SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

Here it is 9 maybe 10 years after Bush tailhook landed on that carrier and you libs are still butt-hurt about it.

I thought it was awesome.

Friggen awesome.

You weren't a family member waiting an extra day for the ship to come into NORIS either.

It was all DISGUSTING. mud, name ONE US President that has ever worn a military uniform he had not EARNED.

The ship usually awards him a jacket with the ships seal on it.

This time he was actually a qualified pilot, which means he gets to wear a G-suit, just like he did when he was a pilot. They must have awarded him the wings because he flew that S-3 part of the way in. They can do anything paperworkwise if you people still have a stick up your butts about it.

It was awesome and you people will never get over it. NEVER.
Here it is 9 maybe 10 years after Bush tailhook landed on that carrier and you libs are still butt-hurt about it.

I thought it was awesome.

Friggen awesome.

You weren't a family member waiting an extra day for the ship to come into NORIS either.

They didn't have to wait an extra day.

I've told you that before.

When are you gonna get off of that crappola.

Were you stationed on a carrier????

I was in San Diego (still am)...I had friends and friend's family on the Lincoln. They waited one more day for that ship just off of Pt Loma. They were NOT happy since the carrier had been gone so long. The RNC did not get much mileage in San Diego from that stunt.

But please, tell me you were there and that I am wrong.
You weren't a family member waiting an extra day for the ship to come into NORIS either.

It was all DISGUSTING. mud, name ONE US President that has ever worn a military uniform he had not EARNED.

The ship usually awards him a jacket with the ships seal on it.

This time he was actually a qualified pilot, which means he gets to wear a G-suit, just like he did when he was a pilot. They must have awarded him the wings because he flew that S-3 part of the way in. They can do anything paperworkwise if you people still have a stick up your butts about it.

It was awesome and you people will never get over it. NEVER.

He can wear lead wings (Air Force). That name patch is NFO wings....he was not qualified. Sorry. Bad form.
You weren't a family member waiting an extra day for the ship to come into NORIS either.

They didn't have to wait an extra day.

I've told you that before.

When are you gonna get off of that crappola.

Were you stationed on a carrier????

I was in San Diego (still am)...I had friends and friend's family on the Lincoln. They waited one more day for that ship just off of Pt Loma. They were NOT happy since the carrier had been gone so long. The RNC did not get much mileage in San Diego from that stunt.

But please, tell me you were there and that I am wrong.

The ship comes in when the ship comes in. I seriously doubt it took an extra day just for Bush. The aircraft usually fly off the day before we came in......and if anything some of them wanted to stick around to meet the president.

They don't usually wait off Pt Loma. There is no pier on Pt Loma. You might be able to see something from the Cabrillo Lighthouse when the ship goes through the channel but it's not worth it. The ship creeps in pretty slowly. Usually it's hours after they tie up before any of the ship's company leaves. The flight-crew spends several hours off-loading their crap and we have to wait on them. It usually takes all friggen day.

That's just the way it is........
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You're just jealous the Bush looks better in a flight suit than Obama ever will.

Compare Bush in a uniform and Obama in a uniform.

Obama looks silly.


Um....I hate to be the one who has to break it to you...but: a) that is a drawing, and b) that is a photoshopped drawing of Obama's face.

BTW...when did Bush earn his Navy wings?

My understanding he was a guard member.

He was a guard member in a unit that was for those who wished to avoid combat in vietnam. His unit never did and was never meant to enter combat and they were training to fly aircraft that was obsolete. Even then W disappeared from training for a year in which he left his unit to go campaign for one of his fathers friends. He returned after being gone for a year and despite his absence they let him cram in makeups for the training he missed and then gave him an early out.
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My understanding he was a guard member.

Guard does not = Naval Aviator.

Guess you never heard of cross-training.

I got to do touch and go's on a helo-carrier a few times in a Blackhawk.

They granted us the privilege off the coast of Somalia.

Special Ops gets to do fun things like that sometimes. Even Presidents get to do that stuff.

We even took some Jarheads up in our chopper. Did some NOE for awhile.

and here i thought real heros didn't brag. LOL I guess that shows your true colors now doesn't it? LOL

Who are you trying to convince?? Even IF you served it does nothing to validate or confirm your OPINIONS so why even bother bragging about it?
YOU wouldn't because you've not earned them. How about we just take some of the designation insignias you say you earned and just let someone else wear them for a photo op....ok?

Oh, and the name badge is velcro...not sewn on.

People do all of the time.

Doesn't bother me.

No shit????? Velcro.......????

Heck.....I thought only Astronauts used that stuff??? you know how I feel about a pansy like Obama trying to act like a warrior.

Interesting that you did not know that. Along with interesting that you don't seem to have a proprietary interest in EARNED designations.

funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol
You weren't a family member waiting an extra day for the ship to come into NORIS either.

It was all DISGUSTING. mud, name ONE US President that has ever worn a military uniform he had not EARNED.

The ship usually awards him a jacket with the ships seal on it.

