SCOTUS refuses to help Marine punished for posting bible verses

Wow, if they go this nuts over words, how do they respond to those who are actually guilty of an over the line action?

God bless you and the marine always!!!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances"

Has congress passed a law saying people in the USMC are not allowed to put up whatever personal decoration they want in their workspace if it is of religious nature? Nope. This is up to her superiors to balance religious rights with suitable work environment, and it is not infringing on a right to practice her religion by limiting how she can express it at her workplace.
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.

I've never heard of a Christian marine before.
There's a war on Christians be it ppl like them or not, believe it or not and it's happening right under the zombies noses.
The war is being waged against God,
and, for those who realize what is transpiring
before our very eyes, know that, what we are experiencing,
is the stage being set and the preparations underway,
to usher in the return of Christ and His army of angels,
to fulfill Gods Word and what He planned, Armageddon.
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

I thought Gorsuch was supposed to stop all that paganism. Apparently, SCROTUS doesn't have to reveal the individual votes of Justices when it refuses to hear a case. Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, votes with the religion-haters whenever a bold Conservative opinion is required. At least Trump's Pentagon can find out who this Marine's CO is and make sure he never gets promoted.

In Vietnam, we had a Chaplain who was brave enough to visit us at the front; he got shot on a Search and Destroy and was paralyzed for life. Wonder how he would have felt about this PC disgrace.

What PC disgrace? In Vietnam, what happened to Marines who disobeyed direct orders?
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. YUes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Yes let's have every marine do what they want and let's have every ship captain paint his favorite bible verse on the side of his ship in huge letters.

Again, what is this inborn need of Kristians to put their graffiti on everything? Or put a piece of wood with their graffiti on it hanging in a work cubicle? Doesn't it say in the bible 'do not pray in public but hide yourself in a closet so only your god can see you and know your heart'. Or things of this nature. (thanks Arnold)

Can't we just get back to the cat losing it's grip on the branch and the slogan 'hang in there baby'?
Yes let's have every marine do what they want and let's have every ship captain paint his favorite bible verse on the side of his ship in huge letters.

Again, what is this inborn need of Kristians to put their graffiti on everything? Or put a piece of wood with their graffiti on it hanging in a work cubicle? Doesn't it say in the bible 'do not pray in public but hide yourself in a closet so only your god can see you and know your heart'. Or things of this nature. (thanks Arnold)

Can't we just get back to the cat losing it's grip on the branch and the slogan 'hang in there baby'?

Christians were able to do pretty much whatever they wanted for so long, being told they have to follow the rules constitutes "persecution" for them.
Yes let's have every marine do what they want and let's have every ship captain paint his favorite bible verse on the side of his ship in huge letters.

Again, what is this inborn need of Kristians to put their graffiti on everything? Or put a piece of wood with their graffiti on it hanging in a work cubicle? Doesn't it say in the bible 'do not pray in public but hide yourself in a closet so only your god can see you and know your heart'. Or things of this nature. (thanks Arnold)

Can't we just get back to the cat losing it's grip on the branch and the slogan 'hang in there baby'?

Christians were able to do pretty much whatever they wanted for so long, being told they have to follow the rules constitutes "persecution" for them.

And that is really what it is, they were used to being the default religion in the US and they don't want to share with the other kids.
Funny story, I was pulling into the gas station the other day and all the pumps were taken but one. I started to pull up to it and saw a sticky note on it. I almost pulled through and just left to go to another gas station figuring the note was saying the pump was out of order, but I stopped to check and see if maybe it just said the credit card reader wasn't working... well the sticky note ended up being a Bible verse someone had stuck on the pump. How funny would it be that the note ended costing the gas station business because others like me figured it meant something was wrong with the pump and went to another gas station instead?
Why didn't orange-turd-blossom just sign an EO and wave his magic wand and 'make it happen so fast your head will spin, trust me'?
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

I thought Gorsuch was supposed to stop all that paganism. Apparently, SCROTUS doesn't have to reveal the individual votes of Justices when it refuses to hear a case. Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, votes with the religion-haters whenever a bold Conservative opinion is required. At least Trump's Pentagon can find out who this Marine's CO is and make sure he never gets promoted.

In Vietnam, we had a Chaplain who was brave enough to visit us at the front; he got shot on a Search and Destroy and was paralyzed for life. Wonder how he would have felt about this PC disgrace.

What PC disgrace? In Vietnam, what happened to Marines who disobeyed direct orders?
"To Obey Is to Be"?

No one has to obey an order just because degenerates who believe in nothing have taken control over the military. You'd like us to be dumb slaves and easy to push around; that's the real reason for the sheltered elitists' Geneva Convention.

In Vietnam, a ricochet blew dirt in my face and buzzed my ear. I was paralyzed with shock. The Sergeant rashly ordered us to move up into an exposed position. I could not move; luckily, the other Marines refused to move. The Sergeant let us disobey his foolish order.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

It's plain as day. She repeatedly refused to follow a direct order from her superiors. Unless she had a damn good reason for doing it, like the order was unlawful and she could prove it, which this wasn't, then she deserved her punishment. As soon as she was told the first time, she should have taken the appropriate actions to find out if the order was against the rules, by going up the chain of command. She didn't.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances"

Has congress passed a law saying people in the USMC are not allowed to put up whatever personal decoration they want in their workspace if it is of religious nature? Nope. This is up to her superiors to balance religious rights with suitable work environment, and it is not infringing on a right to practice her religion by limiting how she can express it at her workplace.
I suggest that you settle this issue in your mind by joining the Marine Corps and asserting your First Amendment (et al) rights. E.g., try speaking your mind to your DI.

Let us know how you make out.
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