SCOTUS divided over SSM

Only religious authorities should enjoin morals on others; Persons in Commerce should just abstain from infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to their profit motive as merchants in Commerce..

Where do you read in the Bill of Rights that religious protections are forfeited when one owns a business? And where do you get the insane notion that only religious clergy are agents of morality?
Certain rights are forfeited for the privileges of serving the public via public accommodations. Profit seeking is a legal requirement for Firms that are for-profit.
Really? Where does the Bill of Rights say that the rights they guarantee are forfeited when someone owns a business? I must have missed that.

You already know you're not going to win this argument.
I win all of my arguments on these forums.

Only in your dreams
yes, even in my dreams.
How does serving cakes to a gay couple deny gods love? How do you know what god will do? How do you know giving cakes to gays is a sin? How do you know jesus hated gay people?

All your questions are based on ignorance, defined as ignoring what I just posted as well as the basic tenants of Christianity.
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.
Certain rights are forfeited for the privileges of serving the public via public accommodations. Profit seeking is a legal requirement for Firms that are for-profit.
Really? Where does the Bill of Rights say that the rights they guarantee are forfeited when someone owns a business? I must have missed that.

You already know you're not going to win this argument.
I win all of my arguments on these forums.

We have a Commerce Clause it is not a Bill of Rights issue.
You aer an ignoramus. You win the "Stupidest Poster on USMB" argument.
The commerce clause does not dictate individual behavior in business. You can argue businesses ought to be focused on making money. And I wont disagree with you. But you cannot argue business have some kind of legal obligation to make money to the detriment of the owners.
Dude, only the Right appeals to Ignorance of this merchant in Commerce issue.
Dude, put down the bong now.
dude, non-sequiturs are considered non-responsive in legal venues; you should try to write to your audience in case you need to "harass a Judge" for your Cause.

Only the Right appeals to Ignorance of this merchant in Commerce issue--we have a Commerce Clause. Any merchant in Commerce doing business on a for-profit basis is subject to that Clause.

Why doesn't the Right merely go, not-for-profit if they want to be lousy Capitalists with poor customer service skills for the Cause of Commerce and Capitalism but not Socialism.
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It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?

You should find one and ask them.

I just replied to two of them. There are more- there are ones like yourself who normally do not casually sound like a 13 year old boy who is excited by being able to use swear words without his Mom washing his mouth out with soap and then there are homophobes like Wildman- who do.
All your questions are based on ignorance, defined as ignoring what I just posted as well as the basic tenants of Christianity.
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.

You missed the point of course. If having sex is a right, then nobody can deprive a person of that right.
I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?

You should find one and ask them.

I just replied to two of them. There are more- there are ones like yourself who normally do not casually sound like a 13 year old boy who is excited by being able to use swear words without his Mom washing his mouth out with soap and then there are homophobes like Wildman- who do.

I haven't seen a single homophobe on this thread. It makes me wonder who you are talking to or if the meds are losing their effectiveness in making the voices in your head go away.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.
Jesus Christ..
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.

You missed the point of course. If having sex is a right, then nobody can deprive a person of that right.

Rights don't exist in a vacuum. They never have. They exist in the context of other people's rights. You're looking at a right as an immutable absolute that can be exercised regardless of consequence.

As the Supreme Court so aptly put it, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
All your questions are based on ignorance, defined as ignoring what I just posted as well as the basic tenants of Christianity.
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.
You know, either you are a dumb fuck or a lousy spinner.
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.
Jesus Christ..

Its.....creepy. How much time and energy these folks put into these elaborate fantasies about gay sex. That's some detail. They're really fleshing it out, taking into account all the senses.

I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.

You missed the point of course. If having sex is a right, then nobody can deprive a person of that right.
Are they really such a dumb asses? I think they are just lousy spinners in lieu of valid argument.
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.

You missed the point of course. If having sex is a right, then nobody can deprive a person of that right.
Totally incorrect...if your right to do anything affects the rights of others.

