SCOTUS Declines To Hear Case Granting Fetal Personhood Rights

Well then, that actually makes it easier. If it isn't part of my body, I have every right to remove it.

It is now, nor has ever been "Pro-Life", it is Anti-Woman. It is the worst kind of Governmental Over Reach.

For all endless hours, days, weeks, months and years of spouting about "Smaller Government". Of believing that "Government Does Not Belong In The Doctor's Office". Of talking about "It is a decision best made between the Doctor and the Patient". These assholes are out and out liars.

Let's be clear on this. Anti-Abortion Law will in no way/shape/form end abortion. Rich Women will still be able to go to some out of state "Health Spa" to receive her "Specifially Direct Medical Care". The Wives and Daughters of Rich Men will still have access to abortion. It will just be called a "Treatment".

Anti-Abortion is about the overwhelming need to control a Woman's Body. Anti-Abortion is about exterting dominance over Women and will deny Women Dominion over their bodies.

I've already contacted several out of state Planned Parenthood Clinics and let them know that my home is available to Women from out state who are seeking an abortion and cannot receive in their home state.

As Cons were saying during their bat shit crazy anti-mask actions, "My Body....My Choice". Women have that same right of choice.
Well then, that actually makes it easier. If it isn't part of my body, I have every right to remove it.
Your statement, or proclamation to be precise, reads as if you’re talking about a cancerous tumor to be removed. Your choice of using “it” supports the position that you’re referencing a non-human foreign object, like a cancerous growth.

Maintaining the leftist stringent position is your right, although your 180° spin from your first claim that you have the right to remove a part of your body to not being a body part is interesting.

I anticipate you will respond saying your second statement was a hypothetical;)
It is now, nor has ever been "Pro-Life", it is Anti-Woman. It is the worst kind of Governmental Over Reach.
Batshit insane, pro-abort filth. We don’t approve of you killing born humans either, and sociopaths like you do represent a danger to moral, decent folks.
For all endless hours, days, weeks, months and years of spouting about "Smaller Government".
Hey asshole? Banning murder is small government. Deal with it.

Let's be clear on this. Anti-Abortion Law will in no way/shape/form end abortion.
No law magically prevents all lawbreaking. I’m sorry you are so stupid you needed this explained to you.

Anti-Abortion is about the overwhelming need to control a Woman's Body.
Obscenely stupid dishonesty. You know nothing. You are vastly over-opinionated for your lack of education and insight.

I've already contacted several out of state Planned Parenthood Clinics and let them know that my home is available to Women from out state who are seeking an abortion and cannot receive in their home state.
You are a horrific piece of shit who is actively encouraging murder. I wish nothing but the worst for you and in a better world you would die in prison. We should try to make that better world so people like you stop hurting the innocent.
Disgusting. Hopefully you have already sterilized yourself since you think this way, denying any responsibility as a parent.
The most troubling aspect about this leftist position is when a pro-abortionist believes that abortion, in this late date in 2022, should be used as an optional birth control measure to remove what they consider to be a hindrance to their lives. If a woman isn’t smart enough to have taken precautions prior to having sex and is uninformed about getting to any pharmacy the day AFTER unprotected sex for an OTC Next Day after pill- various brands now available (prevents fertilization from occurring and is not the “abortion pill”) have the baby and put it up for adoption.

“There are around 2 million LGBT people in the United States who want to adopt.​

(Lifelong Adoptions)

That’s a lot of homes and many loving parents for children who desperately need them.”

It would be informative to ask members of the LGBTQ community about their abortion stance, and if they are aware of the above adoption statistic. Perhaps infighting would result between those demanding continuation of abortions to be used as an archaic birth control option over whether they should concern themselves with couples they support hoping to adopt.
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It is now, nor has ever been "Pro-Life", it is Anti-Woman. It is the worst kind of Governmental Over Reach.

For all endless hours, days, weeks, months and years of spouting about "Smaller Government". Of believing that "Government Does Not Belong In The Doctor's Office". Of talking about "It is a decision best made between the Doctor and the Patient". These assholes are out and out liars.

