SCOTUS divided over SSM

Declared a right? so that's how we do it now huh?


gosh, we can come up with all kinds of things and "declare" them a right

the list could be endless

Indeed. The Left has all the rights and no responsibility for a dam' thing.

In reality however, this in truth... Absent responsibility, there is no potential for a right.
Declared a right? so that's how we do it now huh?


gosh, we can come up with all kinds of things and "declare" them a right

the list could be endless

Indeed. The Left has all the rights and no responsibility for a dam' thing.

In reality however, this in truth... Absent responsibility, there is no potential for a right.
Equality is not that hard to understand there kiddos...
Declared a right? so that's how we do it now huh?


gosh, we can come up with all kinds of things and "declare" them a right

the list could be endless

Indeed. The Left has all the rights and no responsibility for a dam' thing.

In reality however, this in truth... Absent responsibility, there is no potential for a right.


absent any clue and any Cause; there is Only hear-say and sooth-say.
Declared a right? so that's how we do it now huh?


gosh, we can come up with all kinds of things and "declare" them a right

the list could be endless

Indeed. The Left has all the rights and no responsibility for a dam' thing.

In reality however, this in truth... Absent responsibility, there is no potential for a right.
Equality is not that hard to understand there kiddos...
it is for the Right since the least wealthy cannot afford them, apparently.
"SCOTUS divided over SSM"

We can assume this is the right's 'preemptive rebuttal' should the Supreme Court reverse the Sixth Circuit, that because the justices are 'divided,' it somehow 'mitigates' the legitimacy of the ruling.

Many conservatives are as ridiculous as they are pathetic.

If five are for it and four against it that's divided. Dumb ass

Pay no attention to this "latrine lawyer". When things go his way - we are a nation of laws. When things go against his side - we are "divided". He's a hypocrite of the highest order and knows absolutely NOTHING about the US Constitution.
'Avoiding the answer, don't you? I simply wanted to know why do you label straight people homophobes? I do not fear you, I do not hate you, I disagree with you.

Nope. It's not the disagreement that makes you a's wanting to discriminate against gays that makes you a homophobe.

  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia).

The term has morphed over the years. If you wish to deny gays and lesbians their equal right to marry, then you're a homophobe. Would you prefer just plain old bigot?
Sweetheart, why are you so militant? I do not pose any harm to you and that's why I do not understand.

Sure you do. You want to deny me my rights as a tax paying citizen of this country.

And what "right" is that? the right to be a pervert?
I'm not trying to get you to insult me, I'm trying to get you to realize that your behaviors are those of an anti gay bigoted misogynist.
I am not misogynist and not anti gay. I am anti faggot. The militant in your face cocksuckers. I know through my friend how things are. You know, the day the ruling came down, she got married and since we were busy at work and such, we just went out the next day, only two of us and got shitfaced so bad. OMG. I mean shitfaced. :)

You don't think you're anti gay because you have a gay best friend. Racists have been using that line for decades.

You like the gays that stay in the closet and don't fight for their rights. I realize you don't like it, but you ARE anti gay.
No, baby.. I am not anti gay. It is the vocabulary, the definition of marriage. it is the several millennia of tradition.

Right...and the people that wanted to maintain the "several millennia" of "tradition" regarding slavery or anti miscegenation weren't racist. :rolleyes:
You did not answer. You do have mixed ethnicity kids.

I did not answer because I was out boating and fishing with my family. Yes, I have mixed ethnicity kids. They are Irish, Scot, Dutch and Italian.

And you're still an anti gay, misogynist with a scoche of racism thrown in for good measure.
because no one has argued (to my knowledge) to the Supreme Court a problem with First Cousins and Age of Consent.

If you open Pandora's box on the whole "living constitution" crap, be careful what pops out.

Meh, not really. Maybe we need to stop making rulings based on 'What would the Founding Slave Rapists think?" and on "Hey, that makes a lot of sense in the here and now", we'd be a lot better off.

Of course, there are states that allow 14 year-olds to marry and there are states that allow first cousins to marry. And other states have to recognize the validity of those marriages.

