SCOTUS Declines To Hear Case Granting Fetal Personhood Rights

When a marriage pregnant woman finds out on her 20-week checkup that the fetus she is caring is terribly deformed and probably won't live very long if it survives until birth. I believe she has a perfect right to abort that fetus rather than bring more hardship into the world.
So you believe in just.... oh wait, no you clarify yourself perfectly well in the the next bit.

I would also say that such a person who would choose to bring a child like that into the world is very selfish and not a good mother.
Okay, now I'll bring some emotion in.

You're a deranged fucking monster and you should be watched lest you go around shooting anyone with a disability.

You think people who aren't selfish sociopaths aren't "good mothers." Fuck yourself, hard, with something really pointy.
The vast majority of abortions are retroactive birth control for people who are too lazy or stupid or selfish to use any other form of birth control. A woman's first abortion needs to include sterilization.

It is sociopathic to kill another human being in cold blood for your own selfish benefit. That isn't an emotional assertion - that's just fact.
It is sociopathic to completely disregard the fact that there are multiple sets of rights involved.

You people don't give a damn about the lives and rights of others, and that's just more undeniable fact. Made even worse and more irrefutable when noting how often you people are also far leftists with as little respect for the property of others as you have for their lives or liberties.

There is so much irony here….where do I even start? :rolleyes:

Will is irrelevant here, other than as part of criminal theory - intent.
Will is absolutely relevant

Furthermore, we're back to that factual reality where a statistically irrelevant fraction of a percent of pregnancies aren't a matter of consensual sex where a man and a woman have sex knowing full well they could create a kid, thus consenting to parental responsibilities. And we've already determined that you actually don't give a shit about those cases where that isn't the case, so why belabor that blip?

That is irrelevant.

Parents have an obligation to provide for the wellbeing of their kids. This includes food and shelter. They further have an obligation to refrain from neglect, abuse, and certainly just malicious, intentional violence like a premeditated homicide.

Parents do, indeed, have that obligation. Once a child is born.

I notice you completely avoid discussing rights.
So you believe in just.... oh wait, no you clarify yourself perfectly well in the the next bit.

Okay, now I'll bring some emotion in.

You're a deranged fucking monster and you should be watched lest you go around shooting anyone with a disability.

You think people who aren't selfish sociopaths aren't "good mothers." Fuck yourself, hard, with something really pointy.
You are very emotional or insane. Please seek help. You can't even comprehend what I said. No person in their right mind wants to bring a terribly deformed, child into this world. That is just sick.
It is sociopathic to completely disregard the fact that there are multiple sets of rights involved.

There is so much irony here….where do I even start? :rolleyes:

Will is absolutely relevant

That is irrelevant.

Parents do, indeed, have that obligation. Once a child is born.

I notice you completely avoid discussing rights.
This person is either insane or emotionally unstable at the at least.
So you believe in just.... oh wait, no you clarify yourself perfectly well in the the next bit.

Okay, now I'll bring some emotion in.

You're a deranged fucking monster and you should be watched lest you go around shooting anyone with a disability.

You think people who aren't selfish sociopaths aren't "good mothers." Fuck yourself, hard, with something really pointy.
By your own words, you consider any woman who needs or wants an abortion a sociopath. You said they don't make good mothers. Why on Earth would you want them to bring children into this world. You're not making any sense. And you are totally judgmental I hope you don't consider yourself a Christian also cuz that's another lie.
You are very emotional or insane. Please seek help. You can't even comprehend what I said. No person in their right mind wants to bring a terribly deformed, child into this world. That is just sick.
You are a eugenicist - a vile lunatic who should be kept away from civilized people.

Go back in time to ancient Sparta or Nazi Germany and die there, with those who think like you.
The vast majority of abortions are retroactive birth control for people who are too lazy or stupid or selfish to use any other form of birth control. A woman's first abortion needs to include sterilization.

Have often said that in any state where this monstrosity remains legal, mandate tubal ligation. Make it so they can't kill their own kid this way ever again.

Do you know how high the abortion recividism rate? Half of all abortions are repeat abortions. And by repeat, I don't just mean second kills. I mean three, four, five, the sky's the limit with some of these vile trash.
Any actual evidence of that?

Of course not.

Have often said that in any state where this monstrosity remains legal, mandate tubal ligation. Make it so they can't kill their own kid this way ever again.

Do you know how high the abortion recividism rate? Half of all abortions are repeat abortions. And by repeat, I don't just mean second kills. I mean three, four, five, the sky's the limit with some of these vile trash.

Many years ago, I worked for six months in a clinic that did abortions, and in that period of time I saw three women who had multiple abortions. One of them was a 22 year old and the doctor performed abortions #5 and #6. Six abortions by the time you're 22 is pretty damned obvious.
You're talking about somebody that cares more about politics than about people. One of those crazy new Republicans that won't compromise that doesn't believe in democracy. One that sees the opposing political party as the enemy. You think the pandemic was bad, this mental disease has virtually no cure.
This is one of those men and women are different moments.

Agreed they are different biologically. That doesn't stop a law to make them the same legally.

To make it work the man would have to enter his choice by a certain deadline so the woman could have an abortion as early as possible given the information she has. All things that could be worked out in the wording of the law.
Non existent?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Except the word person in the Constitution has always been interpreted as born person not unborn person.

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