SCOTUS refuses to help Marine punished for posting bible verses

This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
...but typical.
She should have used invisible ink.

Better still, she should have followed orders. She should have shown up where she was ordered to stand duty. She should NOT have disrespected a commissioned officer. And when she was told to remove something from the office (owned by the US Marine Corp) she should have done so.
Posting myths aint part of the job of a marine.

Like this perfect universe with all the Laws of Nature all came about because an infinitesimal dot in the non universe suddenly went BANG? You sure have a lot of faith. How did that dot get there and what stuck the match to set it off?
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.
I bet it was some fucking, Athiest law clerk of the court making the decision. To his credit, Justice Gorsuch is going to stop that shit. The Supremes are paid to make those decisions, not some flunky law clerk.
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.
I bet it was some fucking, Athiest law clerk of the court making the decision. To his credit, Justice Gorsuch is going to stop that shit. The Supremes are paid to make those decisions, not some flunky law clerk.

A clerk prepares a brief on the case. But the justices are the ones who decide whether or not to actually hear the case.

In order to be heard you have to file a "petition for certiorari". Then the opposition gets to file their side.

Around 10,000 cases apply to be heard every year. Justices do not have time to wade thru both sides of 10,000 cases per year.
SCOTUS Refuses to Help Marine Punished for Posting Bible Verses

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided not to review an appeal from a Christian Marine who was punished for displaying a Bible verse in her office.

This is beyond sickening, but oh if you wanted to post some pray to the gays, or I want to pray to a Muslim, or how about I want to pray to a fkn dog that would all be ok. ..............

We can bet if someone wanted to post a gawd dam porn pictures up that would be fine, gawd .

And she gets discharged really, over this she is discharged real nice you morons.
I bet it was some fucking, Athiest law clerk of the court making the decision. To his credit, Justice Gorsuch is going to stop that shit. The Supremes are paid to make those decisions, not some flunky law clerk.

Please explain how Justice Gorsuch is going to "...stop that shit"? Is he going to personally read each submission to the SCOTUS? Is he going to fire all the clerks and force the justices to do their work too? Tell us what this miracle worker will do to change things.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.
Posting myths aint part of the job of a marine.

Like this perfect universe with all the Laws of Nature all came about because an infinitesimal dot in the non universe suddenly went BANG? You sure have a lot of faith. How did that dot get there and what stuck the match to set it off?
All Is Lava

It was a continuous flow from an outside universe, not a bang at all.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

There is no enforcement of atheism. Not allowing her to post bible verses in a Marine Corp office is not stopping her from worshipping.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

There isn't much of a story now. This is just Christians trying to pretend they are being persecuted.

The charges are what they are. I am not selecting which are important. YOU are trying to do that. You want to isolate the one charge that feeds your agenda and ignore everything else.

And this woman put up bible verses in her office. She was told to take them down. She refused. That is grounds for disciplinary action. She does not get to rewrite the rules just because she reads a bible.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
This is not about a war against anyone. This is about a woman who thought the rules didn't apply to her. Yes, she was written up for not removing the bible verses she posted. But the court martial records she that charge was the one that received the least attention. Most of the attention was focused on her refusing to be at her post, claiming she had a medical chit that excused her from wearing the Uniform of the Day, and her disrespecting a commissioned officer.

"The disrespecting of a commissioned officer occurred a few days before the Sunday on which Sterling was assigned to be on duty giving out the passes. Sterling refused to take the passes from the major who was trying to give them to her, an incident witnessed by a first sergeant who, when asked at the court-martial to describe Sterling’s behavior towards the major, said it was “the most disrespectful thing [he] had witnessed from a Marine of junior rank” to a commissioned officer in his over eighteen years of service".

But keep thinking it is about her religion.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

I thought about this post and had to respond again. "enforcement of atheism"??? How is not allowing her to post bible verses an enforcement of atheism. She is still free to believe what she wants. She is still free to attend church, read her bible ect ect ect. Somehow, you think because she is a Christian that she gets extra rights and privileges. Other people can't put up notes and postings. But since hers came from the bible she should be immune from the rules? I guess losing the extra privileges is what you call persecution??
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

There is no enforcement of atheism. Not allowing her to post bible verses in a Marine Corp office is not stopping her from worshipping.
Never Be Afraid to Offend the Religion of Cain

It's worse than atheism, it's anti-theism. Whoever imposed these regulation acts like an established religion stamping out the heresy of one of its competitors. Since our sworn enemies are driven by religion, we need all the Christianity we can get. We should tolerate more than the antitheist dictators allow us to have. They have failed to defend us, but they never fail to offend us.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
Devaluing Valor

The issue is not about her other behavior; you're trying to throw us off track by bringing that in. All the military graves with crosses on them overrule this New Age regulation.