Let's be clear on this. Anti-Abortion Law will in no way/shape/form end abortion. Rich Women will still be able to go to some out of state "Health Spa" to receive her "Specifially Direct Medical Care". The Wives and Daughters of Rich Men will still have access to abortion. It will just be called a "Treatment".

Anti-Abortion is about the overwhelming need to control a Woman's Body. Anti-Abortion is about exterting dominance over Women and will deny Women Dominion over their bodies.

I've already contacted several out of state Planned Parenthood Clinics and let them know that my home is available to Women from out state who are seeking an abortion and cannot receive in their home state.

As Cons were saying during their bat shit crazy anti-mask actions, "My Body....My Choice". Women have that same right of choice.
Anti-abortion stance protects the life of the unborn. It has zero to do with exerting dominance. You could be confusing acts of absolute dominance played out within the BDSM community - roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism- lol

Any female having an abortion in 2022 due to having unprotected sex and not rushing to a pharmacy the day after, has to be extremely ignorant and cut off from all information. There are many ignorant people, but this level of ignorance would require: no cell phone access, all family members including extended relatives living within close proximity to be dumber than dirt, no televisions, radios, nor access to gossipmongers in the know.

Even mountain folk living in obscurity off the grid make it to town on a regular basis for supplies and see advertising displays in drugstores and chain pharmacies. Cell phones are standard carry for most homeless people. To be this uneducated and ignorant, women who are getting pregnant are most likely not having abortions because without access to information they aren’t going to be in the know about abortions, much less where to go have an abortion.

Your “anti-women” claim can be sold to the ignorant, however, and to the dumbed down women who think it is a plot to take women down lol
I have no idea how you pro-abort idiots can be so confidant in spouting this utter insanity.

Two organisms with their own bodies are not the same body. That is not how mammalian embryology works. The mother has a body, the kid has a body. Two organisms, two bodies.

A literal parasite, which is what you awful scum compare unborn kids to in mammalian embryology, also doesn't somehow merge with its host to become the same organism. That would be insane.
Disgusting. Hopefully you have already sterilized yourself since you think this way, denying any responsibility as a parent.
No. What is disgusting is the sheer arrogance of people like you who do not walk in her shoes making decisions for her, about her body, her health, and her life. Then add to that the pretense of being “pro-life” when the reality is anything but. Red states, your bastion, have the highest rates of teen pregnancy, mothers and children in poverty, and little mandated sex education. You are the states that chose not not to expand Medicare and spend the least on programs to help single mothers. You aren’t pro life you are pro-birth.

And now you are racing to out do each other in the “who can pass the most draconian abortion laws” biz, no longer even allowing exceptions for rape or incest (you support forced gestation). You even have a candidate you are rallying around who says NO as in zero exceptions.

Andyou think I am disgusting.
Your statement, or proclamation to be precise, reads as if you’re talking about a cancerous tumor to be removed. Your choice of using “it” supports the position that you’re referencing a non-human foreign object, like a cancerous growth.

Maintaining the leftist stringent position is your right, although your 180° spin from your first claim that you have the right to remove a part of your body to not being a body part is interesting.

I anticipate you will respond saying your second statement was a hypothetical;)
No. My response is that until it is viable it is part of my body. My prior response was sarcastic, and clearly flew right over your head.
No. My response is that until it is viable it is part of my body. My prior response was sarcastic, and clearly flew right over your head.
Awww Coyote. How did my honest assessment offend you? Clearly over my head? I don’t think so. Your response is weak, no need to get defensive;)
No. What is disgusting is the sheer arrogance of people like you who do not walk in her shoes making decisions for her, about her body, her health, and her life. Then add to that the pretense of being “pro-life” when the reality is anything but. Red states, your bastion, have the highest rates of teen pregnancy, mothers and children in poverty, and little mandated sex education. You are the states that chose not not to expand Medicare and spend the least on programs to help single mothers. You aren’t pro life you are pro-birth.

And now you are racing to out do each other in the “who can pass the most draconian abortion laws” biz, no longer even allowing exceptions for rape or incest (you support forced gestation). You even have a candidate you are rallying around who says NO as in zero exceptions.