Your right to get married ends if the other person does not want to marry you.

Your right have a possession ends if it belongs to someone else and they do not want to sell/give it to you.

In the Legal world it's referred to as "Your right to swing your arm ends at someone else's nose"

Your right to sex ENDS with lack of consent by the other cannot see that simple fact. I agree that you are a danger to women.
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.
Jesus Christ..

Its.....creepy. How much time and energy these folks put into these elaborate fantasies about gay sex. That's some detail. They're really fleshing it out, taking into account all the senses.

They live for the sin...
“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.
Jesus Christ..

Its.....creepy. How much time and energy these folks put into these elaborate fantasies about gay sex. That's some detail. They're really fleshing it out, taking into account all the senses.

Because it is disgusting, unsanitary and counter productive. Pure pleasure seeking of the rich.
Really? Where does the Bill of Rights say that the rights they guarantee are forfeited when someone owns a business? I must have missed that.

You already know you're not going to win this argument.
I win all of my arguments on these forums.

We have a Commerce Clause it is not a Bill of Rights issue.
You aer an ignoramus. You win the "Stupidest Poster on USMB" argument.
The commerce clause does not dictate individual behavior in business. You can argue businesses ought to be focused on making money. And I wont disagree with you. But you cannot argue business have some kind of legal obligation to make money to the detriment of the owners.
Dude, only the Right appeals to Ignorance of this merchant in Commerce issue.
Dude, put down the bong now.
dude, non-sequiturs are considered non-responsive in legal venues; you should try to write to your audience in case you need to "harass a Judge" for your Cause.

Only the Right appeals to Ignorance of this merchant in Commerce issue--we have a Commerce Clause. Any merchant in Commerce doing business on a for-profit basis is subject to that Clause.

Why doesn't the Right merely go, not-for-profit if they want to be lousy Capitalists with poor customer service skills for the Cause of Commerce and Capitalism but not Socialism.
Your post violates principles of Equity as well as Comity and is not in conformance with the Rule of 72.
Wow! Just wow! You just equated having sex with rape, with no distinction between consentual and non-consentual.
Don't fucking spin it biatch. You know what I am talking about. If it is a RIGHT I do not need you consentual bullshit.

LOL.....why are the homophobes so often potty mouthed 13 year olds?

You should find one and ask them.

I just replied to two of them. There are more- there are ones like yourself who normally do not casually sound like a 13 year old boy who is excited by being able to use swear words without his Mom washing his mouth out with soap and then there are homophobes like Wildman- who do.

I haven't seen a single homophobe on this thread. It makes me wonder who you are talking to or if the meds are losing their effectiveness in making the voices in your head go away.

None are so blind as those who will not see.
Its.....creepy. How much time and energy these folks put into these elaborate fantasies about gay sex. That's some detail. They're really fleshing it out, taking into account all the senses.


It is because their true aim is to take a giant leap backward and ban gay sex, not just gay marriage.

It isn't the filing of a married tax return that gets to them. It is the gay sex.

Inside every gay marriage opponent is a Westboro Baptist.
I read through your post, and I've read much of the new and old testament, I used to be a devout christian, although I still respect the teachings of Jesus, they are good, but they don't have anything to do with hating others who happen to be gay.

I agree. When I find somebody who hates others who happen to be gay, I'll pass that along.
It seems like wanting to deny gays rights, calling them sinners if they decide to love their partner is hatred..
Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.
Love is not a right it is an emotion. If it were, one could take somebody else's loved one by force based on the reason of loving.
What I am saying is that there is no such thing as "gay right"

If you cannot tell the difference between sex and rape- then you are a danger to women.

You missed the point of course. If having sex is a right, then nobody can deprive a person of that right.

Hmmm no- didn't miss any point-

Having sex is not a right. If it were, then rape as such would not be crime.

Here is what he said- do you agree with that statement?

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