Scrub The Web; Control The Narrative...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?
Yeah, the control of the narrative is bad. I remember when the web was the Wild West. :(
Yeah, the control of the narrative is bad. I remember when the web was the Wild West. :(
If they get their way it will be more like the Truman Show. They aren’t having as much success with scrubbing the dark web however...
This incident; and the reaction by those who “control the internet” show just how much more centralized, and controlled internet content really is.
And if those same people can move this quickly, and thoroughly; and have the programming in place to keep it up, and block the uploading of “contraband information”... That means this capability has been in place, and has been used, and improved Before; in order to achieve this type of blackout. They didn’t just pull this out of their ass... So what else has been scrubbed, and kept from the public eye?
They blacked this out...nothing you see is true.

Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?
Use Dissenter...Gab Dissenter - Wikipedia
eventually they'll also be coming for places like USMB ...its a possibility

moonbattery, WRSA,partisan,,,they got angry white dude before they got info wars...what makes everyone else think the retards on the left dont wanna silence you

Dissenters pretty cool check it out

i had it on but i think im having problems with my vpn gonna trun on another vpn and try again ....but not now
you can again comment with others on the far lefts cnn:funnyface:

“Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. ... The Goliath of totalitarianism will be brought down by the David of the microchip.”

― Ronald Reagan
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

The reason that social media is going crazy is because the Globalists are making deals with the CEOs of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, allow everything to get out of control. Then when the Globalists take control of all governments they'll clamp down on all sources of information. Conservative thought is punished while liberals can call for the murder of H.S. kids without any response.

It like the way Democrats allow their cities to turn into one big steaming pile of excrement. Then they claim they are the solution to all of the problems they allowed to cause....or intentionally caused. All you have to do is give up all of your rights (and your food and money) and let them run things. This is the takeover of GM and Chrysler on a massive scale.

Globalists spread refugees from war-torn middle-eastern countries all over the world. The refugees start raping and murdering.....eventually some crazy white-supremacist goes off and murders a bunch of Muslims. Every friggen Muslim on the planet starts bawling about how he or she was personally assaulted by the perp. People listen to their whining self-righteous asses, and then we have more calls to get even with Jews and Christians and harping about gun confiscation. That's been the plan all along.

Meanwhile the murders/ethnic cleansing and church burnings committed by Muslims is almost totally ignored by the media.
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Now New Zealand has criminalized both posession and dissemination of the shooters video. They know that their move to force these foreigners onto their own people was categorically unwanted. They know the shooters sentiments are widespread. This incident has struck fear into the corrupt leadership of all western nations who have sold out their own people, for personal gain. Never in our lifetimes have the seedy, corrupt powers that be felt this kind of fear, on such a personal level...
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
Now New Zealand has criminalized both posession and dissemination of the shooters video. They know that their move to force these foreigners onto their own people was categorically unwanted. They know the shooters sentiments are widespread. This incident has struck fear into the corrupt leadership of all western nations who have sold out their own people, for personal gain. Never in our lifetimes have the seedy, corrupt powers that be felt this kind of fear, on such a personal level...

The Globalist - NeoSlavers are desperate to cover this up.

Tarrant is a Communist-Fascist Chinese sympathizer who shares China's racial purity views. He's an Eco-Fascist - which is self-explanatory. He's not an Christian NRA member in the United States. The Globalists really hate that.
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
I have copies of both. And am doing my level best to disseminate them. But these fuckers are surprisingly good at scrubbing them as soon as they can. The fact that the even feel compelled to do so tells you better than half of what you need to know. The jihadi beheading videos are all still up and much much more...
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Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
I have copies of both. And am doing my level best to disseminate them. But these duckers are surprisingly good at scrubbing them as soon as they can. The fact that the even feel compelled to do so tells you better than half of what you need to know. The jihadi beheading videos are all still up and much much more...

Good. And, yes - the hypocrisy is glaring. This is yet another case of Big Surveillance Tech censoring free speech while supporting those who would destroy Western Civilization.
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
Interesting site there...

Looks kinda anti-Semitic....

Did Ilhan Omar create this site?
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
Interesting site there...

Looks kinda anti-Semitic....

Did Ilhan Omar create this site?

No. They specialize in banned and hard to find books - largely politically incorrect.

Balder Ex-Libris
Balder Ex-Libris is a website describing itself as "Review of books rare and missing". A wide range of English and French books on many less politically correct topics such are covered. The website may be connected with the similar website Historie Ebook.

Balder Ex-Libris - Metapedia
Predictably, the Leftist-Globalist, powers that be are feverishly scouring the web for any place that might have video posted where the public might see the footage broadcast by the shooter. Additionally the “manifesto” is likewise being hunted down and removed. Strange given that it’s a historical incident. And a current event.

A number of us have reposted the video, and manifesto; only to have the information removed immediately. Or having access block altogether. Even sites that post literally anything; no matter how graphic, and horrible... They are suffering connectivity issues...

They had no problem playing on loop, for weeks, the carnage in France. But in this case they don’t want people to see for themselves. Or read for themselves. Rather they want you to simply take their word, and interpretation as the gospel truth regarding this incident.

Yes folks; the Multicultis are shitting their collective breeches over this incident. And the battle for the narrative has begun in full force. And to an extent having never been seen before. Hmmm... Wonder why?

You can download a copy here to keep the burners from destroying all history.

Tarrant Brenton - The Great Replacement
Interesting site there...

Looks kinda anti-Semitic....

Did Ilhan Omar create this site?

No. They specialize in banned and hard to find books - largely politically incorrect.

Balder Ex-Libris
Balder Ex-Libris is a website describing itself as "Review of books rare and missing". A wide range of English and French books on many less politically correct topics such are covered. The website may be connected with the similar website Historie Ebook.

Balder Ex-Libris - Metapedia

Well luckily I am still able to get this book at your local mom and pop bookstore....I wonder if the mass shooter had a chance to do a book review on this one yet.....

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