How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

I thought about this post and had to respond again. "enforcement of atheism"??? How is not allowing her to post bible verses an enforcement of atheism? She is still free to believe what she wants. She is still free to attend church, read her bible etc. etc. etc. Somehow, you think because she is a Christian that she gets extra rights and privileges. Other people can't put up notes and postings. But since hers came from the bible she should be immune from the rules? I guess losing the extra privileges is what you call persecution??
Snob Rule

Who has written these rules, which are rewrites of traditional rules and against the will of the majority? Who feels endangered by open expressions of Christianity?

You like to see us obedient to whoever has usurped power. You are no better than the Birchers, who claim that democracy is "mob rule." Maybe people will finally realize that you both come from the same "Born to Rule" class, which must have its aggressive privileges stripped away if we are ever to truly have a government by the people.
How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

There is no enforcement of atheism. Not allowing her to post bible verses in a Marine Corp office is not stopping her from worshipping.
Never Be Afraid to Offend the Religion of Cain

It's worse than atheism, it's anti-theism. Whoever imposed these regulation acts like an established religion stamping out the heresy of one of its competitors. Since our sworn enemies are driven by religion, we need all the Christianity we can get. We should tolerate more than the antitheist dictators allow us to have. They have failed to defend us, but they never fail to offend us.

It is NOT anti-theism. She is free to worship. She has church and chaplains provided by the Marines. This is about unnecessary decorations in a military office, and about following orders.

Its funny that you want MORE Christianity in an organization whose main function is to kill.
How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.
How do you know it is not about her other behavior? She refused to take her assigned post, disrespected a commissioned officer, and refused to obey a lawful order. For these offenses she faced a court martial.
Go in Their Face When Our Enemies Call Us "Crusaders"

That's not what this thread is about anyway, despite your stubborn persistence in making it so. It's about enforcing atheism on the military, who have a good chance of finding out the hard way whether God exists. It doesn't matter that she didn't get discharged for that behavior alone; the brass shouldn't have added that charge. I hope the Christian Right uses its immense resources to help her find a place in civilian life.

If the brass tells you to remove a decoration, you remove the decoration or face the consequences. You want to make this about religious persecution. But the facts show that this woman did not follow orders (and not bogus or dangerous orders). Now she got busted and she wants to blame it on religious persecution. It isn't. When you are in the military you either follow lawful orders or you pay the price. She didn't follow orders and is pissed because she now has to pay the price.

And yes, this thread is only about one of the charges against her. That is nonsense. She faced several charges. To try to make it only about one is dishonest.
Slippery Snowflakes Skidding Off-Topic

The public has a right to know what kind of degenerate regime its troops are being ordered around by. The public wouldn't object to the other charges against her, so there would be no story except for this enforcement of atheism.

I thought about this post and had to respond again. "enforcement of atheism"??? How is not allowing her to post bible verses an enforcement of atheism? She is still free to believe what she wants. She is still free to attend church, read her bible etc. etc. etc. Somehow, you think because she is a Christian that she gets extra rights and privileges. Other people can't put up notes and postings. But since hers came from the bible she should be immune from the rules? I guess losing the extra privileges is what you call persecution??
Snob Rule

Who has written these rules, which are rewrites of traditional rules and against the will of the majority? Who feels endangered by open expressions of Christianity?

You like to see us obedient to whoever has usurped power. You are no better than the Birchers, who claim that democracy is "mob rule." Maybe people will finally realize that you both come from the same "Born to Rule" class, which must have its aggressive privileges stripped away if we are ever to truly have a government by the people.

The rules were written by the military to instill discipline and reduce distractions. The military is nit s democracy. But keep trying to say this woman is a victim because she doesn't have EXTRA privileges because of her religion.
Okay most of the time we agree but not on this. That is not her office. It's a marine Corp issues room used as an office and anything non marine Corp used or issued in that office must be marine Corp approved. Had she added that to her uniform she would be in the brig.

But ok, on the same note why is it ok to hang porn pictures up in an office, Why is it ok to have a Muslim prayer room on a military base in general but not a prayer place for whoever else. Sure they have little churches but I wouldnt' doubt if they take those down.

Pardon me, tard, but where are you getting the idea that only Muslims have a prayer place on a military base? Did Alex Jones tell you that?
Okay most of the time we agree but not on this. That is not her office. It's a marine Corp issues room used as an office and anything non marine Corp used or issued in that office must be marine Corp approved. Had she added that to her uniform she would be in the brig.

But ok, on the same note why is it ok to hang porn pictures up in an office, Why is it ok to have a Muslim prayer room on a military base in general but not a prayer place for whoever else. Sure they have little churches but I wouldnt' doubt if they take those down.

Pardon me, tard, but where are you getting the idea that only Muslims have a prayer place on a military base? Did Alex Jones tell you that?

No tart the point of it is " Christians are being told to FK OFF, and get rid of thier bs, while Muslims are being made queen of the century and getting catered too in general TARD.

and NO ASS MY HUSBAND WAS STATIONED AT FT BRAGG............... SO I have SEEN PRAYERS ROOMS for your fucking information.

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