SCOTUS divided over SSM

More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.
Yeah! If guns are a right, I do not need "you consentual bullshit" to take yours![/QUOTE]
You are welcomed to it. Just do it in the middle of night as dictatorships do. Then send me to "rehabilitation camp" never to be seen again.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family 'homosexual activity'? Please tell me more about your knowledge of my sexual activity- oh wait- sounds like you are just fantasizing again.

My suggestion to you is if you observe anyone have sexual activity in public, and that offends you- contact the police.

I live in San Francisco- and of the two couples I have happened to come across having sex in public, they were very clearly heterosexual.....

Oh- and meanwhile- my family is doing quite fine- the difference between us is that I am both part of a family, and I support families that include homosexuals.
Your right have a possession ends if it belongs to someone else and they do not want to sell/give it to you.
.. you do not have a right to possess anything>>>>try not to pay taxes
Your right to sex ENDS with lack of consent by the other person
It is not a "right" if it is contingent on somebody else's consent.
Totally incorrect. Any right you have ends at taking away someone else's right. are a danger to women.
How did you come to that conclusion? (If you had memory more than a door post you would remember that my posts were always about 100% male-female equality.)
Ah.. you are just reverting to the leftard tactic of "not having a valid argument, let's destroy the messenger"
And have no counter argument to the well known "your rights end at taking someone else's rights". Good luck with your rape utopia.
They can make up any reason not to bake the cake, but it will always be presented by the far left as it being because they were gay!

The far Left walks in darkness and speaks the language of lies. Christian business owners don't turn people away because they're gay, but when asked to specifically cater to the gay lifestyle, such as baking a cake for a gay wedding, Christians are pressed with a conflict of interest that is not present when providing normal services to gay people that have nothing to do with gay marriage.
dude, most of the Right cannot distinguish the difference between morality and amorality in public policy decisions.

An ignorant opinion that can't be proved in a rational discussion.
cognitive dissonance on the part of the right is all of the proof any rational person should need.

If cognitive dissonance is the standard, you've failed because I've yet to see a cohesive thought pattern from your warped little brain.
yet, you have no Thing but fallacy for your Cause and your God.

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?
Your post violates principles of Equity as well as Comity and is not in conformance with the Rule of 72.
non sequiturs are usually considered non-responsive in legal venues--you need to be more relevant. We have a Commerce Clause. That merchant in Commerce is operating on a for-profit basis--thus, our Commerce Clause applies.

It's actually the INTERSTATE COMMERCE CLAUSE. I'll let you puzzle out how that defeats your entire argument.

The Commerce Clause provides a fundamental basis for public accommodation laws.

Actually, I do not believe that is true.

The Commerce Clause is the rational for the 1964 Civil Rights Act(and similar Federal laws), but would not apply to all of the state and local PA laws.

Those would be governed by their own State constitutions.
Here is what I am referring to when I use the term, public accommodation laws:

Within U.S. law, public accommodations are generally defined as entities, both public and private, that are used by the public. Examples include retail stores, rental establishments and service establishments, as well as educational institutions, recreational facilities and service centers. Private clubs and religious institutions were exempt. However, in 1984, the United States Supreme Court declared the previously all-male Junior Chamber International, a chamber of Commerce organization for persons between the ages of eighteen and thirty-six, to be a public accommodation, which compelled the admission of women into the ranks.[1]--Source: Public accommodations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Commerce must have some fundamental law in the US with our written Constitution and supreme law of the land.

I cannot be a religious freedom issue if a Merchant in Commerce is operating on a for-profit basis instead of a not-for-the-profit-of-lucre basis.[/QUOTE

That decision was regarding Federal protections based upon gender- i.e. the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

State laws, which often protect expanded classes, including vets, handicapped and LGBT, are not covered by the Commerce Clause.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Based on what? Gays want to be married to each other in order to destroy someone else's family? How, exactly, does that work?
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

How does a gay couple getting married destroy the family? Or effect you in any way?

For example....if a gay couple marries how does that effect your family? Are you no longer able to have kids if gays can marry? Are you no longer able to marry if gays marry?

Nope. You're gloriously unaffected.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.

Folks that support gay marriage are closer to 55%. And you don't need to be gay to support gay marriage.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

How does a gay couple getting married destroy the family? Or effect you in any way?

For example....if a gay couple marries how does that effect your family? Are you no longer able to have kids if gays can marry? Are you no longer able to marry if gays marry?

Nope. You're gloriously unaffected.

Maybe he will suddenly decide to be gay if he sees a gay couple get married?
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

How does a gay couple getting married destroy the family? Or effect you in any way?

For example....if a gay couple marries how does that effect your family? Are you no longer able to have kids if gays can marry? Are you no longer able to marry if gays marry?

Nope. You're gloriously unaffected.
Psst! It's that rape thing.

(What is it with RWrs stepping into the Rape topic all the time?)
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.
Are those the only civil rights you can come up with? Seriously? :lol:
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.
So...what is the magic number for civil rights? 2%? 4%? 10%? 25%?

You crack me up. "Civil rights" Are you kidding me? What "Civil right" are fags being denied? Are they not allowed to eat in the same establishments as straight folks? Are they not allowed to vote? Allowed to drink from the same water fountains?

Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

Actually marriage is a 'civil right"- the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times based upon that principle.

The question the Supreme Court is deciding is whether same gender couples are included in that civil right.
Get this through your thick little head - marriage is not a "civil right". Gees you are dumb.

That's what you say. This is what the Supreme Court says:

Loving v. Virinia said:
Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man"

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the USSC on this one.
More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family

Indeed. These clowns base their ideology on the principle of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - pun intended. They scream and shout and wring their little hands to the point that most Americans are beginning to believe that they are 40-45% of the population - when, in fact, they are less than 1%.

Scream loud and long enough and society comes around to your way of thinking. And we fall.

Folks that support gay marriage are closer to 55%. And you don't need to be gay to support gay marriage.

More specifically- not just 'gay sex'- many of them really want the government telling all of us what the acceptable ways to have consensual sex are- i.e. the government policing our bedrooms.
..again. Very lousy spin. You do not keep your homosexual activity in your bedroom any longer. You are out to destroy the foundation of a healthy society, namely the family
How does our legal gay marriage ruin your right to rape women?
You are probably an unattractive woman not having luck with males and have the fantasy of being raped. That's why you are obsessed with raping. Hardcore feminist>>> bitter and ill willed person.

Okay- so you are:
a) unable to distinguish between consensual sex and rape and
b) you think that lesbians have a fantasy of being raped.

You are a danger to women and society.

Please get help before you harm someone.

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