Your disdain for process and rules has been noted several times. If we want to change the document, we use the amendment process, not the whims of some un-elected lawyers.

On your second point, you get no argument from me.
Nope. It's not the disagreement that makes you a's wanting to discriminate against gays that makes you a homophobe.

  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia).

The term has morphed over the years. If you wish to deny gays and lesbians their equal right to marry, then you're a homophobe. Would you prefer just plain old bigot?
Sweetheart, why are you so militant? I do not pose any harm to you and that's why I do not understand.

Sure you do. You want to deny me my rights as a tax paying citizen of this country.

And what "right" is that? the right to be a pervert?
Pervert can be subjective; did know that some on the left can make a claim that Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters?
"SCOTUS divided over SSM"

They obviously forgot Article 4, Section 2: The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

Which is why, the States that stripped marriage of its natural standard WERE PROHIBITED FROM DOING SO!

You're claiming that any state which passes a law axiomatically obligates every state to recognize that law. Such is bitter NONSENSE.
Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia).

The term has morphed over the years. If you wish to deny gays and lesbians their equal right to marry, then you're a homophobe. Would you prefer just plain old bigot?
Sweetheart, why are you so militant? I do not pose any harm to you and that's why I do not understand.

Sure you do. You want to deny me my rights as a tax paying citizen of this country.

And what "right" is that? the right to be a pervert?
... Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters?

That would be the Ideological Left... that they do not refer to Loki, Satan or 'the Devil', does not establish that such is not the energy which they worship, thus such which they represent, as demonstrated by the consistent consequences and results of their respective policies.
"SCOTUS divided over SSM"

They obviously forgot Article 4, Section 2: The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

Which is why, the States that stripped marriage of its natural standard WERE PROHIBITED FROM DOING SO!

You're claiming that any state which passes a law axiomatically obligates every state to recognize that law. Such is bitter NONSENSE.
Only if it deals with natural rights in our republic.
The term has morphed over the years. If you wish to deny gays and lesbians their equal right to marry, then you're a homophobe. Would you prefer just plain old bigot?
Sweetheart, why are you so militant? I do not pose any harm to you and that's why I do not understand.

Sure you do. You want to deny me my rights as a tax paying citizen of this country.

And what "right" is that? the right to be a pervert?
... Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters?

That would be the Ideological Left... that they do not refer to Loki, Satan or 'the Devil', does not establish that such is not the energy which they worship, thus such which they represent, as demonstrated by the consistent consequences and results of their respective policies.
Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters; instead of being Faithful to their Lord and Savior and a Bible.
  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.


Sweet mother, that is as irrational a concept as can be constructed.

In reality, thus in truth: WORDS MEAN THINGS... and the words you're using ALREADY HAVE MEANING:

homo-: self

phobia: the irrational fear of something or someone.

Homo-phobia: the irrational fear of self.

There is no such thing as homo-phobia, thus there is no such thing as a homophobe.

The word as you're using it is a lie.

You are using a word that means something and deceitfully claiming that it means something else entirely.

Thus you do so in hopes of using credibility of the scientific lexicon, applying it to something which has absolutely no scientific credibility, whatsoever.

Meaning simply that you've attached a concept to words which otherwise bear scientific credibility, to a meaning with absolutely NO CONNECTION TO SCIENCE... you simply MADE IT UP!

Just as you MADE UP the attribution of 'gay', to define a mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... and just as you MADE UP the removal of that deviancy from attribution regarding mental disorder.

Your entire Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is therefore little more than Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

And this without regard to any dictionaries which have listed such and defined it by your fraudulent usage.

What you do not possess, is the wisdom to understand that in getting credible reference material to list your fraudulent definition, you have NOT RENDERED YOUR ADVOCACY CREDIBLE, YOU HAVE INSTEAD UNDERMINED THE CREDIBILITY OF THE REFERENCE MATERIAL.

Which undermines the means for people to effectively communicate, because you're asserting that which is FALSE, as TRUTH... which undermines the viability of people to sustain civilization itself.