Andyou think I am disgusting.
You have no knowledge about anything in my past nor events that would have an impact on my stance. You’re mad because I gave a thumbs up to this: first let’s look at your “sarcasm”
Well then, that actually makes it easier. If it isn't part of my body, I have every right to remove it.
Now, the response from another poster: Disgusting. Hopefully you have already sterilized yourself since you think this way, denying any responsibility as a parent.

I agree that I find your answer completely disgusting-every word of it. Did I say anywhere that you are disgusting? Seems you jumped to a conclusion. Another thought- I would have to know a lot more about you to determine if I found you disgusting or otherwise, but it’s easy to be disgusted with your above mock remarks. If you did actually mean that as some type of sarcasm you certainly did not come off that way, and in very poor taste considering the topic, and I’m pretty sure you know it.
Awww Coyote. How did my honest assessment offend you? Clearly over my head? I don’t think so. Your response is weak, no need to get defensive;)
Not at all. Do you have anything meaningful to say?
The justices turned away an appeal by a Catholic group and two women of a lower court’s ruling holding that fetuses lacked the proper legal standing to challenge a 2019 state law codifying the right to abortion in line with the Roe precedent. The two women, pregnant at the time when the case was first filed, sued on behalf of their fetuses and later gave birth.

That is correct. Adidas does not qualify as being a person.
You have no knowledge about anything in my past nor events that would have an impact on my stance. You’re mad because I gave a thumbs up to this: first let’s look at your “sarcasm”

Now, the response from another poster: Disgusting. Hopefully you have already sterilized yourself since you think this way, denying any responsibility as a parent.

I agree that I find your answer completely disgusting-every word of it. Did I say anywhere that you are disgusting? Seems you jumped to a conclusion. Another thought- I would have to know a lot more about you to determine if I found you disgusting or otherwise, but it’s easy to be disgusted with your above mock remarks. If you did actually mean that as some type of sarcasm you certainly did not come off that way, and in very poor taste considering the topic, and I’m pretty sure you know it.

Wait a sec…are you saying you and Carsom are the same person?
Wait a sec…are you saying you and Carsom are the same person?
No. My words were clear. My husband was on here a week or so ago, but he only lasted about two days said he’s not into drama and says that’s all he saw. I don’t know Carsom.
No. My words were clear. My husband was on here a week or so ago, but he only lasted about two days said he’s not into drama and says that’s all he saw. I don’t know Carsom.
The person I was replying to when you responded as if I were replying to you.
The person I was replying to when you responded as if I were replying to you.
I saw 2 replies from you when checking the notices and the short snooty one was the first one I read which I responded to in kind. I saw your lengthy post right under mine and mistook it as a reply to me.
I am not an emotion-free poster, as some pull off and ignore slants. I could participate in a professional debate however, without the use of personal remarks.

Btw- This thread has to do with 2 Catholic women wanting rights for the unborn, so I was not clear what woman you referred when you wrote “you who do not walk in her shoes making decisions for her, about her body, her health, and her life.” Who are you referring to?
I saw 2 replies from you when checking the notices and the short snooty one was the first one I read which I responded to in kind. I saw your lengthy post right under mine and mistook it as a reply to me.
I am not an emotion-free poster, as some pull off and ignore slants. I could participate in a professional debate however, without the use of personal remarks.
I can as well, but tend to reply in kind because after a while it gets old. I actually respect you as a poster.

Btw- This thread has to do with 2 Catholic women wanting rights for the unborn, so I was not clear what woman you referred when you wrote “you who do not walk in her shoes making decisions for her, about her body, her health, and her life.” Who are you referring to?
I responded to the post rather than the OP. I meant any pregnant woman.
I can as well, but tend to reply in kind because after a while it gets old. I actually respect you as a poster.

I responded to the post rather than the OP. I meant any pregnant woman.
As most know, this is a very emotional issue for a huge majority of people, and we’ve pretty much demonstrated that it’s a touchy subject when oppositional viewpoints attempt to discuss the particulars.

