SCOTUS divided over SSM

non sequiturs are usually considered non-responsive in legal venues--you need to be more relevant. We have a Commerce Clause. That merchant in Commerce is operating on a for-profit basis--thus, our Commerce Clause applies.

It's actually the INTERSTATE COMMERCE CLAUSE. I'll let you puzzle out how that defeats your entire argument.

The Commerce Clause provides a fundamental basis for public accommodation laws.

Actually, I do not believe that is true.

The Commerce Clause is the rational for the 1964 Civil Rights Act(and similar Federal laws), but would not apply to all of the state and local PA laws.

Those would be governed by their own State constitutions.
Here is what I am referring to when I use the term, public accommodation laws:

Within U.S. law, public accommodations are generally defined as entities, both public and private, that are used by the public. Examples include retail stores, rental establishments and service establishments, as well as educational institutions, recreational facilities and service centers. Private clubs and religious institutions were exempt. However, in 1984, the United States Supreme Court declared the previously all-male Junior Chamber International, a chamber of Commerce organization for persons between the ages of eighteen and thirty-six, to be a public accommodation, which compelled the admission of women into the ranks.[1]--Source: Public accommodations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Commerce must have some fundamental law in the US with our written Constitution and supreme law of the land.

I cannot be a religious freedom issue if a Merchant in Commerce is operating on a for-profit basis instead of a not-for-the-profit-of-lucre basis.

That decision was regarding Federal protections based upon gender- i.e. the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

State laws, which often protect expanded classes, including vets, handicapped and LGBT, are not covered by the Commerce Clause.

State laws also have the equivalent to a Commerce Clause; there are also proscriptions regarding a State legislature enacting purely religious laws.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.
There it is! :clap: :clap: :clap:

defcon now tells us that in his world, women he deems to be unattractive fantasize about being raped.

I simply cannot understand why women don't flock to the RW in droves when they hear comments like yours. :rofl:
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.

Ah, so it's NOT settled then, is it? Nor will it be when the decision comes down. The gays will NOT be happy.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.

Folks that support gay marriage are closer to 55%. And you don't need to be gay to support gay marriage.



Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.

Ah, so it's NOT settled then, is it? Nor will it be when the decision comes down. The gays will NOT be happy.
Care to make a bet? How about one month off the boards to the loser.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.

Folks that support gay marriage are closer to 55%. And you don't need to be gay to support gay marriage.



Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55


Americans by a 5-1 margin are against same-sex marriage

See how easy that was? I can do that, too!
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.
There it is! :clap: :clap: :clap:

defcon now tells us that in his world, women he deems to be unattractive fantasize about being raped.

I simply cannot understand why women don't flock to the RW in droves when they hear comments like yours. :rofl:
Why don't you ever wonder why so many women fantasize about being raped?

I've wondered why women fantasize about being raped for years. Do you have an answer?
Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.

Ah, so it's NOT settled then, is it? Nor will it be when the decision comes down. The gays will NOT be happy.
Care to make a bet? How about one month off the boards to the loser.

Got a better idea....How about leaving the board forever? Want to play?
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.

Folks that support gay marriage are closer to 55%. And you don't need to be gay to support gay marriage.



Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55


Americans by a 5-1 margin are against same-sex marriage

See how easy that was? I can do that, too!
Yeah, but the difference wouuld be that my post links to Gallup.

Wait....did you not get that this is a link?

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.
There it is! :clap: :clap: :clap:

defcon now tells us that in his world, women he deems to be unattractive fantasize about being raped.

I simply cannot understand why women don't flock to the RW in droves when they hear comments like yours. :rofl:
what if some chics may have a policy of, "use me and I am yours" for any guys that may fall for that feminine tric.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.

Ah, so it's NOT settled then, is it? Nor will it be when the decision comes down. The gays will NOT be happy.
Care to make a bet? How about one month off the boards to the loser.

Got a better idea....How about leaving the board forever? Want to play?
I don't want you gone forever. 30 days......yes or no?
defcon4- Please explain how gays civilly marrying each other threatens anyone's family? Are you afraid you'll leave your straight marriage for shay one?

Well, I can't speak for Defcon4 - But I've been married to the same woman for 47 years. You? I'm not afraid of my Wife going anywhere. It's called LOVE - not LUST. And if you don't know the difference - well then, there you go,
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.

Ah, so it's NOT settled then, is it? Nor will it be when the decision comes down. The gays will NOT be happy.

True. A decision will not settle anything. Gays have pretended that every time a court or legislature imposed same sex marriage on a state the decision was approved by a majority of the public. Then they are shocked and hurt to find out they still had to deal with the same people they always had to deal with.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.
There it is! :clap: :clap: :clap:

defcon now tells us that in his world, women he deems to be unattractive fantasize about being raped.

I simply cannot understand why women don't flock to the RW in droves when they hear comments like yours. :rofl:
Why don't you ever wonder why so many women fantasize about being raped?

I've wondered why women fantasize about being raped for years. Do you have an answer?
I have never ever heard of women fantasizing about being raped as a good thing....maybe as something to fear. Just in books usually written by men......

Tell us more about these so-called fantasies about being raped. What do they do for you? Cause, I sure don't get the appeal.
Looks like SCOTUS ruling in favor of SSM isn't the lock the homos led everyone to believe. Roberts nailed it. Kennedy is all over the map, he's obviously conflicted.

Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. suggested that Ms. Bonauto was asking the court to do something radical.

“You’re not seeking to join the institution,” he said. “You’re seeking to change what the institution is.”
I'd like to think you are correct but I think Kennedy was doing that just to appear "neutral" at the argument. I'd bet serious money the homos win this one.
you think that lesbians have a fantasy of being raped.
Wrong again. Spinning my statement to conclude - for some unknown reason - that I favor raping women is a projection of the idiot's obsession of rape.
defcon4- Please explain how gays civilly marrying each other threatens anyone's family? Are you afraid you'll leave your straight marriage for shay one?

Well, I can't speak for Defcon4 - But I've been married to the same woman for 47 years. You? I'm not afraid of my Wife going anywhere. It's called LOVE - not LUST. And if you don't know the difference - well then, there you go,
And I've been married to the same woman for 25 years. I'm not afraid of my Wife going's called LOVE - not LUST.

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