SCOTUS Declines To Hear Case Granting Fetal Personhood Rights

This assumes men actually pay child support, or raise the child. The legal system is full of deadbeat dads. Herschel Walker is an excellent example.

That's on the system. My question is if women have an "out" from parenthood, doesn't equality demand men have an "out" as well?
Legit, it was explained to him flat out, and undeniably.

These asshats think men consent to fatherhood at the point of sex, and women consent to motherhood at the point of birth.

They are crazy female supremacists.

Or they just don't want to admit that it makes sense for a form of abortion to be available to both sides.
Scientifically sound.
I have no idea how you pro-abort idiots can be so confidant in spouting this utter insanity.

Two organisms with their own bodies are not the same body. That is not how mammalian embryology works. The mother has a body, the kid has a body. Two organisms, two bodies.

A literal parasite, which is what you awful scum compare unborn kids to in mammalian embryology, also doesn't somehow merge with its host to become the same organism. That would be insane.
I won't take the money side of that, but I will state my belief that its on the chopping block.

Males, (clearly not MEN) already have an out. As Walker did, they can just bail on the whole situation.
You have no evidence he "bailed on any situation" in that way.

As a rich man, he would be forced to pay through the nose for each kid.

Court-ordered child support is inescapable. Paternity tests can be forced and huge amounts can be seized directly from your bank account if you don't pay. If the mother won't pursue these things, that's on her, but don't pretend there is an out, because that is a fucking lie. The only outs are financial death, go bankrupt and stay that way, or actual death.
I won't take the money side of that, but I will state my belief that its on the chopping block.

Males, (clearly not MEN) already have an out. As Walker did, they can just bail on the whole situation.

That's not a final "out" as an abortion is, and again it's entirely dependent on the woman being in or out.
Or they just don't want to admit that it makes sense for a form of abortion to be available to both sides.
To be clear, I agree that men consent to parental responsibilities when they have sex.

It's just that women do too.

But they don't want women to be held responsible for anything. Even though they are, most of the time, the overwhelming majority of the time, the gatekeepers of heterosexual sex.
never heard it spoken of that way in either of my wife's pregnancies. It was always "the baby"
Well sure. Casual discussion will likely never reflect the technical language of medical documentation.

Mom and dad are almost universally gonna say they;re taking their baby home after it's born.

But the documentation will say patient released. Or something like that.

The bracelet on the kid isn't gonna say "Baby: ________________''

It's gonna say ''Patient: __________________''
Well sure. Casual discussion will likely never reflect the technical language of medical documentation.

Mom and dad are almost universally gonna say they;re taking their baby home after it's born.

But the documentation will say patient released. Or something like that.

The bracelet on the kid isn't gonna say "Baby: ________________''

It's gonna say ''Patient: __________________''

Ours said "baby girl XXXXX", and "baby boy XXXXX" with the xs being my last name
And all the while, these sham believers in the Non-Existent "Right To Life" are cheering Pooty on as he kills unborn babies in Ukraine. FYI, "Right To Life" means exactly that. You do not get to pick and choose who does and does not have that right.
The only ones cheering the war in Ukraine are sycophants like you. You all wanted the war to start, and Biden made sure it did, now it’s all yours.
Until it exits my body, it’s part of my body.
If that’s the case Coyote, teaching departments in anatomy across the country including middle schools, high schools, and university levels need to be contacted to immediately revise what they’re teaching.

Human body parts with respect to female reproductive system:


If that’s the case Coyote, teaching departments in anatomy across the country including middle schools, high schools, and university levels need to be contacted to immediately revise what they’re teaching.

Human body parts with respect to female reproductive system:

View attachment 709414

Well then, that actually makes it easier. If it isn't part of my body, I have every right to remove it.

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