I honestly do not know why abortion is still being used as a birth control measure and it absolutely blows my mind. I thought when 2000 hit we’d be as a society “advanced” and abortion would soon be obsolete with multiple birth control measures available, free if one can’t afford the pulls, patch, or implant. Yet here we are in 2020, as if time stalled just in this area and making leaps and bounds in all other areas of technology and scientific advancement. It makes zero sense. The only thing I can come up with is there must be huge profit amongst those who finance more of the same, who want it to remain the same even unnecessarily, and will fight to prolong it out for as long as possible. I’m not exactly sure I’m referencing just the divisive split in politics over the issue, I think economic control to keep it going goes beyond politics.
As most know, this is a very emotional issue for a huge majority of people, and we’ve pretty much demonstrated that it’s a touchy subject when oppositional viewpoints attempt to discuss the particulars.

I honestly do not know why abortion is still being used as a birth control measure and it absolutely blows my mind. I thought when 2000 hit we’d be as a society “advanced” and abortion would soon be obsolete with multiple birth control measures available, free if one can’t afford the pulls, patch, or implant. Yet here we are in 2020, as if time stalled just in this area and making leaps and bounds in all other areas of technology and scientific advancement. It makes zero sense. The only thing I can come up with is there must be huge profit amongst those who finance more of the same, who want it to remain the same even unnecessarily, and will fight to prolong it out for as long as possible. I’m not exactly sure I’m referencing just the divisive split in politics over the issue, I think economic control to keep it going goes beyond politics.
I don’t think it is profit, I think rather it is because we don’t have a single coherent national policy, instead it is fractured into 50 states. Most of the comparable countries to ours in development all have legal abortion, covered by insurance or publichealthcare, and with restrictions as to how far into the pregnancy. They have subsidized or free birth control as well as Plan B, and health insurance or the government covers it. They have comprehensive science based sedual education in their schools. All of this on a national level, and they have lower abortion rates.

Time is stalled because this isn’t viewed as an issue of health or science but of religious morals and that gets in the way of real solutions, so instead we have a quarrelsome patchwork of conflicting rules, information and desires :(
I don’t think it is profit, I think rather it is because we don’t have a single coherent national policy, instead it is fractured into 50 states. Most of the comparable countries to ours in development all have legal abortion, covered by insurance or publichealthcare, and with restrictions as to how far into the pregnancy. They have subsidized or free birth control as well as Plan B, and health insurance or the government covers it. They have comprehensive science based sedual education in their schools. All of this on a national level, and they have lower abortion rates.

Time is stalled because this isn’t viewed as an issue of health or science but of religious morals and that gets in the way of real solutions, so instead we have a quarrelsome patchwork of conflicting rules, information and desires :(
Giving this more thought I think you’re right that I am not correct about it being a monetary motive, at least not among those at the highest echelons of power. These individuals already have great wealth, huge collective wealth among a small percentage. So I’d like to replace my words: economic control (although great wealth is the means to the end) to population control over the masses. The World Economic Forum could push such an agenda to reduce the world’s population by using various measures to reach this goal. I know this isn’t on topic but I am going to learn a lot more about Bill Gates and his past corporate dealings. Members of the WEF should be given a very hard look by all and I’m behind there too in knowledge.

I agree about free birth control for the masses, particularly in areas of poverty, and Plan B is under advertised. I disagree that religious groups are getting in the way of progress. The intentional stall is medically changeable, plus with expansive effort to educate women about birth control options that are widely available.

There should be multiple new birth control options coming out (they have already been designed and tested) and if there is no public release of new and improved devices, there’s something going on that supports this block of use by sealing patents and making deals with inventors. Sealing a patent is extremely easy, you just have to pay the inventor enough money to do so. Harsh reality it’s happened many times before now in various industries. It would not at all be surprising to learn that superior birth control devices are locked up and sealed away.

You mentioned your position about the varying state laws making things worse, but I cringe thinking about our inept government trying to add even more red tape to take charge more than it already does, flinging money here and there at problems which never works- too many abuses of power by specific individuals in various mid-level governmental positions. Horrendous tracking of monies for years with many multi-billion dollar federal projects.

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