This time he was actually a qualified pilot, which means he gets to wear a G-suit, just like he did when he was a pilot. They must have awarded him the wings because he flew that S-3 part of the way in. They can do anything paperworkwise if you people still have a stick up your butts about it.

It was awesome and you people will never get over it. NEVER.

Once again, W uses our actual troops as campaign tools and mud has no issues with it and actually praises it.

obama uses his own call to send in troops to get bin laden to defend himself from the attacks of the right and somehow that is wrong.

Thanks for the hypocrisy.
People do all of the time.

Doesn't bother me.

No shit????? Velcro.......????

Heck.....I thought only Astronauts used that stuff??? you know how I feel about a pansy like Obama trying to act like a warrior.

Interesting that you did not know that. Along with interesting that you don't seem to have a proprietary interest in EARNED designations.

funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol

He was a pilot you shit stain... Obama was nothing more than a community organizer, and half ass senator who voted present most of the time.

You conveniently forget that he left himself a scapegoat in Admiral McRaven if it went wrong.

Look up the memo that is being left out of all the conversations about the night Osama was killed. The memo TIME Magazine got hold of written by then-CIA head Leon Panetta after he received orders from Barack Obama’s team to greenlight the bin Laden mission.
Gutsy call my ass....!

Guess thats a lie too.... :eusa_hand:
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Ok, Si....look at my post. Show me where I said any poster here at all. I look forward to your evidence. (Note: I know what I said....and I know what I did not say)

Your post in this Thread in Context:

One year later and some still mourn OBL. Amazing, that.

You posted it in this Thread and you very Obviously were Directing at a person or people in this Thread...

To Deny this Fact is to Illustrate just how Fucking Dishonest a Shitty Troll you are...

Having said that, here's the List of Posters in this Thread:

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Be the Man you've always wanted to be and OWN your own Words, Bodey. :thup:

Who were you Directing that Post at?


Um....I hate to be the one who has to break it to you...but: a) that is a drawing, and b) that is a photoshopped drawing of Obama's face.

BTW...when did Bush earn his Navy wings?

My understanding he was a guard member.

He was a guard member in a unit that was for those who wished to avoid combat in vietnam. His unit never did and was never meant to enter combat and they were training to fly aircraft that was obsolete. Even then W disappeared from training for a year in which he left his unit to go campaign for one of his fathers friends. He returned after being gone for a year and despite his absence they let him cram in makeups for the training he missed and then gave him an early out.

That's Dan Rather's version.....and it's why he lost the CBS Evening News desk.
Interesting that you did not know that. Along with interesting that you don't seem to have a proprietary interest in EARNED designations.

funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol

He was a pilot you shit stain... Obama was nothing more than a community organizer, and half ass senator who voted present most of the time.

You conveniently forget that he left himself a scapegoat in Admiral McRaven if it went wrong.

Look up the memo that is being left out of all the conversations about the night Osama was killed. The memo TIME Magazine got hold of written by then-CIA head Leon Panetta after he received orders from Barack Obama’s team to greenlight the bin Laden mission.
Gutsy call my ass....!

Guess thats a lie too.... :eusa_hand:

Mark Levin

Hwe WAS an air guard pilot who lost his flight status in the 70s. when he put on that flight suit he was pretending to be anvy pilot for political gain which is something he never was. The sad fact is that doens't chagne the fact that hypocritical republicans seem perfectly fine with W politicizing national security and foreign policy but can't mwhine enough about obama doing the same.

BTW I have seen the blog that you are quoting since it was sent out to rightwing lemmings link yourself and heard all of the right wing talking point concerning it and you are reading something into it that is NOT there.

WHich is not surprizing considering how you blindly accept anything that you are told by rightwing bloggers and run with it.
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My understanding he was a guard member.

He was a guard member in a unit that was for those who wished to avoid combat in vietnam. His unit never did and was never meant to enter combat and they were training to fly aircraft that was obsolete. Even then W disappeared from training for a year in which he left his unit to go campaign for one of his fathers friends. He returned after being gone for a year and despite his absence they let him cram in makeups for the training he missed and then gave him an early out.

That's Dan Rather's version.....and it's why he lost the CBS Evening News desk.

Actually no, but if you have something that proves me wrong then please provide it.

The phony memos that dan rather ran with do not change the fact that W went to alabama for a year to campaign for one of his father's firends during a time of war and then came back, was given a chance to make up his missed duty and then given an early out to go to school. He even lost his flight status because he failed to take the necessary physical.

However, again if you have anything real to offer that proves me wrong please provide it.
People do all of the time.

Doesn't bother me.

No shit????? Velcro.......????

Heck.....I thought only Astronauts used that stuff??? you know how I feel about a pansy like Obama trying to act like a warrior.

Interesting that you did not know that. Along with interesting that you don't seem to have a proprietary interest in EARNED designations.

funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol

W was a pilot in the ANG. But not a Naval Aviator. The PRs should have put wings of lead on his name patch, not Naval Aviator wings. He did not earn them.
You're just jealous the Bush looks better in a flight suit than Obama ever will.

