsuits. Instead, he concentrated on reducing discrimination in the workplace, and emphasizing his philosophy of self-reliance for African Americans, chose to pursue individual discrimination suits. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush appointed Thomas to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC.

We all know how you guys grilled him with Ms. Anita Hill, his obsessed assistant who made claims but withheld the fact it was actually she who contacted him 12 times and not the other way around.

Facts are very stubborn things, particularly when they're in writing by the false accuser's hand. :rolleyes:
The Left would have to first read one of Thomas' opinions. His opinion in Lopez is monumental btw.

Uh, all Thomas did in that case, was complain about recent caselaw and say that it should change in the future. Hardly monumental.
The Left would have to first read one of Thomas' opinions. His opinion in Lopez is monumental btw.

Uh, all Thomas did in that case, was complain about recent caselaw and say that it should change in the future. Hardly monumental.

"The Court today properly concludes that the Commerce Clause does not grant Congress the authority to prohibit gun possession within 1,000 feet of a school, as it attempted to do in the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-647, 104 Stat. 4844. Although I join the majority, I write separately to observe that our case law has drifted far from the original understanding of the Commerce Clause. In a future case, we ought to temper our Commerce Clause jurisprudence in a manner that both makes sense of our more recent case law and is more faithful to the original understanding of that Clause."

It will be sited when the New Deal is declared unconstitutional.

You'll always have Wickard
The Left would have to first read one of Thomas' opinions. His opinion in Lopez is monumental btw.

Uh, all Thomas did in that case, was complain about recent caselaw and say that it should change in the future. Hardly monumental.

"We have said that Congress may regulate not only Commerce . . . among the several states, U. S. Const., Art. I, 8, cl. 3, but also anything that has a substantial effect on such commerce. This test, if taken to its logical extreme, would give Congress a police power over all aspects of American life. Unfortunately, we have never come to grips with this implication of our substantial effects formula. Although we have supposedly applied the substantial effects test for the past 60 years, we always have rejected readings of the Commerce Clause and the scope of federal power that would permit Congress to exercise a police power; our cases are quite clear that there are real limits to federal power."

I wonder how he'll rule on ObamaCare?
If you're going to ask people to defend someone else's proposition, you might want to include the particular proposition. "Thomas is as shallow and stupid as purported by the Left" is incredibly vague, since many lefties don't consider him particularly stupid at all. Is there a particular claim about Thomas's intelligence that catches your attention?
If you're going to ask people to defend someone else's proposition, you might want to include the particular proposition. "Thomas is as shallow and stupid as purported by the Left" is incredibly vague, since many lefties don't consider him particularly stupid at all. Is there a particular claim about Thomas's intelligence that catches your attention?

Besides the fact that almost everything I've heard from the left about Thomas is a lie?
For someone that works with the precise meanings of words, this isn't a comforting statement.

Thomas, who, when asked by interviewer Bryan Garner whether he would describe himself as a word lover, replied: "Not particularly. ... I like buses and football and cars."

And this makes me think he is clever enough to avoid any public utterances that would cement the view that he is a less than stellar thinker.

Thomas hasn't asked a question at oral argument in more than five years.

So, there's two for ya.
If you're going to ask people to defend someone else's proposition, you might want to include the particular proposition. "Thomas is as shallow and stupid as purported by the Left" is incredibly vague, since many lefties don't consider him particularly stupid at all. Is there a particular claim about Thomas's intelligence that catches your attention?

Besides the fact that almost everything I've heard from the left about Thomas is a lie?

No, not besides that. When I asked if there was something in particular that caught your attention, I didn't mean "besides... almost everything [you've] heard". Do you actually want anyone to answer your question, or do you want to talk about how people haven't answered your question?

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