Which is WHY, throughout human history, homosexuals have been rendered into hiding. Because every time that you idiots have been accepted among open society YOU FUCK EVERYTHING UP!
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Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters; instead of being Faithful to their Lord and Savior and a Bible.

LOL! So you're just going to make it up wholesale now?

Well ok.. Let's you and I engage in a discussion utilizing your own patented logical construct, shall we?

I will now begin to apply your construct to demonstrate the viability of your design:

"Only refrigerators ground laundry. After I flop the laundry, I am stairwell to the toothbrush where I will use my quarterback to fly me. Once drew, bicycle is northstar so as to porpoise down the hat.

Smoke plywood from up grass, which barf coil on side toucan.
  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.


Sweet mother, that is as irrational a concept as can be constructed.

WORDS MEAN THINGS... and the words you're using ALREADY HAVE MEANING:

homo-: self

phobia: the irrational fear of something or someone.

Homo-phobia: the irrational fear of self.

So when you said, a month ago:

"I should point out that we have two of our in-house Homos who have declared themselves as supporting the stripping of Christians of their rights."

you were referring to yourself twice?

lolol. how easy it this?

TED CRUZ I m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and when you used it here:

NBC Helps Homosexual Child Abductor Escape US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and here

The Homosexual Dilemma Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and on and on it goes...
  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.


Sweet mother, that is as irrational a concept as can be constructed.

WORDS MEAN THINGS... and the words you're using ALREADY HAVE MEANING:

homo-: self

phobia: the irrational fear of something or someone.

Homo-phobia: the irrational fear of self.

So when you said, a month ago:

"I should point out that we have two of our in-house Homos who have declared themselves as supporting the stripping of Christians of their rights."

you were referring to yourself twice?

lolol. how easy it this?

TED CRUZ I m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and when you used it here:

NBC Helps Homosexual Child Abductor Escape US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and here

The Homosexual Dilemma Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and on and on it goes...

No Gillgian, that is only something that exist in the muck and mire of the cesspool of your imagination.

Reader, Gilligan is going through a Straw Reasoning phase. It rarely wonders out of that phase, but presently its really stuck. It may or may not ever find its way out and at the moment the evidence indicates its heading deeper down the rabbit hole.
Only infidels, protestants, and renegades prefer to worship Loki the god of deceivers, hypocrites, and tricksters; instead of being Faithful to their Lord and Savior and a Bible.

LOL! So you're just going to make it up wholesale now?

Well ok.. Let's you and I engage in a discussion utilizing your own patented logical construct, shall we?

I will now begin to apply your construct to demonstrate the viability of your design:

"Only refrigerators ground laundry. After I flop the laundry, I am stairwell to the toothbrush where I will use my quarterback to fly me. Once drew, bicycle is northstar so as to porpoise down the hat.

Smoke plywood from up grass, which barf coil on side toucan.
nothing but fallacy for your Cause; only True disciples of Loki have nothing but fallacy while proclaiming they are for the "gospel Truth" in public venues.
  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.


Sweet mother, that is as irrational a concept as can be constructed.

WORDS MEAN THINGS... and the words you're using ALREADY HAVE MEANING:

homo-: self

phobia: the irrational fear of something or someone.

Homo-phobia: the irrational fear of self.

So when you said, a month ago:

"I should point out that we have two of our in-house Homos who have declared themselves as supporting the stripping of Christians of their rights."

you were referring to yourself twice?

lolol. how easy it this?

TED CRUZ I m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and when you used it here:

NBC Helps Homosexual Child Abductor Escape US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and here

The Homosexual Dilemma Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

and on and on it goes...

No Gillgian, that is only something that exist in the muck and mire of the cesspool of your imagination.

Reader, Gilligan is going through a Straw Reasoning phase. It rarely wonders out of that phase, but presently its really stuck. It may or may not ever find its way out and at the moment the evidence indicates its heading deeper down the rabbit hole.

The best part of making a fool of you is when you have no idea you've been made a fool of.

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