Compare Bush in a uniform and Obama in a uniform.

Obama looks silly.

Um....I hate to be the one who has to break it to you...but: a) that is a drawing, and b) that is a photoshopped drawing of Obama's face.

BTW...when did Bush earn his Navy wings?

My understanding he was a guard member.

Who was off campaiging most of his tour. Wasn't his flight status revoked because he was AWOL or missed a phyical.....
Um....I hate to be the one who has to break it to you...but: a) that is a drawing, and b) that is a photoshopped drawing of Obama's face.

BTW...when did Bush earn his Navy wings?

My understanding he was a guard member.

Who was off campaiging most of his tour. Wasn't his flight status revoked because he was AWOL or missed a phyical.....

Missing physicals and check flights....big NO NO.
My understanding he was a guard member.

He was a guard member in a unit that was for those who wished to avoid combat in vietnam. His unit never did and was never meant to enter combat and they were training to fly aircraft that was obsolete. Even then W disappeared from training for a year in which he left his unit to go campaign for one of his fathers friends. He returned after being gone for a year and despite his absence they let him cram in makeups for the training he missed and then gave him an early out.

That's Dan Rather's version.....and it's why he lost the CBS Evening News desk.

Nope. Here's why.

Fake! The memos are fake! This was the shrill cry from the right as they desperately tried to frame the debate not about Bush’s service but about Dan Rather. At the behest of Karl Rove, this became “Rathergate”, a ridiculous attempt to smear the messenger instead of dealing with the issue. All the lead stories were about the memos themselves, not about the content or the substance. Unfortunately the truths about their concerns soon were made public as well:

Times New Roman font was actually introduced in the 1930s. Not that this matters since the memo is NOT written in TNR font.

The spacing was not indicative of a computer, as the lines were not proportionately spaced.

There were many brands of typewriters in the early 70’s which did use superscripts, including the “Selectra” series. More importantly, the superscript was not present in all available spots in the memos, which it would have been if the memos were written on a computer with default settings.

Never to be discouraged, the pundits for the president persisted and now we hear:

The secretary from the 1970’s said she did not type them!

The part they are leaving out is that she did say that the memos correctly expressed the concerns that Killian had about Bush. Did you get that? Here is her exact quote:

"The information in here was correct, but it was picked up from the real ones," she said.

Isn’t that the salient point?

Proportional Outrage; There's No Substance to the Outrage over CBS's Memo Gaff
Interesting that you did not know that. Along with interesting that you don't seem to have a proprietary interest in EARNED designations.

funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol

W was a pilot in the ANG. But not a Naval Aviator. The PRs should have put wings of lead on his name patch, not Naval Aviator wings. He did not earn them.

I know that he WAS a pilot back in the 70s when he lost his flight status but he was NOT a pilot when they used the carrier and the troops as props for a political event where he "spiked the ball" and falsely declared the end to major combat operations in iraq.

Therefore at that time he was pretending to be a pilot becuase he no longer was one in reality.
They didn't have to wait an extra day.

I've told you that before.

When are you gonna get off of that crappola.

Were you stationed on a carrier????

I was in San Diego (still am)...I had friends and friend's family on the Lincoln. They waited one more day for that ship just off of Pt Loma. They were NOT happy since the carrier had been gone so long. The RNC did not get much mileage in San Diego from that stunt.

But please, tell me you were there and that I am wrong.

The ship comes in when the ship comes in. I seriously doubt it took an extra day just for Bush. The aircraft usually fly off the day before we came in......and if anything some of them wanted to stick around to meet the president.

They don't usually wait off Pt Loma. There is no pier on Pt Loma. You might be able to see something from the Cabrillo Lighthouse when the ship goes through the channel but it's not worth it. The ship creeps in pretty slowly. Usually it's hours after they tie up before any of the ship's company leaves. The flight-crew spends several hours off-loading their crap and we have to wait on them. It usually takes all friggen day.

That's just the way it is........

They did come in and WAIT one more day off Point Loma. Coming into that area is where they had the fly in of the President's S-3...then they STAYED there, within sight of land for a day for the speech, etc. It was not business as usual.

Apparently you weren't there, in San Diego. I was.
funny how W pretending to be a pilot for a photo op publicity stunt doesn't bother mud but obama talking about his decision to go after bin laden is somehow disgraceful and wrong. lol

W was a pilot in the ANG. But not a Naval Aviator. The PRs should have put wings of lead on his name patch, not Naval Aviator wings. He did not earn them.

I know that he WAS a pilot back in the 70s when he lost his flight status but he was NOT a pilot when they used the carrier and the troops as props for a political event where he "spiked the ball" and falsely declared the end to major combat operations in iraq.

Therefore at that time he was pretending to be a pilot becuase he no longer was one in reality.

Unless he was "boarded" and his wings pulled, he's entitled to his wings of lead. But NOT Naval Aviator wings. He did not earn those.

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